Twisted Turns Of Fate: Part One by __devils_angels__
It was the middle of the night, and the heart of Neopia
Central was quiet. 'Almost too quiet,' Quenten, the Mynci Ninja-In-Training, thought.
This was his first mission he was doing on his own and his final exam, so he needed
to pass with flying colors. His mission: To retrieve a Fish Negg, the rarest of
them all. It was hidden in the back storage room of the Food Shop. No one had
bothered to look there…until now.
Creeping along the shadows, Quenten hurried along
in silence. Seeing a streetlight ahead of him, he tried to make himself as thin
as possible. He skirted along the beams of light, glancing back as he did to
make sure no part of him had been caught in the rays.
Suddenly, he saw a flash of silver; it was armor.
He instantly knew who it was. 'I can ignore him for awhile,' he thought, and
continued on.
Just beyond the light pole was the door to the
back storage room. He pulled the door open, slowly and quietly, and headed in.
Looking around, he saw a large stack of dusty, cobweb-covered boxes in the corner.
Using his sensitive Mynci nose, he smiled as he smelled the Negg. 'Definitely
fish,' he thought, and quickly dug through the mess and found it.
Quenten stepped outside, the Fish Negg tucked
tightly under his arm. He turned and was about to leave when he felt a hand
on his shoulder. He almost screamed as he whirled around, but didn't when he
saw who it was. "Jeran!" He whispered angrily, frowning. "You scared me half
to death!"
The great Blue Lupe laughed. "Sorry. Is that
you, Quenten?" He asked. When the black-clad, mask-wearing Mynci nodded, Jeran
grinned. "I thought that was your voice."
For a moment, they were silent. Then Quenten
asked, "So what are you doing here?"
Jeran glanced at Quenten's side. "Same reason
as you, I see," he said, pointing to the Negg.
Quenten's eyes grew wide. "What? Now way! I need
it!" He paused. "Why do you need it, anyways?"
"Skarl wants it." Jeran said, waving a paw passively
in the air.
"But I need it a lot more then you do!" Quenten
countered, clutching the Negg tighter. "I need it for school! I'm not letting
you have it!"
"I don't want it; Skarl does," said Jeran slowly.
Quenten just wanted to get off of the subject.
"So, um...how's Lisha? I bet she was happy when she found you, and sad when
you went in that battle...and then died. But then she was probably happy when
you lived again because of that faerie, Psellia..."Quenten voice faltered. Jeran
looked irritated.
"Well, how's things in your neck of the woods?"
Jeran asked, his voice straining to keep calm. He coughed, trying hard not to
lose his cool.
After Quenten said that, Jeran was just...really
agitated. Only he and Psellia knew what would happen if he told anyone, even
Lisha or his good friend Quenten, what happened that fateful day. If he even
just whispered the details to a soul, well...he shuddered at the thought. He
just didn't want to talk about it. He had almost failed Lisha; he didn't want
to fail her again.
Quenten broke through his thoughts. "So how's
Lisha?" he repeated softly.
"She's fine!" Jeran snapped angrily.
Just then, a green Shoyru landed beside them.
He was dressed in a knight's outfit; it was Fredrikson, one of Jeran's highest-ranking
trainees. "Sir," He said, turning to Jeran. "Skarl wants to know what's taking
you so long to get the Negg." Turning to Quenten, he saw it under his arm. "Oh,"
he murmured. "I get it."
Jeran sighed. "Now what are we going to do?"
"Um…let me have it?" asked Quenten hopefully.
"We can't do that," Fredrikson said, shaking
his head. "I know! Why don't we all go to Meridell and…"
Quenten's mind raced. "No! I have to bring it
to Sensei by noon tomorrow or…" He sighed. "Or I fail and get kicked out."
Fredrikson sighed. "Sir, this is for the King.
He needs it more than you. After all, you could just go to the Island Training
centre and…"
"But I don't want to go there! It's full of…"
But Quenten was cut off as Jeran laid his paw over his mouth.
The great blue Lupe laughed uneasily. "Sorry
Fredrikson, let me just talk to my friend here. You don't mind, do you?"
Fredrikson nodded. "I'll be waiting," he said,
watching as they went off.
Once they were out of earshot, Quenten threw
Jeran's paw off his mouth. "What are you doing?" He asked.
Jeran sighed. "Listen, I have an idea." He bit
his lip. "But we're going to need to work hard to do it right. Here's what we
* * *
The plan now in both of their heads, Quenten
and Jeran went back to where Fredrikson was standing.
