The Story Behind Usuki Frenzy by firefly_055
Maybe you play Usuki Frenzy to earn neopoints. Or maybe you play it for a trophy
and a high score. Maybe you play it because the game is quick, and after you have
got the hang of it, it hands out around 800-900 neopoints after three lots of
sending your score…not a bad deal. Maybe you play it because you are really, REALLY
bad at playing games and it is a very easy game to play (I can sympathize with
all you awful game players out there) *blushes*. Or you play because you are utterly
Usuki CRAZY and you need to keep up with your splurges at Usukiland. Or you play
because Sally the Usul is the cutest neopet you’ve ever seen…
WAIT! There is more than neopoints to be gained here. There is a valuable LESSON
to be learnt. Not many Usuki Frenzy players may have realized it is there. I
must admit, it took ME several weeks of daily playing to realize that there
is something more sinister to the simple game of running round a 5 roomed Neohome…ok,
it might not be sinister exactly, but it’s rather disturbing.
All right. First things first.
Have you ever read the game description above the CLICK HERE TO PLAY link,
and your personal high score, and what world the game is situated in, and what
type of game it is, and the neopoint ratio, and your posted-my-points-today
counter thingy? Oh, you haven’t? Well, I took the trouble to put it in this
article for your reading pleasure…see below.
With her parents screaming at her to leave, Sally the Usul has two minutes
to run about her house and pick up her ten favourite Usuki sets to dress her
Usuki Dolls. Are you up to the challenge?
Use the Arrow Keys to move Sally through all 5 rooms of her Neohome. If
you pick up a wrong set, quickly place it back on the shelf before you continue.
Oh how cute, Sally the Usul is going on vacation with her parents. Lucky bunny!
Or rather, Usul…I digress. The point is, she is going on a summer holiday… although
the description does not describe exactly where Sally’s heading (a Tiki Tack
Tourist Trap, perhaps? Somewhere hot and sunny would be good…), no more worries
for a week or two, she’s going where the sun is shining, the sea is blue, etc.
So she is already a little spoilt. But it’s cute, harmless. I bet you love to
spoil your neopets to see their happy little faces. I know I do.
It’s the next part that strikes me. Sally has two minutes to pack all her favourite
toys. Why has she left it till the last minute (literally) to pack? When my
neopets hear they are going to the Neolodge for a few days, they pack straight
away, so they don’t leave anything important behind. And you will be surprised
at how many items your neopets count as important.
So. Two clues pointing the finger that Sally is a bit spoilt. And we haven’t
even clicked on the “Play Game” button yet.
Click on the “Play Game” button. While the items are loading take a closer
look at them. Wow! She has some pretty cool Usuki sets, a few expensive ones
too. By this time you should be starting…around about NOW! Hurry! Hurry! As
you race around Sally’s Neohome, take a look at the furniture…WOW she has so
many things! There’s no doubt about it by this stage; Sally the Usul is one
neopet very comfortably off.
But that’s only half of it. LOOK at all of her toys! They are lying around
everywhere and making a huge mess. So, even though Sally has so many expensive
Usuki sets, she doesn’t care to put them away somewhere safe. Have you ever
noticed that there are also a few drawers in the corners of some rooms? Maybe
that’s where all of Sally’s toys are supposed to go.
Anyway. As you are frantically sprinting around Sally’s house, sooner or later,
you are going to pick up a Usuki set that is not on the list. Well, it’s no
wonder really, with all the hurry it was bound to happen. But what does Sally
say? “Eh, not this one. I’ll put it back on the shelf”. Polite enough, but if
you accidentally run over another Usuki set on your way to the nearest shelf,
Sally loses her temper, and screeches “I ALREADY have something to put on the
WELL, EXCUSE ME! We trouble ourselves to help you pack all of your favorite
toys that you leave all over the house because you are too lazy to do it yourself,
and although you are spoilt we really want you to get on holiday on time- probably
a big, expensive holiday at that- and when we do one thing wrong, what do you
do? You throw a big, full-sized tantrum.
At this stage, you are probably sick and tired of Sally’s demands, but you
valiantly carry on, to hopefully get Sally ready in time and get some neopoints
in the hand as you wave her goodbye-and maybe, good riddance. A rather sad ending
to an innocent game.
Some people will disagree on this, but I think that Sally should be given one
more present- a handful of good, ol’fashioned manners, that might lure back
some disgruntled players, and make the game a little more pleasant for regular
ones. It would make everything so much nicer if Sally showed a little appreciation
for all of your hard efforts! Imagine how popular she would be if there was
a thank you somewhere amongst the hurrying.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about my views on Usuki Frenzy- there were so
many guides on how to play that I thought it would make a change to hear about
some of the finer points of game play! I do like Sally the Usul- but I’m sure
you agree, she could be a lot cuter if she used some manners.
This is my first article! Please neomail me if you liked it, or to comment.