Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 264 | 3rd day of Storing, Y8
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by chewypopcorn

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Gallery Spotlight #200
Galleries are a way of showcasing your favourite items, a unique collection, a place of memories or how rich you are. For some, it's a simple task...

by sparky63428


The Gourmet Game - A Gourmet Club Bowls Guide
Get out a ruler or object with a straight edge. Why? This is a lifesaver when playing Gourmet Club Bowls.

by ron_2793


"You know, if you showed a bit of energy, people might be a bit more tempted to adopt you." The blue Zafara in the cell opposite her was leaning on the bars. He shrugged. "Just a suggestion, of course..."

by ruff_zette


Yoinked: The Grundo Thief's Story
Though he had just started the job not long ago, he was a reliable and efficient worker, taking his responsibility as the vat filler very seriously. No blobs of red, blue or yellow color went in any vat but its own, and thus, every plushie produced was of the highest quality. This is why he was the first to notice the missing plushies...

by rissa714

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