A Day in Another's Shoes: Part One by shadowcristal
"The answer is 19, Miss Acacia," Undula the Water faerie
replied, placing her glasses on the tip of her nose.
"Four-eyed freak," muttered a Fire faerie, sitting
two rows behind the Water faerie.
"That is correct," the teacher said. "You may
sit down, Miss Undula."
"My pleasure," the Water faerie said as she sat
down and turned her head around to glare at the Fire faerie who had uttered
that remark. Of course... It was Ignicia. It would always be Ignicia.
"Teacher's pet... No, teacher's faerie," the
Fire faerie named Ignicia whispered as several faeries around her giggled.
Undula sighed and tried to block that out of
her mind. However, the part of her that wanted revenge for all the times her
archenemy humiliated her awakened as Ignicia started to utter more mean things.
It was illogical. She was the cleverest faerie
in their class, and best at everything except for spell casting, Ignicia's number
one subject. She knew that she looked beautiful with her soft, blue-greenish
hair and large sapphire eyes. Teachers often praised her for her wisdom. So
why, why wasn't she popular and admired like she should be?
All because of that stupid fire faerie. On the
first day of school, she had teased Undula. The enmity between them had only
grown worse and worse as the years went by, and now, in their fifth year, they
were famous because of the rivalry.
The Water faerie gritted her teeth. She was not
going to lose to an insolent, stupid Fire faerie like that! She was already
unpopular enough with the other water faeries, since they disliked that she
read books and studied instead of learning how to heal and brew healing potions.
"People like Nereid and Kayla can go and brew
their potions," Undula thought, "So why do they need me?" But she had to admit
that potion-making was very useful sometimes.
A small, evil grin crept upon the faerie's face
as she took out a bottle and rolled it towards Ignicia. After a few words from
Undula, the bottle stopped, the cork flew out and the content was spilled on
the Fire faerie's shoes.
"What the..." Ignicia burst out when she found
her feet all wet and icky-feeling. She threw a quick look at the Water faerie,
who looked back with the innocent eyes of a model student.
"I'll give you a model student," the Fire faerie
thought bitterly as she drew her wand. Without giving the idea that had just
popped in her head some further thought, she started casting a spell.
"Excuse me," a voice said. Ignicia froze and
tried to put away her wand, but it was too late. "I hope that Math class is
not so complicated so you have to use your wand, Miss Ignicia."
"O-of course not," the Fire faerie mumbled as
she returned to doing those equations. Fortunately she had managed to finish
casting the spell when the teacher came by, so...
Ignicia smiled malevolently as she observed the
poor Water faerie trying to find out what was burning her tail so horribly.
"Please put down your pencils and books," the
Earth faerie teacher said. "I'd like to inform you that we have a special, themed
day coming up here in school. There will be special projects, presentations
and other festivities around this day. Just so you know."
"Is that all?" a Light faerie asked.
"That's it," Miss Acacia said. "You're dismissed."
The pupils exited the classroom, some excited
and others acting like their normal selves. The Earth faerie rolled when she
saw Ignicia and Undula fighting in the doorway, neither wanting to be the last
one to get out of the classroom.
"Please," the teacher scoffed as she walked towards
the two fighting faeries.
"You'll pay for that!" Undula cried as she stomped
on the Fire faerie's left foot, shoved her aside and ran into the hallway, leaving
a trail of water behind her.
"Uh-oh," Ignicia said out loud. She took a look
at the angry Earth faerie. "Thanks for the lesson, Miss Acacia," the Fire faerie
said quickly before she took off at full speed.
"Those two..." the teacher shook her head as
she waved her wand and made the floor clean again. She closed the door behind
her and walked down the familiar hallway, ready to lean on the soft sofa in
the Staff Room.
Miss Acacia opened the door and found that no
one was in there. Surprised, she stepped inside and closed the door. The Staff
Room was the teachers' haven, a place protected from the curious eyes of students.
If any of them saw how it was in there, then... She shook her head as she scanned
the room again, hoping to find company.
A great gust of wind blasted the windows open
as a beautiful Air faerie entered the room on a cloud.
"Too late," the Earth faerie muttered as she
sat down on the best sofa in the room. The other teacher shook her head and
sat down on her cloud instead.
