Dreams of a Young Battledomer by mycatdog
Falikar reared up before pummeling her fists into the punching
bag. She retreated with sweat covering her face. And then she thrashed at the
punching bag again. She was determined to be a Battledome champion - she wanted
to hold that shining trophy that was so grandly presented to the champion. She
wanted all of Neopia to remember her name as she thrust the trophy to the sky,
savoring its coldness and shine as she caressed her prize. She sighed. She knew
she was a long way off from her dreams of being a Battledome champion. But she
didn't give up, and with the picture of her holding that trophy buzzing in her
mind, Falikar pummeled the punching bag harder than ever.
When Falikar finished her training, she dragged
her body into the kitchen of her neohome, and plopped herself down in one of
their dried bamboo chairs. Soon her owner, a cheerful girl named Angela, bounded
up with a steaming plate. Falikar thrust her snout to the air so she could inhale
the sweet smells of her supper. She purred contently.
"What's for supper, Angela?" she asked. "It smells
Angela smiled, and replied, "It's one of my specialties
- I'm sure you'll like it. It's a turkey dinner, made of a turkey, corn, and
Falikar nodded, pleased. She was ravenous and
tired from her training, and she was ready for a good meal. When the food was
placed onto the table, Falikar immediately took a large forkful and gobbled
it up.
"You should wait for your sisters, Falikar,"
Angela stated.
"Grrmph hraf mrrffla," replied Falikar.
Angela tapped her foot on the ground in an irritated
manner. "Wait for your sisters, Falikar," she said sternly.
Falikar grumbled angrily, but put down her fork
and did not eat any more. She was a stubborn Darigan Zafara, but she knew when
to stop. Soon, the doorbell rang. Angela waited to see if Falikar would go and
open the door, but, seeing that Falikar would do no such thing, she walked up
to the front door herself and opened it. All of Angela's other pets came rushing
Kialy the plushie Cybunny whirled around the
house, having just come back from her ballet lessons.
Grasteled the Halloween Uni tromped around the
house, hungry after taking an evening flight around the neighborhood.
Soon, both of Angela's other pets settled into
chairs around the dining table, and Falikar picked up her fork again. Still
ravenous, she stuffed her face with more food. After she finished chewing the
food that was in her mouth, she reached out with her fork again, only to hear
the "cling" of metal against porcelain. She looked up in horror. All the food
was gone!
"GRASTELED!!!" screamed Falikar, knowing that
only her Halloween Uni sister could have eaten so much food.
"Now, now, Falikar," Angela said, "your sisters
are hungry too. You've got to learn to share."
"But mum, I'm RAVENOUS! Why don't you tell that
gluttonous Grasteled to eat less?!" wailed Falikar.
"Hey, who you callin' gluttonous?" rasped Grasteled,
glaring at Falikar. "Can't you see I'm all skin n' bones here?"
"And as if I'm not?" retorted Falikar, showing
off her exposed ribs and returning Grasteled's glare.
"Well that's just 'cause you work out too much!"
snapped Grasteled.
While the two sisters were arguing, Kialy was
just looking between the two. She was a young Cybunny, and she had no idea what
she was supposed to do. Soon, she couldn't take it anymore. She burst into tears,
as if a fountain inside of her had exploded.
That was all Angela could take. "SILENCE!" she
screamed. Falikar and Grasteled continued arguing, as if she wasn't there.
"I SAID SILENCE!" shrieked Angela. That got the
neopets' attention.
BED WITH NO DESSERT!" she screamed.
Falikar and Grasteled glared at each other one
last time before lumbering to their rooms. Meanwhile, Angela comforted Kialy
and helped her eat the rest of her supper.
The next day, Falikar woke up to a surprise.
Grasteled was off playing games in the Deserted Fairground, and Kialy was playing
at her friend's house.
Angela walked up to Falikar and said, "I have
enrolled you in the Mystery Island training school. There, you will learn patience
and kindness as well as training, because I know of your dreams to become a
Battledome champion."
Falikar couldn't believe her ears. She jumped
with joy and asked, "When do I start?"
"Right now," replied Angela. "Go put on your
jacket and come with me."
Falikar ran to the closet and threw on her jacket.
Then she scurried out the door after Angela.
"Falikar, could you fly us to Mystery Island?"
asked Angela.
Falikar had never flown with a human on her back,
but she was so excited to be training at the training school that she willingly
tried. She let Angela climb onto her back, ran a little, and took off. She couldn't
fly straight at first because Angela was quite heavy, but she soon got the hang
of it. With the trophy yet again gleaming in her mind, she sped off towards
Mystery Island.
When they arrived in front of the Training School
in Mystery Island, Falikar was tired from all the flying, but she still ran
into the school after Angela. They had arrived right on time. Angela had enrolled
Falikar into a course to train her defense. After paying the fee of a main codestone,
Angela headed back to the waiting room, leaving Falikar with the Techo Master.
"Come with me, grasshopper," said the Techo Master.
THAN THAT!" screeched Falikar.
Angela turned around and gave Falikar a "behave,
or else" look. Falikar shut up.
"It is the term which we use for beginners like
you," said the Techo Master calmly. "Now, the first thing you must learn is
patience. Come, I shall test you."
Falikar followed the Techo Master into a large
room with white walls and nothing in it.
"Let's see how long you can stay in this room
in one position without shifting too much," said the Techo Master, before disappearing
through a door, leaving Falikar all alone. Falikar sat down onto the floor.
She knew that she must not make any big movements or talk at all. She just sat
there. And sat there. And sat. She sat for what seemed like hours. If she had
not kept thinking about that trophy and her being the Battledome champion, she
would not have lasted very long. Finally, after half an hour, Falikar could
not take it anymore, even with the pictures of her being champion. She stood
up and screamed.
The Techo Master walked back into the room. "Not
too bad," he said, "not too bad at all, for a beginner. Come, now we shall start
the course on defense."
For a couple of minutes, Falikar just dumbly
stood there, in the middle of the large white room. She wondered if she should
continue the course - was it worth it? Then, yet again, the picture of the trophy
shone through her head, with her holding the trophy to the sky. She made up
her mind, and ran after the Techo Master. No matter how hard it was, she would
try to get that trophy, and with the word "champion" motivating her, repeating
in her head, she followed the Techo Master, ready for whatever he would throw
at her next.
The End