The Rainbow and the Wind: Part Two by neo_star_queen
It was a beautiful day in wherever Happiness was. The breeze
was cool and gentle. Was Cirsha controlling it? The wind that was pushing tiny
waves onto the shore, the wind that was blowing through the leaves of the trees…
was it all controlled by Cirsha?
"There are a lot of petpets here," remarked Happiness,
the feeling of wind through her fur and under her stomach already becoming a
familiar feeling. "Did they all come in through the hole?"
"Some of them did, but I brought most of them
in by myself," replied Cirsha. "I like petpets. They're never too busy to listen
to me. They never complain about their problems and then run off before I can
respond. They're so carefree and simple."
Cirsha winced and shook her head quickly. 'Why
am I saying so much? This Cybunny is just like all the others, even if she pretends
to be different.'
Happiness, looking down at a herd of grazing
Babaa, didn't reply. Suddenly she looked right into Cirsha's eyes and smiled.
The Kyrii blinked in surprise and looked away. What was it about those childish
blue eyes?
"We'll stop here," said Cirsha, a swirl of wind
circling her tail as it turned back into a pair of slim legs. She landed gracefully
on a tree branch, one foot in front of the other. Happiness was deposited gently
on the branch as well.
"Are you hungry?" asked Cirsha.
"Sort of."
"Well I don't have any food that you'd like."
Cirsha sat down on the branch with her legs dangling over the edge and continued,
"I don't eat, and you won't like the food that I feed the petpets."
"That's okay," said Happiness merrily. "You don't
eat? I thought you said that you aren't made of wind?"
"It's kind of hard to explain," said Cirsha,
who really didn't feel like explaining anything. "I have three different forms.
One is like this, nearly a normal Neopet, except for being transparent. Another
is the form that I usually use for flying, where I can move through solid objects
like wind, but I am still visible as one figure. And last is where I am completely
one with the wind, and only my eyes are visible. I use that when I don't want
to be seen."
"Isn't it weird when people just see a pair of
floating eyes though?" asked Happiness curiously. She let her own large feet
dangle off the branch and bent her head forward dangerously far.
"When I close my eyes, you can't see me at all."
"Oh, show me! Please show me!" requested Happiness,
clapping her little paws.
Cirsha rolled her eyes. "I don't feel like it."
"Pleeease?" begged Happiness. "I won't ask you
for anything else, promise."
Cirsha sighed and slid off the branch grudgingly.
Happiness watched as the Kyrii's body disappeared slowly, dissolving into the
air. Soon only her eyes were left. "See my eyes?" asked Cirsha's bodiless voice.
Happiness nodded rapidly, entranced. The floating pair of sharp blue eyes suddenly
closed, leaving Happiness with only a clear view of the sky.
Happiness suddenly started to giggle. She giggled
uncontrollably, her nails digging into the branch to keep herself from falling
off. Cirsha reappeared beside her. "What's so funny?" asked the Kyrii in an
annoyed tone of voice.
Happiness grinned. "You remind me of my owner
and me when we play tag. When we're gonna get caught, we close our eyes and
shout, 'If I can't see you, then you can't see me!' But it never works."
Cirsha raised her eyebrows. "That doesn't make
any sense. We're not alike at all!"
More giggles from Happiness. "It's just funny,"
she said cheerfully. "You should play with us sometime! You'd win for sure!
I always lose, but I love playing with my family."
Happiness turned to face Cirsha. "What about
your family? Please tell me about them. Are they all like wind too? I'm really
"My story is too long to tell," replied Cirsha,
gazing out across her little world. "You'll be too bored to hear it."
"I have lots of time."
Cirsha repositioned herself so that she could
lean her back against the trunk of the tree. She regarded Happiness over her
knees. The little Cybunny was looking directly at her again, her ears perked
up and an enthusiastic look on her face. She was clearly listening. Cirsha wound
a lock of hair around her finger. She'd always wanted, no matter how unwilling
she was to admit it, just to have someone to talk to. Someone who would give
her all their attention, so that for just once, she could talk. And once she
was done, they would reply, unlike the wordless petpets. Oh, talking to the
petpets was nice, but she wished that just once they would reply, so she could
be sure that they were listening. She could talk, instead of always drifting
through Neopia, unseen and silent, listening to the Neopets and their owners
go on and on. Always listening to others, never getting a chance to let someone
else know, for once, how she felt. What her story was. Cirsha looked up at the
sky and thought hard.