"Well, I guess it's just the two of us," Miss
Acacia stated after a minute of silence. Suddenly she had this urge to talk,
and for once she wanted to be satisfied. "Miss Orkana, do you know the two students
Ignicia and Undula?"
"Of course," the Air faerie replied. "They're
very well known for their rivalry."
"Kind of reminds you of the good old times, doesn't
it?" the Earth faerie said with a wistful sigh as she raised her wand.
"I'm afraid that Undula's ability to cast spells
isn't exactly what reminds you of the..." Orkana stopped when she saw the other
faerie's face. "You're planning something, aren't you?"
"Well, well, how'd you know?" Acacia said sarcastically.
"This will not be pretty," the Air faerie said,
raising her wand.
"And you're not very pretty," the Earth faerie
retorted, knowing that Orkana would be upset enough not to do something drastic
for the next five minutes. She was also aware that the Air faerie spent at least
two hours every day on her look.
"Hmph!" Orkana frowned indignantly. Then she
looked at the paper on the table and shuddered. "Themed day coming up soon..."
Acacia got up from the comfy sofa and took a
look at the paper. She raised her eyebrow. "This might be a very educating experience..."
"Finders keepers, losers weepers," the Air faerie
said, jumping into the now empty sofa.
"Aww... No fair!" the Earth faerie whined as
she picked up the piece of paper. "But... this is a very interesting idea."
"I heard that the Psychologist wanted this to
be a successful, so she invited some lecturers and has a whole day booked and
planned for this..." Orkana said, eying the Math teacher.
"The Psychologist?" Acacia shuddered. "That won't
be very pretty..."
"As odd as I find it, I have to admit that I
agree with you for once," the Air faerie declared, grasping her wand and patting
her cloud.
"Hmm... It's perfect!" the Earth faerie exclaimed
excitedly. "You'll help me on this, won't you?"
"What?" Orkana spluttered, spilling the tropic
drink she had just teleported from the fridge at home. "Me? Help you?"
"Of course, Miss Orkana the great Spellcaster,"
Acacia said sarcastically while bowing. "I admit to your great power, and of
course I'll worship you..." she added under her breath, "for a second or so."
"Cut the drama," the Air faerie said.
"Well, as I have mentioned before," the Earth
Faerie went on, totally ignoring Orkana's latest remark, "There are two troublesome
students known as Undula and Ignicia."
"And?" Orkana asked, somewhat sensing what would
come next. She threw a quick look at the paper. "Will you play the psychologist?"
"I think we can start this theme a little bit
early for them," Acacia said.
"Surely they're not that bad?"
"Well, we'll have to see, won't we?" the Earth
faerie said as she took out a crystal ball. She placed it on the table gently,
and mist swirled in the ball.
"To think that you, the most no-nonsense teacher
of all, do this kind of thing..." the Air faerie muttered as she bent closer.
"I'm afraid that sometimes I just have to give
in to my urges," Acacia said as she touched the crystal ball. "Show me Ignicia
and Undula..."
The mist cleared. The two young faeries were
standing in a small hallway, and a crowd of faeries had formed behind Ignicia
to watch. The two teachers saw how Undula's small body quivered and how her
tail twitched.
Suddenly the Water faerie exploded. "You don't
understand me!" she cried out, "All of you! You just don't know! You don't know!"
With the last words echoing in the hallway, Undula ran away. Four eyes followed
her as she bumped into the gym teacher.
"Excuse me," the poor Water faerie said, regaining
her dignity and walking away. As soon as the teacher had left, Undula resumed
her desperate pace as she tried to brush away the tears that came.
The mists swirled around in the crystal ball,
but the two faeries had seen enough.
"Well, what do you say?" Acacia asked.
"I believe it would be good for them to start
this little theme a bit early," the Air faerie said, secretly clenching her
fist under the table. Oh yes, she remembered... The humiliation, burning like
"I'm glad that you're agreeing with me," the
Earth faerie said sarcastically as she waved her wand. "But really, it'd be
good for them. And add anger management classes to that Water faerie."
"Let's begin, shall we?" Orkana said. "I can't
"Okay!" Acacia said as childishly as she could,
knowing that it would annoy the other faerie. "Let's start operation 'A Day
in Another's Shoes!'"
To be continued...