Everything. Just. So. by indulgences
I was doing dailies one day when I realised that the order in which people do dailies is extremely important. For instance, if you want to choose the "Bank Bribery" boon when your team wins at the Obelisk Skirmishes, you need to choose the boon first, and THEN collect bank interest. Otherwise, if you collect bank interest first, you'll miss out on the Bank Bribery boon for that day. I've made this mistake so many times that I had to reorganise my dailies so that choosing my boon is my top priority! Secondly, it's important to fight your daily 15 battles in the regular Battledome BEFORE you visit the Apple Bobbing page or the Qasalan Expellibox page. These latter pages have the possibility of giving your pets diseases, like Sneezles or Blurry Vision, and if you get sick, you won't be able to fight in the Battledome (unless you pay Neopoints for a cure or get lucky during a visit to the Healing Springs). Being the cheapskate that I am, and being too impatient to keep visiting the Springs, I would much rather fight in the Battledome first, and then deal with Apple Bobbing and Qasalan Expellibox later. A lot of things on Neopets depend on the order in which we do them! Thinking this would make a compelling Neopian Times article, I wandered over to the Neoboards and asked my fellow players about the order in which they do their own activities. I figured that, in addition to getting information for this article, I might as well learn some new things for myself. I ended up getting many interesting replies from my fellow players! The most interesting post came from someone who has a lot of "real life" Neopets hobbies. By this, she meant that she folds origami Petpets, paints her favourite pets in her sketchbook, and makes Neopets T-shirts using special fabric markers. She admitted that her zeal for such real-life endeavours was spurred by her love of the Random Contest, and that even though the Contest is no longer in existence, she's still crossing her fingers that TNT will bring it back. I thought this was interesting because she was creating entries first and THEN wishing for the appropriate contest category to come up. Seems backwards, and yet so entertaining as well! The Art Neoboard works the same way. The people there are extremely talented artists, and many of them like to create special artwork for Neopian holidays, such as Gelert Day or Meridell Day. You would think they would be inspired by upcoming holidays, but the opposite is true! Many of them create dozens of artworks each week, inspired by nothing but their own fantasies. If one of their artworks happens to correspond with a holiday, they submit it to one of the many contests on this site. Basically, they're creating dozens of entries before the contest themes are even announced! One player claimed that he has the addiction of coming up with amazing customisations, and THEN adopting a pet that corresponds with that vision. For instance, he'd decide that Darigan pets are awesome, and then come up with a customisation and pet lookup that would showcase their fierce purple selves. THEN he'd decide what species he wants, such as a Scorchio or a Chia. I thought this was interesting! Collecting pets in this way is quite unique. I applauded his ingenuity and wished him much luck with his future pets! The New Features page is updated a day in advance, and many people make sure they're around at 3 pm NST in order to catch the latest news from TNT. I do the same thing! Rather than check the news first thing the next morning (for instance, reading the March 3 news on the morning of March 3), I'm a little paranoid about missing out on the latest site event or plot, if there is one. In the past, I've missed out on collecting points just because I wasn't around at 5 pm to catch the latest news. I now have an afternoon routine: check the news at 3 pm, and if it's not updated, refresh it again every hour. One player declared that she has a certain order in which she chats on the Neoboards. Early in the morning, she heads for the Help Neoboard to see if there are any glitches or errors on the site that day, or new developments in the form of a site event or plot. She then posts a thread on the Trading Neoboard advertising her expensive items up for trade. When she's at work, she bumps this thread all day, seeking the best offers. And when she comes back home, she unwinds on the Art Neoboard and votes for her favourite entries. The Neoboards are so enmeshed in her daily real-life schedule that I smiled, because I'm the same way! My personal addiction is the Pound Neoboard. I love to drool over the unconverted pets of my fellow players! Many people declared that logging into Neopets during the early morning hours was the most profitable time for them. They said that restocking was easier, feeding Kadoaties was a piece of cake, and many other activities were a lot more fun. I was surprised to learn that their Neopets day began with restocking, which is kind of challenging, but they claimed that if you knew which items were profitable, you could rake in 200,000 Neopoints a day. They inspired me to be a restocker myself! I guess I'll have to change the order in which I do my daily activities since the best time to restock is the early morning. I guess I should do my dailies in the evening instead! The Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies at the NC Mall are all the rage nowadays. One interesting thing about these Cookies is the fact that you can open the Shop Wizard page, accept the Cookie's daily quest, and then use the Shop Wizard to find the requisite item. Normal faerie quests usually ban a person from using the Shop Wizard, so it's rather cool that by doing the Cookie quests in this order (open Shop Wizard, accept quest, use Shop Wizard), you can circumvent the ban. TNT has said that it's all right to do the Cookie quests this way, which is awesome! I thought it would be helpful to mention this quirk in this article, so that you future Cookie openers will know the proper order in which to do the Cookie quests! One player admitted that he was inspired by a certain user, and he strove to emulate this person in every way, which meant getting a great battle pet and a certain avatar. Rather than forming his own goals and ambitions, he wanted to copy his hero in as many ways as possible. I thought this was interesting! I can relate to him, too, because the first person I ever admired on Neopets happened to be a poetess who used the Neopian Times Star avatar, so getting that avatar was the first goal I ever had on Neopets. What an intriguing way of being ambitious! I imagine most players would form their own goals and hobbies, instead of copying other people. The most fascinating thing on Neopets, in my mind, is the trading of pets. There is something called "tiers" on the Pound Neoboard where people are constantly trying to up-trade their pets for pets of a higher tier. The only way to break into the trade of unconverted pets right now is to trade either an amazing battle pet for one or trade a pet with a highly covetable name such as "Love" or "Sparkle." Trading pets is, therefore, something of an art. This stringent order of trading makes it difficult for people to achieve unconverted pets, which I can commiserate with since I'm trying to acquire some unconverted pets as well. For now, I stalk the Create-A-Pet page, trying to find one-word names that are short, lovely and untaken! Speaking of pets, there are a lot of users nowadays who are picky about the order in which their pets appear on their accounts. I met one person on the Pound Neoboard who was trying to trade her current Cybunny for another Cybunny whose name hopefully starts between B and F, because she wanted her Cybunny to be between her Hissi and Kiko. Her fastidiousness made me smile, and I wished her much luck with finding her dream Cybunny! In conclusion, there are a lot of neurotic users on this site who do their activities in juuust the right order! It was refreshing to know that I'm not the only one! Plus, it was interesting to read about the neuroses and idiosyncrasies of my fellow players that I didn't even know existed. It opened my eyes to new possibilities! I hope this article helps people to organise their own dailies in sensible ways! It was chock full of tips, and I hope it inspires people to do their activities in the most effective ways. Thanks for reading this article, my dear Neopians! Good luck with all of your Neopets endeavours, and have an amazing week!