Twisted Turns Of Fate: Part Four by __devils_angels__
Lisha's eyes grew wide as the orb drew nearer to her. She
took a step back, but it was too late. The power ball slammed into her, throwing
her back. "NO!" Jeran screamed, running over. Kneeling beside his sister, he gently
lifted her head. He felt tears burn in his eyes.
Lisha's eyes fluttered open. Seeing Jeran above
her, she smiled a small smile. "You can do it, big brother," she whispered.
"Do it...for me." Then she passed out.
"No! LISHA!" Jeran cried, tears falling down
his cheeks.
* * *
Quenten looked over in boredom. He felt no emotion,
no nothing; he hadn't for a while. A fog had settled around his heart and mind,
keeping all his feelings away. He knew exactly what had happened; Maelstra had
obviously cast a spell on him…but he didn't really care.
When he saw Lisha fall, he felt a glimmer of
light pierce through the darkness inside him. 'Lisha's hurt,' he thought.
'She's my friend, so why don't I care?'
He heard Jeran scream and felt more of the fog
disappear. 'That's it! I have to care more!' He thought about all the
times he and Jeran had hung out together; he thought about playing with Lisha
when they were younger…It was working! He was feeling alive and himself again!
Using his tail, he ripped out the gag and un-tied
the knot. Soon, he was free. He ran over to Jeran. Putting a hand on his friend's
shoulder, he saw the great blue Lupe look at him. "Let's get her," he said,
Maelstra started to laugh. "Oh, poor Lisha."
Jeran glared at her. His insides were boiling;
all he saw was red. He hastily wiped away his tears and felt an enraged power
surge through his veins. Maelstra was going to get it.
* * *
Skarl was starting to back away. He was scared.
This was way more then anything he could handle.
Kayla saw him retreat. "Hey! Come back here!"
At that moment, Skarl started to run…but he soon
slowed down. Soon, he felt the red Zafara's hand on his shoulder, stopping him
from going any further. "Got you!" she said in his ear, pulling him back. "You're
not going anywhere."
* * *
Jeran reached at his waist, grabbed the hilt
of his sword and un-sheathed it in one smooth motion. Quenten reached into a
pocket of his belt and pulled out a pair of numb-chucks. Sensei stepped up beside
them and took a fighting stance.
"You hurt my sister," Jeran whispered fiercely,
advancing on Maelstra. The Dark Faerie stepped backward uncertainly. "Now you're
going to pay!" Growling, he lunged for Maelstra, his Ninja friends close behind
* * *
Kayla gently lifted the Ona out of her bag and
handed it to Skarl. "What are you doing?" the bewildered King asked her.
"Helping out," Kayla replied. Pulling her hands
out of her bag, she held many small bottles of different colored potions.
"What can I do?" Skarl was nervous, but stood
firm. Now, he just wanted to help…in any way he could.
Kayla smiled a small smile. "Stay here and watch
Lisha and the stuff!" she cried, and headed into the fray.
* * *
Maelstra was surrounded by a flurry of paws and
glinting metal. Something hit her in the back; the flat edge of Jeran's sword
smacked her in the arm. "Ah!" she screamed. She had to get out of here!
Just then, she saw a flash of red fur and felt
something wet drip onto her hair. Looking up, she saw in horror that her beautiful
locks were now...pink! "That's it!" she shrieked, standing up and throwing the
four Neopets off her body. Raising her hand, she opened a portal. She ran into
it and vanished.
* * *
Panting, Jeran watched Maelstra's hot pink hair
trail into the portal and disappear. 'Good,' He thought. 'She's gone.'
Everyone turned and hurried back to where Lisha
was. "She's alive," Skarl said as they drew near. "But she's hurt, badly."
"Then let's get her to the infirmary," Jeran
said after he had sheathed his sword and picked his sister up. "NOW!"
* * *
When Lisha awoke, she saw Jeran and Quenten standing
over her. "Oooh," she moaned, slowly sitting up. "Where am I?"
Jeran smiled. "You're in the infirmary. You have
a concussion."
"Yeah, but you'll be better soon," Quenten added,
grinning too.
"So what happened?" Lisha asked, putting a hand
on the side of her throbbing head.
Both boys laughed. "Kayla can tell you," Quenten
Kayla walked up to the foot of her bed. "They
were hammering her," she said dramatically, waving her arms around. "But she
wasn't giving up. Then I made her hair pink, and she took off like a blazing
"Pink?" Lisha asked incredulously. When her friend
nodded, she smiled. "Way to go!"
Just then, Skarl walked up to her bed. "Once
you're better, we'll meet together in the Throne Room, okay? There are some
things needed to be done."
Lisha nodded, but instantly cringed in pain.
Jeran laid his paw on his sister's hand. "Go to sleep," he murmured. "You need
your rest. We'll be waiting here."
Carefully lying back down, Lisha slowly closed
her eyes and sighed. Instantly, she was asleep.
* * *
Lisha slept on and off for 2 more days. When
she finally awoke, she stretched, feeling refreshed. Jeran was sitting in a
chair beside her bed, head down, fast asleep. 'He's probably been here the
whole time,' Lisha mused. Smiling, she reached over and shook his shoulder.
