Because of Jhudora's Book: Part Two by kemppotatoe
It was midday. Athelda stood wearily, watching pets with
high battle scores being brought in. She sighed, but not out of regret. Oh no,
she did not regret joining Jhudora, even if yesterday she had been a little
"Athelda?" a small voice said from behind her.
"What?" the green Zafara snapped. She whipped
around to see a baby Poogle. "Who are you?"
The little Poogle gulped. "I'm Lessie, Lulu's
"Well, what is it that you want?"
"I have a message for you," Lessie said. "That
mean dark faerie made me a messenger when Lulu dragged me into this…"
"Did you call Jhudora mean?" Athelda interrupted.
Lessie's eyes filled with tears. "I-- I'm sorry!"
she wailed. "I won't say it again, I p-promise!"
Athelda paused. "It's alright. What's the message?"
Lessie sniffed. "K-Kasm wants you in her room."
Athelda rolled her eyes. "Kasm? Geez, I practically
forgot about her. Do you know what she wants?"
"She just told me to get you, that's all," Lessie
said. "Am I in trouble?"
"No," Athelda said briskly, walking away. "No,
of course not. Bye, Lessie."
Athelda walked up the many cloud stairs to the
dormitory wing of Jhudora's home. Kasm lived in… which room? Athelda couldn't
believe she'd forgotten about her friend. But was she her friend anymore?
Room 11, that was it! She shared with Lulu,
the snot Poogle. Not bothering to knock, Athelda entered.
"Kasm?" Athelda said, "What do you need?"
The mutant Kacheek appeared from the shadows.
"Just a little chat," she said, "the kind we had when we were friends, remember?"
This statement angered Athelda. "We were friends?"
she said rudely, "Oh yes, that's right, I forgot. But no, I haven't time for
a chat."
Kasm smiled. "Just for a moment. Won't you sit
Athelda sighed and sat. An unpleasant gooey
sound rang out; she had sat on Lulu's chair. Kasm smiled, remained standing
and gazed at her. "So," she said finally, "how's the council?"
"Very well, thank you," Athelda said, "we're
doing great."
"What should I have expected," Kasm went on,
coming closer to her, "with such a wonderful captain."
Athelda narrowed her eyes. "What's that supposed
to mean?"
Kasm turned around and started to pace. It was
a while before she spoke. "You may have found that book," she said, "but you
never would have brought it to Jhudora if I hadn't suggested it. Now you're
getting all the credit! All of it! What am I stuck doing? Polishing Jhudora's
fake nails! Yes, that's what she assigned me to do!"
Silence followed this. Athelda blinked. "Jhudora's
nails are fake?"
Kasm rolled her eyes. "The good thing about
polishing her nails is that she is always around, and we talk… a lot."
Athelda sat up, interested. "What do you talk
Kasm smiled. "Mainly power. And what'll happen
after Jhudora takes power. She's starting to trust me now, oh yes. Any day now
and I'll be her right hand pet. Sooner or later you won't be the favorite."
"Well, when that time comes…" Athelda's eyes
flickered malevolently on the Kacheek she once called friend, "…we'll just have
to see who gets out of the fight alive."
"So," Danzick said to the Dark Council on Monday,
"how's the morphing going?"
Lulu, who was in charge of overseeing the transformations,
answered. "It's going good, I believe. We're getting five pets morphed a day--"
"Only five?" Athelda said loudly. "I assumed
you had gotten hundreds done by now!"
"The morphing machines are slow, and it takes
them about four or five hours to replenish power after zapping." Lulu said,
"But we're still doing good. Over a course of a week we've gotten thirty-five
pets much more fearsome…"
"I want an examination of the army cells," Athelda
interrupted, "I want to see who has been and is soon to be morphed."
Lulu looked taken aback, but said, "Tomorrow
I'll show you."
Celazia, who had been polishing her hooves,
looked up. "You know, Athelda, there's no need to get angry and boss everyone
around. After all, Lulu was here before you."
"Did Lulu find Jhudora's book? I don't think
so," Athelda retorted.
Celazia's mutant Meekins growled at Athelda.
Danzick coughed.
Jhudora walked in at that moment, which was
perhaps lucky because Celazia and Athelda were ready to throw daggers at each
Athelda met Lulu the next day to see the cells.
Much to Athelda's disgust, though, Celazia was with her.
"Just thought I'd take a look," the fire Uni
Lulu lead them down to the basement, where the
army cells were. In tight, cramped cages, pets sat and looked at Athelda with
great dislike.
"Let's see the pets that have been morphed,
Lulu," Celazia said. In the very back of the cellar, there were around forty
cages packed with pets. A sign hung on each of them, saying their name, what
they used to be, and what they were now.
"See," Lulu said, "we've been doing good. I'll
show you around. This is Dash, who is now a Shoyru. He'll be the captain of
our air division…"
Athelda looked into the eyes of the once red
Lupe. He said nothing, and stared back at her.
"…And this is Malcolm, he's a starry Pteri,
he'll also be in the air division…" Lulu went on. "Brent, mutant Aisha, he can
rip anything apart… Braida… she used to be a green Flotsam, but we thought Koi
would be better for the sea division, so we made her a Tyrannian Kougra…"
Braida, now a ferocious Kougra, glared at them
as they passed her cage. Her claws, now extremely sharp, scratched the floor
with hatred.
