Interviewing One of Neopia's Most Prominent Kadders! by theguy2020
Feeding Kadoaties is one of many things you can do on Neopets! There is even an avatar if you manage to feed 75, then check your user lookup. Some users continue to feed past the avatar as well as help others get the avatar by passing tips and keeping times. Find out in an exclusive interview with one of Neopia’s top kadders (with over 6,000 fed!) Question: When did you start feeding Kadoaties (Kads for short)? cpssgh1004: I only started feeding Kads a bit more seriously starting in 2015-2016. Then I took a long hiatus (break from Neopets) until 2020 and have fed the majority of my Kad feeds in the last couple years. Question: Did you become an "overfeeder" right after you got the avatar? cpssgh1004: Yes! It was by accident... I thought you needed 76 feeds to get the avatar. Question: How many Kads do you feed a day on average? Or if it varies, how many in a week? cpssgh1004: Lately, I've been super busy with work, so I'm lucky if I feed 2-5 a day. On my days off, I like to feed at least 10+. I think the most I've ever fed in a 24-hour period was 21. Question: You have fed over 6,000 kads! How do you keep up with such an expensive hobby? cpssgh1004: Restocking in between Kad pends and mains. Dailies like Trudy's also help as Kad feeding can be rather inexpensive. Many Kad foods are 3,000 Neopoints or less. Question: What is your method of feeding kads? cpssgh1004: I personally safety deposit box feed (or SDB for short). What that means is my SDB contains all the buyable foods a Kad might ask for. It is a few mouse clicks, and page refreshes short of shop wizard (or SW for short) feeding, which means I can feed a hungry Kad in about 4-5 seconds. On top of SDB feeding, I like to 'window feed', which means I have two windows side by side as opposed to 'tab feeding', which other overfeeders may prefer. My first window will have the Kadoatery open, and the second window will have my SDB open with the category already set to 'Food'. I'll click in the search box beforehand, so when I change windows all I need to do is paste the food a Kad is asking for. It may not seem like a big deal to have to click in the search bar before pasting, but every second counts. I position my cursor when I'm refreshing for Kads where the food name will appear so I can triple-click to highlight and copy using keyboard shortcuts. Then I'll use keyboard shortcuts to change windows and paste the food name. While I do this, I'll position my cursor above the remove one button for when my SDB loads and then I'll click back on the Kadoatie to feed. Question: What is a Kad "spot" and do you have one? cpssgh1004: The Kadoatery has 20 kads across a 4x5 board. Some feeders like to feed in the same spot on the board for every main they catch. A lot of times, this is because of the Kad feeding technique that is used. I personally overlap my windows, so the distance between my SDB remove one button is right next to the Kad I am trying to feed. This means my windows are always positioned to feed the same Kad or spot on the board unless I move my windows around. Spot feeding also helps feeders become accustomed to better predict where to hover while refreshing to be right over the food item that is asked for. A lot of SDB feeders spot feed, and so you'll see the same usernames feed in the same spot every main. Best to try and avoid those if you are SW feeding but at the end of the day, no one is entitled to a spot, and it's truly about who pays attention and clicks the fastest. Question: Are you friendly towards newer kadders who are trying for the avatar? cpssgh1004: Admittedly, with my hectic schedule, I haven't been on the Kad board in the site games Neoboards as often as I used to be. Time keeping was always a great way for me to remember to refresh Kads every pend. When I do see a question or receive Neomails for tips, I'm always happy to help - I actually remember helping out one of the interviewers when they started feeding Kads! (theguy2020). The board is always created with helpful guides listed in the first post as well. Question: Do you have any advice for newer kadders? cpssgh1004: Check out the guides in the first post of the Kad board- they're full of great tips. If your timezone allows for feeding between 11pm- 5am NST, Kads tend to be fed much slower during those hours. If you're having trouble with SW feeding or have terribly slow internet, another option is inventory (or invent) feeding. This is when you keep Kad foods in your inventory, so when they are asked for, all you need to do is click on the Kad. While this is the fastest method of feeding, it is often a slower path to the avatar as you can't predict if a Kad will ask for one of your invent foods or not. Remember to always keep less than 50 items in your inventory and try to keep a common theme or word in them. This is so you can ctrl+f search the common word to quickly see if one of your foods is being requested by a hungry Kadoatie. Question: Do you ever do anything between Kad pends? cppsgh1004: I'll often restock or Neomail with my Neofriends. Watching TV or doing chores is also common for me. I have been known to vacuum in 7-minute intervals. Question: What are your hobbies on Neopets besides feeding Kads? cpssgh1004: I enjoy participating in site events and collecting avatars. This year I joined Haunted Woods for the Altador Cup and managed to reach all star! Nothing quite compares to Kad feeding, though. I'm not sure what I would do on Neopets if the Kadoatery didn't exist. The rush and thrill of trying to feed a Kadoatie when they go hungry will never get old to me. However, as of recently, I also love chatting in my guild with my friends! Question: What is your favourite event on the site? cpssgh1004: Charity corner or the Altador Cup. I also really enjoyed some of the plots that we've had in the past. Question: What is your favourite game on the site? cpssgh1004: The Kadoatery, of course! But if you must know, some of my favourite flash games include Snowroller, Petpetsitter, Shenkuu Warrior and Assignment 53. A big thank you to cpssgh1004 for taking the time to answer our questions! We hope our readers learn a lot about feeding Kads, and hopefully, it inspires some to try a new hobby on Neopets!