Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,160,716 Issue: 968 | 9th day of Gathering, Y24
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Interview with the Almost Abandoned Attic Visitors

by redpirate21


      There are many shops in Neopia, each with its own set of customers. Those who enjoy the heat of the arena tend to frequent the Battle Magic, Defense Magic or local Weaponry/Armory shops. The Fashionistas are more inclined to try out the newest trends at the Unis Clothing Shop, Prigpants & Swolthy, Tailors, Mystical Surroundings or Ugga Shinies. The scholars, on their perpetual quest for wisdom, are always looking for an excuse to visit the various bookstores across Neopia. The competition among the avid collectors is fierce among the Neopian Post Office, Collectable Coins, Collectable Card Shop and Collectable Sea Shells. The foodies who aspire to get their foot into the prestigious Gourmet Club compete for the chance to try out new cuisines in various Food Shops across Neopia. But there is a small peculiar shop located deep in Haunted Woods that litters with Neopians from all walks of life: the Almost Abandoned Attic, or more commonly known as AAA among its frequent visitors. The goal of this article is to explore the motivations for visiting this notorious Attic.

      At first glance, there is nothing special about this shop. Standing amidst the dark grey hues and haunted landscape of Neovia, it is indistinguishable from any other building in the area. In fact, newcomers to Neovia will most likely miss it if not for the cacophony and commotion coming from the Attic. Stepping into this mysterious house, new visitors are often discouraged by the inside interior and cluttered mess tangled up in cobwebs. The Shopkeeper is a seemingly-cordial Ghost Aisha who is more than eager to hand out her goods for a fraction of the prices found in other shops. Overlooking the disturbing surroundings, crumbling conditions, and the ghastly proprietor, the ever-present crowd of visitors speaks for the success of the Attic. We’ve conducted interviews with many Neopians, hoping to gain insights about their motives for choosing this eccentric corner of Neovia over the other conventional shops.

      Alvin the III is an extinguished Neopian in the Arena. His beloved pet and fighter, a legendary Wraith Hissi, slithers in the waiting area, eyeing the other Neopets and occasionally hisses at the dreadful Shopkeeper. When inquired about his reason for visiting the Attic, Alvin states he is on the lookout for rare weapons and armouries for his Neopet. “But wouldn’t it be better to visit the Battle Magic?” I ask. When pressed further, Alvin signals me to a corner and reluctantly admits he aspires to be an avid collector: “You see, this Ghost Aisha is hoarding all kinds of rare items, weapons, armours, food, stamps, books, you name it. While I enjoy the Arena, I think it’s time to reinvent myself and try other ventures. However, I don’t think my Hissi is particularly interested in anything besides the Battledome.” When asked about what items he has successfully purchased, Alvin shakes his head: “Competition is fierce.”

      While looking for another visitor, we stumble upon a young Neopian named Lana. Dressed in a colourful blouse, fancy-looking crimson hat and designer shoes, Lana accompanies her three Neopets, a Faerie Pteri, a Pink Lenny and a Candy Cybunny into the notorious Attic. The Pteri looks rather exhausted. Lana looks around hesitantly but gladly accepts our invitation for a quick chat. According to Lana, she is not a frequent customer. “This place is a dump. I’m not sure why my neighbours keep insisting on checking out the stocks here. I hardly see anything worth buying. The few dresses this eerie Aisha shows me are not worth the trouble.” “What trouble?” I ask. “If you must know, I live in Faerieland and am not used to the creepy crawlies native to Haunted Woods. Every time I make my way to this corner of Neovia, I bring all my Neopets in case we have to fight any resistance, those Chia Clowns and Pant Devil can be a real pain. Sometimes we are stuck here for days. The main reason I visit Neovia is for Prigpants & Swolthy, Tailors. But lately, I haven’t found anything worthwhile over there, so I thought I might check out this…establishment.” Lana gestures around vaguely and gasps at a spot on the ceiling infested with green mould and Spyders. “What can you tell me about your experience here at the Attic?” I further inquire. Wiping her face with a rose-coloured kerchief in an effort to forget the memory of the last few seconds, Lana stands up and whispers quietly: “In case you haven’t noticed, absolutely awful! You can only purchase one item every 20 minutes, otherwise, the old hag will yell at you. And there’s a limit of five purchased items per day. Anyway, I’m off. Good luck talking with these poor souls!”