"Now remember," Jeran said, winking as he wagged
a finger at him. "Knights and Ninjas don't need to lower themselves down and
talk with such vulgar. Am I right?"
Quenten nodded vigorously, smiling too. "Right."
Fredrikson looked at both of them, a confused
look on his face. He could sense something funny was going on, but just couldn't
put his wing on it. "You guys feeling okay?" he asked.
"Oh yeah," Quenten replied. "And by the way,
I've decided to let you guys have the Fish Negg. ONLY," he added, seeing the
happy look on the green Shoyru's face. "If I can come with you. I didn't work
so hard to get it for nothing!"
Fredrikson sighed. "Fine then. But how are you
going to get back to Meridell?"
Quenten smiled mischievously. "Ninjas have their
Reaching behind him, Quenten pulled out a round
object from his Ninja belt. "See you at the Castle!" And with that, he threw
the orb down. Immediately, the alleyway filled with blue smoke. When it left,
he was gone.
"All right Jeran, what was that all about?" questioned
"Oh, nothing. Now let's go; I'll bet Lisha's
getting worried..."
So with that, the two set off, Fredrikson still
scratching his head in confusion at what was going on.
* * *
By dawn, they had reached the Castle. "Just a
second, Fredrikson," Jeran said. "I'm going to see if I can find my friend.
He still has the..." Looking around, he lowered his voice. "...The Negg." Secretly,
he was just going to update him on their plan. 'So far so good,' he thought.
'Let's hope it stays that way...'
Then, just as he rounded a corner, he saw Lisha
running toward him. "Jeran, you're here! Finally; I waited all night for you!"
she exclaimed
"Yeah, I've missed you too…" gasped Jeran, as
Lisha was hugging his waist so hard.
"I'm so glad you're back," the happy yellow Aisha
Jeran looked into the trees and saw movement.
Quenten! "Uh, okay," He said, gently pulling away from Lisha. "I have to go...um...meet
someone, over there."
"Who?" Lisha asked.
Sighing, Jeran thought fast. "I'm...I'm meeting
with a Mutant Draik who wants to become a knight. Want to come?"
Lisha pulled a face. "Um, no thanks. I'll go
read. Bye!" And with that, she scampered off in the other direction.
"Phew," Jeran whispered, wiping his forehead
with his paw. "That was close. And now, to check up on Quenten..." He hurried
off into the trees. "Quenten, is that you?" he asked.
"Yeah. Who did you think I was? Sloth?" he replied
sarcastically, frowning.
"No, but still...."Jeran's voice trailed off.
"I made some changes to our plan."
"You did? Now what?" asked an exasperated Quenten.
"I'm exhausted!"
"I know you are. It's just that I think Fredrikson
is getting suspicious."
Quenten sighed. "Well, okay then."
"So," Jeran whispered, leaning closer. "This
is how we're going to do it..."
* * *
Jeran walked out from the trees, Quenten close
behind. They rounded the corner and met a very impatient Fredrikson on the other
"Finally!" He let out an exasperated sigh. "You
got the...thing?"
"Well…" Jeran was cut off by something grabbing
him. This was not part of the plan...and worst of all, Quenten was with him
too. At least Lisha was gone...or so he thought.
"Jeran! Jeran!" Lisha screamed in his ear as
she tugged on his waist. "There's a NINJA here!" She pointed to Quenten, who
sighed. He gave Jeran a look that said, 'What are we supposed to do?'
Jeran thought fast. "Well, uh...he's...uh..."
He took a deep breath. Would this work? Was Lisha gullible enough to believe
it? "My prisoner."
"Your-Your prisoner?" Lisha stammered. "What
"He was trying to steal the...you know," he said.
"I'm taking him to Skarl."
"Oh..." the little Aisha murmured. She looked
at Quenten and grinned. "Ha! You're going to get yours now, Ninja!" Then ran
Fredrikson frowned. "What was that all about?"
"Uh...It's a joke. Ta-da! " Jeran spread his
arms in jest and smiled meekly. But his voice faltered as he saw the disbelieving
look on the Shoyru's face.
"Jeran, you may be honored, but I just don't
trust you anymore," Fredrikson said, shaking his head.
Jeran leaned over and whispered to Quenten, "Do
you have any memory-erasing potions in that belt of yours? I could sure use
some, if you catch my drift."
Quenten laughed. "Sorry, but no."
Jeran sighed. "Thought so." Then he, Fredrikson
and Quenten set off to the Throne Room of Castle Meridell.
To be continued...