"I was born in Faerieland as a Maraquan Kyrii,"
she said finally. "I spent my childhood living with a group of four air Faeries.
We had a small house, but I didn't mind because we spent most of our time outdoors."
Her voice was silent and uncertain. Happiness leaned forward so as to hear her
"I loved to be outside. The air was always fresh
in Faerieland, and the skies were endless. I loved to stare at the sky for hours,
day or night, it didn't matter. The Air Faeries said that when I turned six
years old, I would be old enough to fly, and they would buy me a Faerie Paint
Brush. Because of my Maraquan colour, I had always found it hard to travel across
Faerieland, having to drag myself by my fins… I had always dreamed of the freedom
of flying… so I was thrilled, of course…" she stopped. "This part is probably
boring," she said quickly, "should I skip ahead?"
Happiness shook her head. "If I don't hear the
whole story, how will I understand it?"
Cirsha drew her knees up further and gazed down
at the ground. "I never got painted Faerie," she continued. "Three days before
my sixth birthday, I caught a terrible disease from touching one of Jhudora's
petpets. The Air Faeries said they could heal me with a potion. However, the
potion had a permanent side-effect: if I drank it, I would not be a normal Neopet
anymore. I would turn into something almost like wind. I would melt into the
"Of course, I didn't mind at all. I loved the
sky. It was my dream to soar across it, and being turned into wind sounded fantastic
to me. The Air Faeries I lived with seemed apprehensive about it, and I couldn't
understand why. But because the disease was so deadly, they fed me the potion.
"The change happened instantly. I felt wind gushing
around me, spinning so fast that I felt like I was in the middle of a tornado.
When the wind subsided, I fell to the floor, dizzy and shaken. When my head
finally cleared, I looked in the mirror and could not see a reflection. I looked
at my paws and discovered that they were completely transparent, and only my
faint outline was visible.
"Technically, I had been turned invisible. That
is how I was registered as a normal Neopet in the Faerieland census. It was
not what I had expected… and the change was irreversible, unlike the effect
of a paint brush. I was stuck as a being of the wind forever."
Happiness still seemed completely enthralled
by the story.
Cirsha stared at her knees, wondering if she
should continue. All that she had just said had only been her past, but the
next part contained feelings that she had never shared with anyone. "I… well,
that's how I became the way I am today," the Kyrii said awkwardly.
Happiness smiled at her. "It was very interesting.
The only part I didn't like was the ending. I hope you'll finish telling me
this story later."
Cirsha didn't reply.
When Neofaerie and NSQ arrived back at the shore,
looking exhausted but relieved, they found Neoangel already waiting for them.
"Neoangel, did you find Happiness?" asked NSQ
anxiously, her pleased expression changing as she saw that Neoangel was alone.
"I searched the forest and scanned the nearby
area from the skies, and I could not find her. I also did not find any sign
of her in the forest, so I do not think any of the creatures in there got to
her." Neoangel crossed her arms. "I sense that she is safe and unharmed, but
I do not know where she is…"
NSQ sighed. "Well, let's keep looking for her,"
she said, rubbing a crick in her neck. "If she's safe, than it's okay."
"Tada!" said Happiness proudly, standing up on
four feet. "That's how you do a Turmac Roll! Whoa!" The little Cybunny lost
her balance and fell sideways off the tree branch. A blast of wind picked her
up and dropped her back in front of Cirsha. "Umm… tada!" said Happiness again.
"That's the real ending!" She beamed.
Cirsha couldn't help but smile as Happiness leaped
to the end of the branch energetically to show the Kyrii a cartwheel. The colourful
little pet was so full of life. As Happiness stood up from her clumsy cartwheel,
Cirsha suddenly remembered where the Cybunny was really supposed to be.
