Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 264 | 3rd day of Storing, Y8
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by ghostkomorichu

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Friendship Garden
The green Cybunny hugged Momoiro in return, hoping that both Cybunnies would see each other in the future. However, Midori did not hear anything at all until ten years later...

by anime_cybunny


The Gourmet Game - A Gourmet Club Bowls Guide
Get out a ruler or object with a straight edge. Why? This is a lifesaver when playing Gourmet Club Bowls.

by ron_2793


Pets Turning Lazy After Halloween
Your pet used to always be active - running, jumping, walking, and having a good time outdoors with friends. Now, it seems that all they do is sit and eat candies and other goodies from trick-or-treating.

by fabulouskrissy20


Snow on the Brightvale Hills: Part Three
Gemini and Requiem were sleeping soundly by the dying embers of the fire, and the woods were black as pitch. Somewhere deep in the woods, Telperion could hear someone crying...

by queen_aingeal

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