Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,237,475 Issue: 974 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y24
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Blossoms~ Coming to Light Part 4

We're always happy to see you!

by twillieblossom
Life Improvised (HOLIDAY EDITION)

Have you started your Holiday Shopping, yet?

by keng200
Kookith Christmas

"Time to open some presents!"

by twinkle_jazz
Ultimo 00: Gratitude

The once evil demigod joins a new tradition...

by shellshocks
All we want for Christmas is you!

Merry Christmas!

by redpirate21
Decorating with Sophie

That time of year to put up the Christmas tree...

by izzywizard
Dinner with the Scarlets: Another Holiday

What a difference! How do you celebrate?

by june_scarlet
Knowledge is Power

Happy Month of Giving! Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty
Winter Starlight Celebration Wordsearch

Can you find all the words?

by isabelleke49
A True Neopian Holiday

Christmas PBs can make anyone happy!

by safemoon
Melie's Morsels- Borovan!

A recipe for a classic Mug of Borovan with Asparagus, the perfect drink for a chilly winter day. Enjoy!

by melieworm
Holiday Greetings

It's Christmas! Collab with black_kisa

by flaiyper
Awkward Avatar Hunters: The Advent Calendar

Happy Holidays Neopians! Collab with poxaleo

by 6moricehero6
A wonderful surprise

A Christmas Wocky discovers an abandoned hot chocolate. But suddenly, something unusual happens...

by frangypanny
Christmas Petpets Word Find

Christmas Harris is inviting these Christmas petpets to his party. There are 4 unlisted petpets that snuck in as well.

by sharkqueen
Don't forget the Snowager!

Happy Holidays!

by serein
The Pea Chia Ornament

The Aisha didn't know! Happy Holidays!

by thebellmaker
The Off Season - Happy Holidays!!

Maybe Santa is real...

by pokemon_master_a74
New Year Y25 Word Jumble!

Jump into Y25 with a word jumble!

by woohooloolz
Trouble in Paradise: Advent Calendar

Merry crisis.

by chasing_stars44
"A Candychan Happy Holidays Word Search"

Can you find all the Holiday words?

by kimpossibleluvr
The Perfect Request

Happy Holidays!

by queen_potema
A Thief's Way of Giving

Don't worry about where it came from!

by casper_nepenthes
Search the Neopian Times


"The Snowager's Story." by tarulliah
Beth waited outside the cave anxiously. All she heard was the muffled sounds of snowflakes falling on the ground. Eventually, she heard the crunch of her owner's feet on the snow and breathed a sigh of relief. "I have your blanket," Tallulah, her owner, said when she saw Beth. Beth picked up the cherished item and rubbed it on her cheek. "Thank you, Tallulah!" she said. Beth had a long story. She had had several owners over the years, and times had been hard. One of her owners had been the Snowager-she had been forgotten in its cave as a tiny child.

Other Stories


The Snowager's Story.
"Beth waited outside the cave anxiously. All she heard was the muffled sounds of snowflakes falling on the ground..."

by tarulliah


A Merry Neopian Holiday at the Soup Kitchen
"I have always tried to help my fellow Neopets, when I can..."

by saqo


The Best Holiday Trees from the Advent Calendar
"One of the most beloved holiday traditions is the Christmas tree."

by iluvmypetz456


Holiday Gift Ideas From Neopia’s Most Notable Faeries
"I’ve asked many of the most well-known faeries in Neopia for their ideas on some great gifts for your beloved pets and friends this holiday season."

by ahh_choo


The Crystal Flute
Terror Mountain was certainly cold. I was walking through a fantasy of lights set out by the inhabitants of the mountain village.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert


The Royal Thief Unbound
"Wisdom is the outcome of experience..." Collab with breakeven

by k3l26

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