How to Play Yooyuball in Real Life by beckyismybff
I see you found my article, so I suppose you want to play yooyuball in the real world. Well, just follow the directions below, grab a few friends and get your game face on and soon you’ll be playing REAL yooyuball. How cool is that? :D What you’ll need:
- 7 balls of different colors (preferably brown, red, blue, silver, purple, pink and green)
- An open field or a swimming pool
- An even number of friends to play with (preferably 4-10 people)
- Someone to be a referee (The referee will keep score, pick the balls, keep time, and determine if goals made are legal or not.)
- Two things that will act as nets
How to Play:
1. If you are playing with 4 people: 2 people will be goalies and 2 people will be shooters, 1 shooter and 1 goalie per team If you are playing with 6 people: 2 people will be goalies and 4 will be shooters, 2 shooters and 1 goalie per team If you are playing with 8 people: 2 people will be goalies and 6 people will be shooters, 3 shooters and 1 goalie per team If you are playing with 10 people: 2 people will be goalies and 8 will be shooters, 4 shooters and 1 goalie per team
Reminder: Goalie's job is to guard the net while the shooter's job is to try and score goals.
2. You can play either on a field or in a swimming pool. If you play on the field, you will use your feet; if you play in a swimming pool, you will push the balls with your hands.
3. The referee will randomly pick a ball out of the 6 balls available for the teams to play with. Each ball represents a different yooyu and has to be scored differently. Here is a list of all the balls and which yooyu they represent:
- The brown ball represents a normal yooyu and to get a goal you score like you normally would when playing a game that involves getting balls in nets.
- With the red ball, everyone runs or swims as fast as they can, trying to score a goal to represent the speed of the fire yooyu.
- With the blue ball, or snow yooyu, everyone plays in slow-mo mode.
- HURRY! Score quickly because with the silver ball you only have 10 seconds (you can make this time limit higher if needed) to get it in the goal before neither team gets a point. Sounds like a clockwork yooyu, right?
- The Darigan yooyu is represented by the purple ball. In yooyuball the Darigan yooyu goes the opposite of the direction a player throws it in, but since this is difficult to duplicate in the real world, the purple ball works a little differently. To get a goal with the purple ball, you must get the ball in the goal while going backwards! (Remind you of a certain glitch? ;D)
- The pink ball is like the faerie yooyu in this real life version of the ever so awesome game of yooyuball. With this ball, everyone must curve the ball when passing or trying to score- if the ball isn’t curved, the goal doesn’t count!
- Last but certainly not least is the mutant yooyu, which is represented by the green ball. The referee will choose what this ball will act like each time a new person gets this ball. The mutant yooyu can act just like the normal, Darigan, or faerie yooyu and likewise the green ball can act just like the brown, purple, or pink ball. If the referee says that the ball is impersonating the brown ball: play normally, purple ball: DARE AGAIN (Darigan, bad puns ftw) to play backwards, and with the pink ball: curve the ball! Remember each time someone new gets the green ball, the referee picks a new yooyu for it to impersonate.
4. Like regularly, the real life version of yooyuball will last 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, the team with the most legal goals is declared the winner of the game! Simple as that.
For Double the Yooyuball Fun:
Have both teams playing pick a Neopian land to support (If one team is a Maraqua supporting team like I am, then the pool is a perfect place to play your Yooyuball game!). Both teams can make T-shirts that show their support for their team and they can wear them while playing Yooyuball.
Assign everyone in your team a name that is the same as one of the players on the real team. (For example, if you are a Maraquan supporter, then the person acting as the captain in your match will be called Elon). Use these names to refer to your friends throughout the match.
Gather a bunch of people (about 40) and have a mini Yooyuball tournament. At the beginning of tournament, two games are played. Winners of both games next play each other while the losers also play each other. The winning team of the winners match is the tournament winner. The loser of this match is the runner up team. Congratulations! The winner of the losers match is the third place team. The loser of this match is the fourth place team. Good Job to all the teams!
After the match, make smoothies with your team mates (and your opponents) to celebrate a good game.
Invite family and friends to watch the game and cheer your team on to victory! After all, the fans are a big part in determining which team wins a game.
Make trophies or medals to give out to the winners. Gold colored trophies/medals for the fabulous victors, silver for the super second placers, and bronze for the dedicated third placers.
Just a Reminder:
It’s a game and is meant to be fun, so have fun. Avoid drama by being a good sport. Win or lose, the best thing about games with friends is that you have a good time. :D