Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,131,369 Issue: 490 | 15th day of Eating, Y13
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Continued Series

The Remnant: Part Eight

All concerns of Mr. Sly and whatever nefarious thing he might be planning were rather far from Lockwood's mind. A ball was being held at Meridell Castle...

by jokerhahaazzz
Aria of the Aeons: Part Seven

Sayang stared at the ceiling of her room. Dawn was approaching.

by kittengriffin
Meridell at War: Part Five

"We're here on official business. There have been reports of Darigan soldiers in the area."

by herdygerdy
The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Six

When the faeries awoke the following morning, they felt considerably more refreshed...

by alex313
The Squire and the Scholar: Part Two

"So, what are we not to do once we don't sneak out of the castle?"

by saphira_27
The Citadel Quest: Part Five

"For far too long, it has been Meridell's tragic failure to take rather than ask, to wage war rather than engage in fair trade."

by peirigill
Worlds Apart: Part Four

Jaden crept down to the kitchens and was filling up a bag with food when she was surprised by a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"You going to pay for that?"

by tanikagillam

Happily Ever After?: Part Four

"Nikole, I don't know what you were thinking! How could you just throw away a paint job like that?"

by majikel
The Return: Part Four

It was true, I was sending off a pretty clear, "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, I DON’T CARE" kind of vibe, but inside, I did want someone to hang out with.

by hersheykis96
Name and All: Part Three

Turning to the adoption Uni, Alicia asked, "Miss Rose, could you please pull up the paperwork? I've found the pet I want to adopt."

by bluecloud300
The Family Reunion: Part Three

"The Meet Skye Tyler event isn't until Thursday, I'm afraid," she said instead of a 'hello'.

by thediractor
Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Two

"If I know Garin, and I do, we won't see him till dawn because he'll be busy getting into trouble... again."

by medit92
Mission For Knowledge: Part Three

There was one month left before Rain would be sitting in a classroom on Mystery Island...

by halloweens_lady
Confessions Of A Musically Inclined Hissi: Part Two

I considered him my best friend. But the nagging fear still remained: what if one day he realized just how uncool I was?

by pandora
Life of a Lab Rat: Part Three

Teri sighed. "Oh, Flint. If you get a good zap, I'll treat us all to some gourmet ice cream."

by poogleluver345
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"Say Nothing at All" by jdb1984
As I watched, I suddenly felt a paw on my shoulder. I jumped and turned, seeing Zoey standing behind me, her flute in one hand. Once she was sure I was looking and paying attention, she used sign language to say "You should go outside with them." I shook my head, but didn't turn away like most others probably would. Since I couldn't hear, I had to keep...

Other Stories


Whitney Tungsten: The Agent of the Opera
Anyone would think that Tungsten was a regular opera-goer. Which he was. He was also a spy...

by yoyti


A Day in the Life of an Acara (in her own words)
She had a feeling today was going to be a great day...

by trekkie_54


Prizes - Keep, Sell, or Use?
Prizes are awarded for an accomplishment- for doing something deserving of them. But what do you DO with the prize?

by purple_umbreon


Philanthropy and Roo
A guide to giving through Dice-A-Roo!

by stariette


Don't Be Fooled

by mooglerz


The Protest
No more bashing.

by piratevam

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