"Oh!" Lulu said, leading them to a miniature
cage, "here's Kiffee! Our first spy."
The Pea Chia was sitting unpleasantly in the
corner. A small tear ran down her pea body.
"I hear we're getting grapes too," Celazia said,
peering into Kiffee's cage. "Is that true?"
"Yep," Lulu said, "those are both the smallest
Celazia giggled at the helpless pea. "What an
ugly little thing. Even as an Acara I bet she was horrifyingly ugly! But now…
oh, look at her… she's a vegetab- AAAHHHH!"
Athelda didn't know what made her do it. Kiffee
had been one of the most popular girls in school, and even though Athelda had
always been a little jealous, hearing someone call her ugly was intolerable.
Athelda's hand had swooped out of nowhere, and hit Celazia across the cheek.
The Uni fell backwards and crashed into some empty little cages, causing Lulu
to roar with laughter.
All the caged pets cheered and giggled. Celazia,
remaining on the floor, looked horrified and shouted, "Lulu! Why are you laughing?"
Lulu, who was now on the floor having laughed
so hard, could not answer, and simply hiccupped in response.
Kiffee, the Pea Chia, smiled.
"Please, Celazia, don't!"
"Get off me, Athelda! Jhudora! JHUDORA!"
The Dark Faerie appeared in front of them, glaring.
"You shouted?" she said, looking rather exhausted.
Celazia took a look at Athelda, whispered, "Haha,
now you're so toast," and said angrily at Jhudora, "She hit me! Hard, on the
Jhudora raised an eyebrow. "Good," she said,
causing Celazia's and Athelda's jaws to drop. "You deserve it. Good, Athelda,
you show her."
And she walked away. Celazia rounded on Athelda,
"Don't think she likes you any better than me!"
she practically whispered, "Just because you picked up some dumb book doesn't
mean you're the best of us all!"
"I never said I was better than you," Athelda
said calmly.
"You still think it!" Celazia accused wildly.
Athelda shrugged. "Yep," she said casually.
"I guess I do."
And she walked away, leaving Celazia standing
bewildered behind her.
The darkness that had swallowed Athelda's heart
started to brighten over the next few days. She began to see why joining Jhudora
was perhaps not the greatest of ideas, and spent her free time in her room with
Lessie, who, after delivering many more messages, had become Athelda's friend.
Lessie, even being a little baby Poogle, had proven a better friend than Kasm
ever had.
And speaking of Kasm…
A majority of the happiness that had swelled
with Athelda disappeared abruptly at Tuesday's Dark Council meeting. Jhudora
walked in, interrupting Athelda as she spoke, and right behind her was…
"Kasm?" Lulu, who was her roommate, said.
Athelda gritted her teeth. "Back to what I was
saying, guys…"
"Silence, Athelda," Jhudora said, causing Kasm's
thin mouth to arc into a smile. "Yes, indeed, Lulu. This is Kasm, and she will
be joining the Council!"
Athelda laughed. "Nice one, Jhudora," she said,
"very funny!"
Jhudora frowned. "I'm not joking."
"Athelda, quit laughing!" Celazia said. "Jhudora
isn't trying to be funny."
"No!" Athelda said, "This has got to be a joke!
K-Kasm? Yeah right!"
Kasm's smile disappeared, and an evil grimace
appeared. "Actually, this isn't a joke, Athelda. Oh sorry, am I supposed to
call you Captain?" Everyone caught the sarcasm.
Celazia clapped her hands together in delight.
"Oh, you are my kind of pet!" she said. "I request a room change! Lulu, you
can go with Athelda… ahem, Captain!"
Athelda glared at Kasm yet spoke to Celazia.
"There will be no changes without my permission."
Jhudora seemed to be observing this whole fight,
smiling slightly.
"Oh shut up!" Celazia shouted.
"Make me," Athelda taunted menacingly.
"Oh, I will!" Celazia leapt onto the table,
rearing on her hind legs. Athelda lifted her arm, ready to strike…
CRASH. Kasm lifted her arms and pointed them
viciously in Athelda's direction. Somehow or another, magical force plummeted
out, knocking Athelda off her feet. She crashed into a stack of chairs some
three feet away.
It was silence. Then, Jhudora clapped. She started
slowly, smiling. Athelda lifted her head and saw stars, but was able to make
out Celazia's amused expression, Kasm's evil one, Lulu's astonished one, and
Danzick and Kamper's expressionless faces.
"A room change is fine," Jhudora said, "Celazia
and Lulu switch. That is all."
She walked away. Lulu rushed over to Athelda.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Athelda nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She
gazed in Kasm's direction. Celazia was talking to her, and she overheard:
"Where did you learn to do that?" Celazia said,
impressed. "That little blasty trick!"
Kasm smiled. "Jhudora herself. Taught me all
she knows about black magic. She said I had wonderful skill… better than that
of one who simply picked up a book…"
Her eyes flickered dangerously in Athelda's
direction. Athelda, for the first time since she came to Jhudora's doorstep,
gulped in fear.
To be continued...