Top Five Vacation Spots Around Neopia by auburn_sun
Ah, Summer! Don't we all love it? The sun is shining, the Pteris are singing, and best of all: there's no school! My name is Auburn Sun, and today I'd like to take you on a tour of Neopia. Let's look at some of my favourite lands to vacation. Number Five: Altador The Month of Relaxing is Altador Cup season. What better way to watch the game than in the famous colosseum? But wait! That's not all the fair sun-laden city has to offer, my friend! Altador has some of the best food in all of Neopia! My personal favourites are the Fried Fish and Altador Omelette. Yum yum! Now, you might be wondering, what else is there to do in Altador? I can't just eat myself silly. Well, maybe you're looking to cool off. Take a trip to the Altadorian Archives! It's chock full of books and maps free to borrow, and the archivist is friendly and helpful. Also, they do offer clubs such as gardening, mining, underwater basket weaving, inventing, and alchemy, but I've never been able to join any. It's shame, underwater basket weaving sounds fun! Finally, we have the Hall of Heroes! It is located right in the centre of the city. Here, you can see statues of Neopia's greatest warriors, from King Altador the Courageous Lupe, to Torakor the Ferocious Grarrl. Just be sure not the anger the janitor. Number Four: Meridell Speaking of heroes, what could be a better place to vacation than Meridell? It is perfect for the history lover. If you are feeling confident, perhaps you like to visit the castle and tell King Skrawl a joke. If he likes it, he will reward you handsomely. If he doesn't like it--oh boy, let's just say, hope that he likes it! For the adventurous, you might like to pay a visit to the kindly Earth Faerie, Illusen. Illusen is always working on a magic item or a potion of some sort. I'm sure she would appreciate your help. She will send you off on a quest to grab an ingredient she needs. Return successful, and she might reward you with one of her handmade wares. Our last point of interest is Meri Acres Farm. Here, the citizens of Meridell are encouraged to make their own fun. Speaking of which, have you tried Pick Your Own? For a small fee of 400 Neopoints, you can walk through the orchard and gather berries. There are also two other games, Potato Counter and Guess the Weight. In these games you, who would have guessed? Count potatoes and guess the weight of a marrow. Good luck! Number Three: Maraqua Maybe you are trying to get away from the heat? Maybe you are someone who enjoys a swim every now and again? Maybe you simply like to look at pretty fish? Well, my friend, I have the perfect vacation destination for you! Maraqua is a paradise under the sea. It is inhabited by friendly and exotic Maraquan Neopets. My favourite establishment is Kelp. It's a high-class restaurant with a wide variety of oceanic delights! Personally, I love the Vegetarian Star Pie and the Succulent Cheese Dip, but all their dishes are positively divine! Do you like sea shells? Maraqua has plenty, and there is the cutest little shop from which you can buy them. The Maraquan Aisha who runs the sweetest, and she is very knowledgeable about the many different types of shells her shop carries. She would be happy to answer all your questions. Perhaps you enjoy fishing? I know just the place. In the ruins of Old Maraqua, lies Ye Olde Fishing Vortex. All you have to do is cast your line into the vortex. Fishing poles are provided. Number Four: Shenkuu Maybe you would like to have an exotic vacation? Shenkuu is a scenic locale hidden deep in the mountains. The best part is you arrive by flying ship! Perhaps you would like to test your skills at the Lunar Temple? The Gnorbu guru who runs the place is old and stern, but kind. Even if you answer his question wrong, he gives you a lovely postcard to send to your friends. Shenkuu cuisine is out of this world. The inhabitants of Shenkuu are mostly vegetarian, so you won't find meat on the menu, but there is a delightful shop called Exotic Foods. I recommend the Korbat Tofu Soup, so named because the tofu is sculpted to look like a Korbat. Isn't it just the cutest thing ever? If you are looking for something heartier, the Oozing Negg Buns are fantastic! Shenkuu folk are known for their martial arts. Take a stroll down to Wondrous Weaponry. The owner is a Shoyru and a former imperial guard. He may be old and retired now, but he is a force to be reckoned with. Of course, a trip to Shenkuu would never be complete without a game of Kou-long! Kou-long is a tile game enjoyed by Shenkuu folk for centuries. Tiles are placed on a board, and your job is to find matches and clear the board within the time limit. Do well, and you will receive Neopoints! Number Five: Terror Mountain We all know that Summer is scorching. One may wish to escape the heat entirely. Our next destination is just the solution: Terror Mountain! Yes, a snowy, beautiful landscape, perfect for skiing! Terror Mountain is divided into three sections, Happy Valley, The Ice Caves, and The Top of the Mountain. I will show you a few highlights from each area. Right in the centre of Happy Valley is the ice rink. It's free to skate on and is popular with couples. How sweet it is to skate with your sweetheart under the starry night sky? Next to the rink is the Slushie Shop. They, of course, have classic flavours like Banana and Strawberry. But I would recommend Kalery, a delicious blend of kale and celery! The next level of Terror Mountain is the Ice Caves. True to their name, these caves have icy-covered walls. It's just lovely in during sunset. I like to visit the Ice Crystal Shop. Ice crystals aren't only pretty, but they are useful in battle. Throw them at your opponent to give yourself an edge! Speaking of opponents, daring readers might wish to try to steal a piece of treasure from the dreaded Snowager! He sleeps most of the day, so go on and try. Finally, after a hike up the icy slope, we have reached the top of the mountain. Our first stop is the Igloo Garage Sale. It's run by a pair of Chias, Mika and Carassa. This duo is always happy to receive visits. But perhaps you've bought a broken toy from them. No matter, Donnie, the old Bori who runs the Toy Repair Shop, will be happy to fix it for you. Last but not least is Taelia, the Snow Faerie. Like Illusen, she will ask your help with grabbing items she needs for her spells. Help her, and you will be richly rewarded! *** This concludes my list of Neopian Lands I recommend as vacation spots. Neopia is a planet full of adventure just waiting to be explored. Happy Summer and Safe travels!