"It should be safe now," Cirsha told her, "in
the forest. I can take you back there now… if you'd like." A little part of
her, buried beneath that cold exterior, wanted the Cybunny to stay.
"Oh? Okay, let's go!!" said Happiness brightly.
"I hope Neoangel isn't too worried! I've been gone for quite a while!" Her smile
widened. "I can't wait to hear how NSQ and Neofaerie did in Maraqua!"
Cirsha felt a strange pang in her heart as her
legs transformed into a tail again and she sent a wave of wind to pick Happiness
up. What was that odd feeling? She felt it on a regular basis, but it couldn't
be… it couldn't possibly be jealousy.
'But it is jealousy,' thought Cirsha as
they traveled towards the short tunnel that would lead back into the forest.
'I know it's jealousy, because I always feel jealous. Jealous of the normal
pets, who can have conversations with each other everyday. And now I'm jealous
of this Cybunny as well, because she has a loving family?' Cirsha bit her
lip. 'Am I just becoming selfish?'
They reached the tunnel. Happiness floated up
slowly, coming to land outside the hole. She smiled and looked around. Same
old calm, quiet forest. Cirsha flew up and hovered above Happiness protectively,
her eyes darting back and forth suspiciously. The creatures hissed, but didn't
dare go closer.
"Are you coming with me, Cirsha?" asked Happiness
"Ah?" The Kyrii was taken aback. "Why?"
"I thought you'd like to meet my family!" said
Happiness cheerily. "Oh, wait, you said not to tell anyone about you… but… well,
Cirsha eyed a set of sharp claws poking out from
behind a tree. "Fine, I'll take you out of the forest," she agreed. "But then
I'm going back."
"Okay! That's fair," said Happiness, nodding.
She trotted off down the path, with Cirsha trailing behind her.
They made their way through the forest, Happiness
chatting away joyfully and Cirsha listening silently. Listening again. But somehow,
listening to the cheerful little Cybunny talk was alright. Cirsha realized that
some of the things Happiness had done were things that Cirsha could do too.
'Maybe it's been too long…' thought Cirsha dolefully. 'After my Faerieland
friends suddenly stopped playing with me, and I came down to Neopia… maybe they
were actually the only ones who shunned me because of my state. Maybe all this
time I kept running away from people who wanted to get to know me…' Cirsha
looked up at the sky. 'I haven't been to Faerieland in a really long time.'
"We're heeeere!" announced Happiness, leaping
out into the grass. The dock stood a few feet away, waves lapping beneath it.
"Huh. Neoangel, NSQ and Neofaerie aren't here! Maybe they're still in Maraqua?
No, they probably came back to Neopia Central… now I hafta go find them!"
Cirsha looked around. It might be fun to go somewhere
with the little Cybunny. She opened her mouth to offer her help, but before
she could help it she found herself saying, "I suppose I'll have to help
you search, then?" Old habits didn't die easily.
"Yay, that would be really nice of you!" said
Happiness brightly. "I think they're probably still in Neopia Central." A gust
of wind picked her up and she rose into the sky, followed by Cirsha. "Neofaerie
is a green Kougra, and NSQ has kinda medium-length black hair. I think she was
wearing a red and white t-shirt this morning. Neoangel is a Christmas Zafara,
and she wears this brown cloak." Happiness looked into the distance. "Let's
try the main ring of shops first."
"Alright," said Cirsha unenthusiastically. They
moved with the wind, and had arrived at The Neopian Bazaar in a matter of seconds.
Cirsha set Happiness down on a table outside the bakery and stood on the ground
in her first form, trying to look normal.
"Hi there!" Happiness immediately greeted a Shoyru
coming out of the shop. "Have you seen a girl with a green Kougra anywhere?"
The Shoyru shook his head blankly.
"That's not going to work," Cirsha sighed. "At
least ask the shop owner. Where does your family usually shop?"
"Good idea," said Happiness cheerfully. She scampered
into the bakery.