When Jeran's eyes opened, he saw Lisha sitting
up in bed. He grinned. "Feeling better?" he asked, getting to his feet and stretching
The yellow Aisha nodded, smiling when she felt
no pain. "Yes!" she replied. Soon, they walked out of the infirmary and down
to the Throne Room, where Skarl, Sensei, Quenten and Kayla waited patiently
for their arrival.
"Sleeping Beauty awakes!" Kayla teased once she
saw her friend emerge from the hallway. Running over, she gave Lisha a hug.
"I missed you!"
Lisha smiled wider. "Me too."
Once everyone had gathered around Skarl's Throne,
both he and Sensei smiled. Stepping forward, Sensei spoke first. "Apprentice
Quenten," he said, looking at his pupil. "Come forward."
Tentatively, Quenten took a step toward his teacher.
"Yes, Sensei?"
Sensei smiled. "You've demonstrated skills far
beyond your years. And, although it was a little late..." He reached and pulled
a Fish Negg from the back pocket of his belt. "You completed your mission."
Quenten's eyes grew wide with hope. "Are…Are
you saying that…?" he stammered.
"Yes." Sensei nodded. "I, Sensei Fauncha, hereby
pronounce you a full-fledged Ninja!"
"Yay!" Quenten whooped and hopped up and down
with joy. Soon, remembering his training, he stopped and bowed at his teacher.
"Thank you, Sensei."
Sensei smiled wider. "You're welcome." Then both
he and Quenten stepped back and looked up at Skarl.
He sighed. Glancing down at Jeran, he began to
speak. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you, old friend," he began,
shaking his head. "If you would still like to, I would be honoured to have you
as my head Knight again. And don't worry," he added, chuckling. "Fredrikson
won't bother you."
"But how can I?" Jeran asked sadly. "No offence,
but I could never go back to being a Knight after all this! No one will trust
Skarl laughed. "Don't worry; Kayla has you covered."
The red Zafara nodded and pulled out a pink potion.
"This will make everyone forget this ever happened..." She bit her lip and looked
at Lisha. "Even us."
"I sure don't want to forget Maelstra with pink
hair! It was funny." Quenten said.
"Yeah, but..." Kayla stopped and looked like
she was in deep thought. Soon, she pulled out little vials and poured a bit
of a new orange potion into them and handed them to Jeran, Lisha, Quenten, Sensei,
and kept one for herself. "Here," she said. "Drink this and you'll remember."
"Can I?" Skarl asked hopefully from behind them.
Everyone glared. "No!"
"All right then, now drink this." Kayla instructed
once everyone had drank the remembering potion.
They all did. "Yuck, this is disgusting!" Lisha
cried after she drank it, pulling a face.
"Okay, now close your eyes. I'll throw this and
everyone except us will forget." She glanced around. "One…two…three!"
Kayla threw down an orb of purple light; when
it hit the floor, it exploded with a midnight blue mist. Soon, it filled the
room and flew out the windows, reaching out to the minds of every Neopian…
* * *
Maelstra was using an enchanted brush to comb
her now rosy hair. "Ugh!" she screamed exasperatedly. "No matter what I do,
it won't come out!" She threw the brush and hit the opposite wall with a loud
thud. "That Zafara's going to get it..."
Just then, she saw navy fog creep into the room.
It soon began to wrap around her body. 'What's happening?' she thought,
panicking. She could feel the mist float into her brain and swim into her memory.
She suddenly felt dizzy and soon, she watched as the mist vanished, not remembering
a thing of the past few days. "Huh?" She looked around in confusion. "What's
going on?"
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her pink
locks. "Ah!" she shrieked. "My hair!" She grabbed the brush she had just thrown
and started brushing her hair once more.
* * *
Jeran watched the mist disappear. He smiled,
realizing he could remember it all. He looked into the faces of his friends
and saw their own happy grins. Looking back, Jeran saw Skarl shake his head
as he read the Neopian Times. Eyes wide, he thought, 'Did it work on the
paper?' He quickly ran to the throne and asked, "What's the headline, Your
Skarl sighed. "It says, 'Number One Vacationing
Spot: Mystery Island!' Can you believe it?"
Remembering the old one, Jeran smiled. "That's
okay. Just wait until the fall."
Jeran glanced over to his friends; they were
whispering to each other to see if Kayla's potion worked. "Jeran, can you please
go down to the dungeons to check on the guards? I think they may be slacking
off…someone could kidnap one of my prisoners." Skarl said, then buried his face
in the Neopian Times, speed reading.
"Um, sure," Jeran replied with a grin. Behind
him, his friends were laughing uproariously. As he walked past, he whispered
with a wink, "Stop it! Skarl might get suspicious…or Maelstra may hear us and
try to kidnap someone again." That just caused everyone, especially Lisha, to
laugh all the harder.
While walking down toward the dungeons, Jeran
thought, 'Well, at least I don't have to worry about the Fish Negg.' He
quickly surveyed the dungeons, found everything in order (and noticed that no
one looked at him strangely) and began to walk back.
Just then, as he entered the Throne Room once
more, he heard Skarl's booming voice call to him, "Jeran! I need you to get
me something!"
Having a good idea what it was, Jeran smiled.
'And this is why we should never have erased Skarl's memory…' He thought,
suppressing a laugh. 'Here we go again!'
The End
Author's note: This, of course, never happened. Jeran has always been a