      My search for a successful Attic customer appears to be futile, that is until I meet Mikey. “Yesssssss!!!!!” I follow the voice and notice a middle-aged Neopian standing among the crowd, his right hand raised up holding something as he finds his way amidst the staring gaze of onlookers. He is in a particularly good mood and happily accepts my invitation for an interview. Despite dressing in a fine-tailored suit, Mikey looks dishevelled and restless, as if he hasn’t eaten or slept for a while. Impervious to his own condition and the attention of other customers, Mikey eagerly sits on the dusty chair, his eyes fixated on the shining object in his hands. “Incredible! A Scowling Sloth Coin. I’ve only seen two of these in my life. This is going to fetch a large sum… Oh, excuse me! Where is my manner? The name is Mikey. How can I help you?” he turns around and finally notices me. “How long have you been here, Mikey? When was the last time you had a meal or slept?” I inquire as politely as I can. With a calm but tired voice, he answers, “Maybe three or perhaps four days? You know, at my age, you don’t eat too much, and your sleep is about as good as a quick nap. It’s a small price to pay for such an artefact.” “How long have you been a customer here? And how many purchases have you made?” I calmly continue, though half expecting Mikey to pass out any minute now. “Since I was a teenager. My old man used to bring me here all the time. Hated it at first. Creepy and boring, that’s how I remember. But after he passed, I figured I might give it a try. That was more than two decades ago,” he stops and stares at a spot on the wall before continuing in a happier tone. “I’ve made a fortune even the Wise Old King Hagan would be jealous of. This decrepit Attic is actually a bottomless treasure chest, holding all kinds of relics and valuables. It’s true I’ve only managed to purchase a fraction of the things I’ve seen, but it’s more than enough to build a Kingdom. Just this year alone, I’ve bought a Snowbunny Stamp, a Thyoras Tear, a Golden Shell, and now, a Scowling Sloth Coin.” I notice Mikey’s gaze is starting to drift, and his eyes struggle to open. “But isn’t it true you can only purchase five items per day? And only once every 20 minutes? Can you share any tips with other Neopians about your success?” I quickly proceed. He laughs and wheezes but manages to catch his breath before answering, “Success? I can name a handful of other Neopians who I consider ‘a success’ but not poor old me. You see, those who I deem ‘truly successful’ no longer frequent this corner of Neovia. In fact, they’ve stopped worrying about making a living long ago. Though with my long years in this Attic, I can share my two tips with you: be patient, and don’t be a nuisance. It’s unlikely you find five valuables in a day. After making a purchase, find a corner to rest your eyes for 20 minutes. And do not yell at the old witch. If you plan to be a frequent visitor of this place, you better build rapport with her.” Mikey looks longingly at the Shopkeeper Apparition as if seeing his father again. “Thank you, Mikey. It's been very helpful. Just one last question. How is your journey to this area of Haunted Woods? I don’t imagine it too challenging for a veteran…” He passes out before I can finish my question. I put a makeshift blanket over his body before heading out. Outside the dilapidated shop, I see a formidable Skeith, donning an old black scarf and covered in battle scars, smiling and nodding at me. The Skeith then sighs, goes into the Attic and carries the sleeping Mikey on his back before disappearing into the darkness. The writing on the black scarf says “Mikey Senior’s”.

      I hope the information I’ve managed to gather from my visit to the Attic has proven useful to you readers. Remember, this shop stocks all kinds of items: Weapons, Armors, Stamps, Coins, and Shells, just to name a few. But here’s the catch: you can purchase up to five items per day, and once every 20 minutes. Better make your purchases worthwhile. While it is quite challenging to make a living as an Attic customer, success comes to those who are patient. Happy restocking!


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