The Shoyru, still standing by the door, was staring
at Cirsha. "You… what are you made of? I've never seen this colour in Neopia
before. Hey!" He turned and beckoned to three other pets near the garden shop.
"Guys, come check this out!"
"What are you doing?" asked Cirsha nervously,
taking a step backward as the three youths ran up to her. Her legs automatically
turned into a long tail.
"Whoa, that's so cool!" they said admiringly.
One of them plunged her arm through Cirsha's stomach.
"Stop it!" yelped Cirsha, darting into the air.
She backed away, her eyes flitting around uneasily. She was attracting a larger
"Hey, you can fly too! Are you a ghost?"
"How do you do that? Hey, teach me!"
"Come back! Hey!"
Cirsha had had enough. She flew up high into
the air and evaporated into the wind.
"Whoa! What just happened?"
Happiness crawled under a pair of legs and looked
around in surprise. Where had this large mob come from? Where was Cirsha? "S'cuse
me please!" she said, worming her way out of the crowd. The wind was getting
stronger. A few of the pets pulled their jackets around themselves tightly.
Happiness looked around, and then, noticing a small blue and red roof on the
other side of the bazaar, she started hopping towards it.
Happiness reached the wishing well and climbed
up the cool stone side. "Hello?" she said, peering down the well. "Can you grant
my wish? I'm looking for my friend!" She paused. "Umm… I don't have any neopoints,
but I'll pay you back!"
"No need," said a small voice from behind Happiness.
"I'm here."
Happiness turned around and sat down on the ledge
of the well. "Cirsha! I thought you'd got lost," she said in her usual bright
tone of voice. "There are kind of a lot of shops here."
Cirsha sat down on the ledge beside her and said
"So, are we gonna search some more?" asked Happiness.
"I think you can probably go by yourself," said
Cirsha quietly. "I got you here, right?"
"Oh, well… if you're too busy, I understand,"
replied Happiness. "I just thought it'd be fun to look for my family together!
Like hide-and-seek."
"I just remembered why I don't belong here."
"Huh? That's not true!" Happiness sat up on her
back legs. "I mean sure you belong in your peaceful little forest, but you belong
here outside too. You can be in both places. I think what I'm saying is… is…
well, what happened, Cirsha?"
"I think I'll go home now," mumbled Cirsha. She
slid of the ledge, her legs turning once again into a Maraquan's tail of wind.
She paused. She wanted to invite Happiness to come over sometime… so they could
talk again… Cirsha rose into the air. No, the Cybunny was better off in her
own world. She started to float up slowly, like a balloon with no one to hold
onto the string.
"Ah, wait!" said Happiness. "Come meet my family!
They'll like you, I'm sure! We can all go on a picnic! Cirsha, don't go yet!
My big brother will want to race you! And my big sister, you probably have a
lot in common! She likes flying too! She'll listen to you! Cirsha! Don't
run away!"
Cirsha stopped at once. She spun around and stared
down at Happiness. "What did you say?"
"I said… my sister likes flying?"
Cirsha flew down until she was right in front
of Happiness's furry face. "I'm not running away. I'm stronger than that. I
don't run away."
"I didn't say you were. Did I? I'm sorry Cirsha,
I don't know what I'm saying! Please don't leave!"
"I don't run away," Cirsha repeated. She frowned.
"Why are you so desperate?" Happiness was almost relieved to hear Cirsha's quiet
voice being replaced by her usual snappy tones.
"I don't know. You're a good person. I don't
think you should lock yourself up anymore." Happiness smiled and sat back. "You
need a friend."
Cirsha regarded Happiness thoughtfully. "Are
you my friend?"
"Well you're my only friend, Happiness. Friends
are people who accept you for who you are." Cirsha looked back through the trees
"I want you to continue the story now," Happiness
ordered. Cirsha looked at her in surprise. "After you drank the potion, what
happened? Did you immediately come down to Neopia Central?"
"Well, no. I… I stayed in Faerieland for a few
more years."
"Where'd you live?"
"Same place, with the Air Faeries."
"Really? They didn't kick you out because of
what you'd become?"
