How to Care for Your Yooyu by iamskot
If you take a walk down Neopia Central, you will probably marvel at how they managed
to turn the food shop into a giant burger and where the rainbow near the Rainbow
Pool actually leads. You will also probably be trampled by the never-ending stampede
of desperate Neopians charging at the Money Tree, and you might fall into the
occasional bush.
With a desperate shrill scream- which clearly showed my bravado and my heroic
deeds- I dived through the rainbow, charged through the tumultuous fray of desperate
poor Neopians, scaled the Food Shop, taking a bite out of the burger which actually
turned out to be brick, and fell off headfirst into a nearby bush. This is how
my usual shopping day unfolds. As I got back to my feet, I attracted the attention
of a few surprised shoppers, but I ignored them. In my typical running crouch
posture I arrived at the petpet shop, stared daggers at the buzzer perched at
the top, (I'm sure he's evil), tapped eight times on the door (my secret knock),
and making sure no one was following me, I dived into the shop.
Some may call me paranoid. Some may call me crazy. These people don't know
the terrible truth.
I, my cherished readers, had purchased a Yooyu from the Altador Cup Prize Shop.
This petpet is beastly. This petpet is so full of pure evil many have run screaming
from its malignant glare. I know this because I saw a picture of it in a magazine
I read. Magazines don't lie. This was why I had swiftly gone to the Petpet shop.
I was going to need some serious supplies and items to restrain this critter
from ripping me apart.
So, after two hours of hard bargaining and the occasional clouting from enraged
security guards, I marched triumphantly into my Neohome. I threw my hat onto
my coat stand, threw my coat onto my hat stand and marched straight to the kitchen,
which in fact turned out to be the lounge, and stared at my Gnorbu, Alachohol.
"Oh, you're back then!" Alachohol said cheerfully. I swiftly scanned the room
with my eyes, making sure the predatory petpet wasn't nearby. I immediately
hurled my petpet supplies onto the carpet. Alachohol eyed it sceptically.
"I told you to get some carrots."
"Silence, fool!" I roared. I could sense it approaching. I ripped a large lengthy
piece of pipe out from the pile, ready to wield when the thing attacked me.
"Look," Alachohol groaned wearily, "it's not pure evil."
"But the magazine-"
"Showed a picture of a very nice Yooyu."
"With the intentions to rip me apart and destroy my Neohome."
"I'll tell you what, I'll show you exactly how to look after it, and if he
shows any signs of demonic behaviour, pure evilness, signs of nasty intentions
or bookmark stealing, I'll let you deal with him. Okay?"
I didn't know what to say. I was hungry.
1) Walking your Yooyu
(Note: The following sections on caring for your Yooyu are written by Alachohol.
I apologise for any of my owner's shenanigans, but he insisted on being a part
of this.)
The first thing your Yooyu will want to do is get out and exercise. This is
a petpet that's been trained to exercise for one of the most strenuous physical
feats ever performed in Neopia. My Yooyu- Mr Pickles- was practically bouncing
off the walls when I took him home. I immediately took him to the park, where
he immediately curled up into a ball and shot off into the distance, leaving
a spray of mud and gravel. Mr Pickles wasn't keen on the average humdrum games
like Fetch, but instead wanted to play 'Spot the Invertebrates' and 'Identify
the different types of moss'.
I was incredibly surprised that a Yooyu is not only a brilliant candidate for
exercise and long walks, but also had about as much brain power as me.
My owner grumbled a bit and went to the Food Shop.
2) Cleanliness
Your Yooyu will want to stay clean to stay proud and happy with its appearance.
These petpets are used to being in the spotlight and insist that you buy special
types of moisturiser and soap that can tend to their shiny large scale-like
segments. You'll need to scrub each brown segment until they shine, and you
need to make sure your Yooyu's nails aren't too long. If they grow too much,
they'll almost certainly catch on something as your Yooyu energetically rushes
around, which you need to avoid.
3) Happiness
Yooyus are pretty bouncy, in both senses, but you still need to be aware of
what will make your Yooyu cheerful and what will make them sad. I found that
Mr Pickles was incredibly happy in the sunshine, but utterly despised rain.
Mr Pickles also wasn't interested in plushies, but enjoyed testing his mettle
against the Petpet scratching post I bought him. He was less pleased with the
pit of spikes my owner had bought for him, which I quickly removed. Keeping
a Yooyu happy is simple, as all they need are a small variety of supplies and
loving attention.
4) Socialising
This is when I realised that Yooyus could be quite vain creatures. Sure, Mr
Pickles was happy with his food and toys, but wasn't satisfied without any other
petpets to play with and befriend. I had to take him to another pet so he could
play with his abominable snowball. Mr Pickles wasn't bothered with the abominable
snowball's lack of conversation- he just wanted to show off.
5) Feeding
This is perhaps the most important thing you need to get right to keep your
Yooyu happy and well. To be blunt, Yooyus will eat anything, as my owner proved
my feeding Mr Pickles some sun cream lotion, insisting that it had wanted some.
I settled on a healthy diet of vegetables that Mr Pickles cherished. He's developed
a slight craving for carrots, and when he's been good I reward him with the
occasional chocolate to give him the bursts of energy he needs. If you keep
to this tight schedule your Yooyu should be satisfied with what it eats, and
you shouldn't have many problems.
This guide may be short, but you'll quickly find it contains all you need to
know. Remember, whatever species your petpet is, it will have a unique personality
that you will need to attend to at all times. Yooyus are special creatures,
and you'll need to have an exact plan of when you'll take it for walks, when
you'll feed it and when you'll clean it. Over time, you'll become a distinguished
Yooyu owner, an amazing feat considering these petpets are energetic, fickle
and remarkably intelligent.