"A Day at the Beach" by _icypanther_ "Someone put sand in my sandwich!" Icy giggled, Star shrugged, and Searklarry pointed his tail at the starry Elephante. "STAR!"...
Goodbye, Friend "Come on Kuraiiro, you gotta set the little guy
free!" Tahoshi argued. "He's been just lazing around the house for weeks now,
it's just so sad. I mean, it's like...like...he's gonna snuff out any moment."
The Contest for Aspiring Writers Everybody wants to win it. I mean, who wouldn’t? With
2,000 Neopoints, a rare item, and of course the best prize of all, that adorable
little JubJub trophy!
Reign of the Shadows - Part Three "Didn't you
hear a word I said earlier? The Three were controlling Kass! The Three pushed
you off the Citadel in a sense, not Kass! He was their tool!"
The Case of the Lying Letter: Part Three "Our owner. She thinks we're staying at the Neolodge
all day with Wiseguy. What happens when we don't return in the evening? I don't
want her to be worried about us!"