The Pirate Letter: Part Five by czenko28
For a few seconds, everything seemed to be completely frozen.
All of the pirates just stared at me. Their eyes were wide and they didn't blink.
What did they want? Did they know about me? Well that didn't matter. The pirates'
reactions meant nothing to me.
Panting exhaustedly, I looked at Firaga to see
what her reaction was. Firaga didn't even look at me. She stared down at her
sword. The fire on the sword was very bright. Firaga was frowning at her sword.
Everybody was staring at me except for Firaga. What was with her?
"To think I was going to hurt my best friend,"
I could hear Firaga whisper to herself as the pirates finally shook themselves
out of their trance. They started to make annoying sounds again. I recovered
as well. I think I was the only one who heard what Firaga said. That she now
knew who I was.
I smiled at her briefly. I flew up to her and
hugged her. "Firaga, we have to get out of here, now," I said, dragging Firaga,
but I remembered King Hagan's request. They still might find the treasure. It
is probably hiding in this room. Even though I was finally with Firaga, I pulled
myself away. "Pirates of Captain Woodbeak," I yelled to the crew, "I am the
one who has your treasure. If you want that stupid pile of gold you would have
to catch me."
Right after that, the pirates ran after me. I
pulled on Firaga and yelled, "Come on Firaga. Follow me." Firaga was speechless,
but that doesn't mean that her legs fell off. She ran along with me as the other
pirates slowly were catching up. "I am too slow," I said to Firaga. "I have
to keep these pirates away from the treasure."
Firaga found her voice. She would have liked
to say many things, but she might not see me again if she didn't do something
now. So Firaga said to me, "Kera, you need to go on my back. I am just as fast
as these pirates are. I can lead you out of the castle."
I flew on Firaga's back, and she ran faster than
I would ever imagine. "This is amazing!" I yelled as we ran into the main room
of the castle (where King Hagan's throne is).
When we were in that room Captain Woodbeak sprang
right on Firaga, causing me to tumble off of Firaga's back. "Firaga, how dare
you disobey me? I thought we were good friends. I don't know who this little
Shoyru is, but I want you to take her down. I want you to demand the Shoyru
tell us where the money is. Got it? If you're a pirate, then act like one!"
Firaga had said in her letter that Captain Woodbeak
was stronger than Firaga would ever be. Firaga was afraid of Captain Woodbeak.
She couldn't disobey an order. Captain Woodbeak drew his Ancient Eyrie Long
sword and made it shine in front of the window. That was a very strong and deadly
weapon. That was nothing that Firaga's Fire Sword could compare to.
Firaga pulled out her Fire Sword and slashed
it in the air. "I am so sorry, Kera," Firaga said quietly. She brought her sword
back to swing at me. "Kera, you have to do something. I really don't want to
do this," Firaga whispered so only I could hear.
Firaga was right. I had to do something. I turned
to King Hagan. "Here are the pirates, King Hagan. They won't steal your treasure
now. All you have to do is throw them out of the castle, and you're done."
King Hagan looked at me. The king was very wise,
but apparently not strong. He began to cry his eyes out like a tiny, little
baby would. "I can't," the king cried. His crying quickly died down. "You have
a mission, so you better finish it yourself," the king said. Wow, that was sure
a lot of help.
Firaga pranced up to me. She looked strong, wise,
and like a mighty pirate. "I demand that you tell me where the treasure is,"
Firaga said. She swung the sword at me, just missing me by an inch. I felt like
all of this was just being acted out, that all of this was just a game. The
Fire Sword was very hot, and I could barely live through the heat. She looked
angry, but I could see right through her acting. She was trying to make this
last long, so I could do something to escape from her.
I looked around, and I saw nothing. I felt nothing.
I saw nothing. I smelled nothing. I thought nothing! Everything was just a big
blank. What was I supposed to say? Without thinking, I said, "You have a map,
right? Well why don't you use that? Well the map is history, so I guess you
should give up." How stupid could that be? That would never work.
Since Firaga didn't want to hurt me, she went
along with it. "Okay then, let us go back to the ship," Firaga said. Firaga
forced a smile. She knew that would never work either.
"No!" Captain Woodbeak yelled. "We are not going
somewhere else. I want you to get the instructions to the treasure, get rid
of her, and then get the treasure." Captain Woodbeak didn't even bother to wait
for Firaga to follow the instructions. He just said, "tell us where the treasure
is, now!"
"No!" I said automatically, "I would never tell
you where the treasure is. Not in a million years Captain Woodbeak. Just give
me back my friend."
"I can't take this," Captain Woodbeak said, rubbing
his head. "Firaga, take her down right now."
"What!" Firaga shouted. "No, I can't! I won't."
"Yes you will, and you will right now."
"Now!" Captain Woodbeak shouted. He gave Firaga
his most fearsome look. He squawked furiously.
Firaga had no choice. She swung her sword right
at me. Her eyes were full of hatred for Captain Woodbeak, and her sword moved
faster than lightning. It would have been the end of me, but I am still telling
this story, right? So I somehow managed to survive.
CLANG! Firaga's Fire Sword struck my shield loudly.
I was happy to be able to save myself, but I was scared. I squealed, "Okay,
I will tell you where the treasure is. I will tell you. Just don't hurt me."
I shook behind my shield.
Captain Woodbeak smiled, "Okay, tell me where
the treasure is."
I looked around. Then I hatched an idea. That
was perfect timing. "It is buried under the room of the bedroom. You would have
to dig." I hope that wasn't where the treasure really was buried. "You better
start digging," I said. "The sun will go down soon."
The pirates left the castle except for Firaga.
She stood by my side. "Thank you so much for saving me, Kera. I thought I would
never see you again." Tears poured from Firaga's eyes as she talked. "Life has
been nothing without you. Did you get my letter?"
"How do you think I knew where you were?" I said
to Firaga. "I am so sorry that my looks have changed so much since you left.
I broke down when you left. I completely replaced anything that reminded me
of you. I guess that included my skin." I smiled at the pirate as she bawled.
"We better get out of here. Don't you want to go back to Mystery Island?" I
So we walked out of the castle, and we headed
down the trail leading to Meridell. The sun was beginning to set, and the pirates
had just started their digging. It was a very peaceful evening. A few Pawkeets
were chirping as if they were saying goodbye to the day. Everything seemed peaceful,
and in its rightful order.
That was not true, though. Night was beginning
to come, and darkness was about to overcome the day. It seems now that the two
of us were going to go home and live happily ever after. That's not the way
this story goes. Everything seems to be so bright and wonderful, but that can
be spoiled very easily.
Do you think that the pirates forgot all about
Firaga? Firaga is a part of Captain Woodbeak's crew. Firaga can't just walk
away from them. She has been trying to do that for a year. Firaga had done nothing
in order to escape just now. All she did was walk away. It is harder than that
to have a happily ever after. It takes lots of hard work. Firaga had already
gone through lots of hard work, but apparently not enough to be free.
I realized this. I thought about this. How could
Captain Woodbeak just let Firaga escape like this? The second these thoughts
jumped into my mind it all happened.
"Hey Firaga, don't you think that it's amazing
that-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence. My sharp ears heard the flapping
of wings coming nearer. I took a large breath as I turned around to see a Neopet
that I hoped never to see again.
To be continued...