"I… no. They didn't. They…" Cirsha sighed. "Okay,
they accepted me. Maybe I made a mistake. But everyone makes mistakes."
"Yesterday I ate too much chocolate and got a
stomach ache," said Happiness. "But today I'm fine."
Cirsha gazed at her sadly. "I've been making
mistakes my entire life, haven't I? And today I'm…"
"Would you like to come meet my family?" asked
Happiness, as if it were the first time she was offering.
"No. No I… I think I'll go see how the Air Faeries
have been doing for the past couple of years."
"That's always nice," said Happiness, her voice
cheerful again. "Well… goodbye, then. I have to go look for NSQ and my siblings."
Cirsha nodded, rising slowly into the air. She
paused again. "Happiness… you can always come and visit me. You know where I
am. And… if I'm not there… leave a message with one of the petpets."
"Oh? Why wouldn't you be there?"
"I might be… somewhere else. I guess there are
a few things that I've been missing out on."
"That sounds fun," said Happiness. Wind tickled
her ears and she giggled.
Cirsha shrugged, but she couldn't help but grin.
"It might be. Goodbye, Happiness."
"HAPPIIIIII!" Happiness felt a pair of arms wrap
themselves tightly around her stomach and swing her into the air. "NEOFAERIE!"
her captor yelled. "I FOUND HER!"
"Help me, I'm being kidnapped!" Happiness chirped,
recognizing her owner's voice.
"I'll save you!" chuckled Neofaerie, bounding
up to the pair. "Roar."
NSQ squeezed Happiness tighter. "I'm so glad
you're safe!" said the girl.
"And full," said Happiness, her smile widening.
She pointed through the doors of the chocolate factory, which she had been sitting
outside of before NSQ attacked her. "The nice chocolate factory owner gave me
lots of ice cream!"
"Aww man!" Neofaerie sighed. "It's gonna be just
like yesterday! You need to learn from your mistakes, Happiness."
Neoangel fluttered down before the Cybunny could
reply. "Here we all are," said Neoangel, smiling. "It is good to see you safe,
"Oh!" Happiness poked NSQ. "Did you sign up for
the war in time?"
"Yep!" Suddenly NSQ and Neofaerie were glaring
at each other playfully. "But I wanted to sign up with the pirates! This ummaginehead
signed up with Maraqua!"
"No way am I fighting for a pirate captain!"
"You fuzzlebrain! I am a pirate! Kind of! Almost!"
"Stop calling me weird names!"
Neoangel patted Happiness's head and smiled.
"So where were you, Happiness?"
Neofaerie turned around. "Yeah, where'd you go?"
Happiness leaped out of her owner's arms (which
was not a good move for someone about to tell an exciting story, as it made
her considerably shorter). "Oooh! I was in the most amazing place! I-" Happiness
grabbed her ears. "I can't tell you!"
"I made a promise to- nooo, I can't tell you
that either! She made me promise not to tell anyone about her really cool home
and- ahh, I've said too much!"
"What are you rambling about?" asked Neofaerie.
"I met this Neopet, and Neoangel, you two probably
would have gotten along well! And she lived in this really neat foresty place,
but I can't tell you where it is! Neofaerie, you would've really loved to explore
"Gee thanks," drawled the Kougra. "Are you making
this up?"
"I'm not! I wish I could tell you about it, but
I can't!" Happiness suddenly smiled again. "She was really nice though. Maybe
someday she'll be ready to meet you guys."
"Hey, a promise is a promise," said NSQ. Neofaerie
tossed Happiness onto his back. "Let's go home, guys. I think I left the oven
"NSQ!" barked Neofaerie.
"HAH! We don't have an oven, remember? It exploded
last week!"
"Oh, that makes me feel better," said Neofaerie
with a groan. "Why don't we eat out tonight?"
Happiness shook her head, her long ears tickling
NSQ's chin. "I don't want to eat out. We can order food if no one feels like
cooking, but I just… want to go home."
"Homesick, eh?" said NSQ wisely. "It happens.
We can order pizza."
"I think that would be nice," replied Happiness
The End