Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 180,898,992 Issue: 452 | 16th day of Swimming, Y12
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Defenders of a Feather: A Frosty Encounter 2

You actually thought...

Also by zexyfan1

by charybdis7

Surprise, Happy Birthday

Turn off the lights!

Idea by axe_raider

by joel_hudson

The Pursuit of Randomness - Part 2 of 7

They provide us with meals.

Script by uber_ruti

by moonflwr786

The Haunt Of Howl Hall, Part 5

It was probably just the spyders. Yes, that's it.

by buizelmaniac
Oh Dear... Adventure!

Too bad there's no new worlds in Neopia left to discover... :(

Art by abigail_78

by xox_cloud_xox

Neopian Shopping


by redwall12800
400 NP Later...

The real lesson is not to spin the Wheel of Knowledge.

by nyctosaurus
Sal's Pals

An apple a day keeps the doctor in your way.

by melonswift
Before Neopets had Wardrobes

OH NO! You are trapped in a circle!

by quadricat
Background Trouble

Escrsia learns she should think before wanting to change her background.

by oliviathedog
KA Komics

Don't worry, the Aisha was saved... Eventually.

by kougra_adoptables
Not Quite Random Events

Amazing Relic (not painted Relic)

by perdita136
The Zombie Paint Brush


by lumnatii
The Perils of Cooty Wars

Antwerphs DO love to snack on petpetpets...

by icon109
How to Deal With Annoying Siblings


by icysnowe
And More One Petpetpet...


by larenchan

Ever wonder?

by star_of_destiny909
Ice and the gang

Thanks, but I'd rather not.

by icedrive
Some Neo Greetings!

You better look out for that Grarrl. o_O

by chinchy_rox72
Elderly Pets Gone Wild

Such a pain in the... back.

by wallaroo42
Funthing Has Happened!!

Someone has problem with his/her pet. =o

by white_tiger0226
Worst of Both Worlds

When two games collide...

by oceanologist
Light House Life

The scarab travels for miles...

by louishooper
Food for All- Dish #14

Where are we going now?

by maiinoki
The Next Big Thing

Talk about being a big cup fan!

by umbreon133
Neopian Notion

"Some say he was last seen at Slushie Slinger..."

by neo_heiro
Crazed and Dangerous: Make Some Noise!

If only he would stop yelling in my ear. . .

by monkeylover5913
Yooyuball Champion

It takes guts... and a bigger purse.

by agentwerehog
the dark side

Being magma has its disadvantages...

by vira8
Yard Work

It's that *thing*, you know?

by christa_iz_cool
Disadvantages Of New Colors


by kawaiibacacheese
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Get Your Question In

The Editorial is not random in the slightest. The TNT staff members who look over the questions and pick the most dignified, deserving, and due questions look through hundreds before picking those that will be blessed with an answer by the almighty powers that be. So how are we to pose our questions to get them recognized and answered by the Editorial staff? Luckily for all you questioning Neopians, we have come up with 30 tips for getting your questions published...

Other Stories


The Lonely Weewoo
He was born late in the Month of Storing, in a small nest on the highest branch of the tallest Snow Covered Tree...

by thropp


Jhudora's Sniddberries
As I walked to my window and stared gloomily into the dark night sky of Faerieland, I thought for the millionth time about the argument my owner and I had yesterday.

by henna1993


Sidekick Sicknesses
The truth is that most heroes wouldn't stand a chance without them.

by marina5_55


The Nameless Ones - A Short Rant
How would you feel if you had no way to introduce yourself?

by laughitoff123


A Victim of Circumstance: Part One

by fruitful_


The Enigma of Friendship: Part Two
"Owh radse?" he repeated, glowering deeply at the young Lenny...

by amb403

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