The Astounding Squad: Part One by o_apollo_o
The hall was silent; there were grey, metal walls surrounding
the whole room. With every step you would take, a clanking noise would arise no
matter how bad you wished it wouldn't.
"Excuse me… sir?" A small starry Grundo approached
a shadowed figure, his legs shaking even by standing still. He was frightened,
but he cleared his throat and spoke up, "I finished my part of the bargain…
can you send me back home?"
"Of course, it is only fair!" The loud voice
boomed across the barren hall, shaking the metal tiles on the floor and on the
wall. The figure stared out of the nearest window, into the cold, dark, depths
of outer space. He tapped his fingers on the metal armrest of his chair, and
paused before he spoke up. "Just step into the transporter pod, and I'll send
you safely home, back to Kreludor."
The Grundo gave a weak, forced smile as he timidly
stepped inside the cylindrical shaped capsule and it closed suddenly. He was
trapped and he knew it. The Grundo started to pound on the glass furiously,
in hopes of getting out. The figure just stared at him and laughed coldly.
A mist of nauseating green and brown arose and
surrounded the poor, used Grundo. This wasn't a transporter pod. In about five
minutes, the Grundo stepped out, large, green, and disgustingly muscular.
"What a perfectly wonderful mutation! Yes, yes
you are my little slave!"
The figure patted his mutation on his head, while
the Grundo smiled blankly with his eyes half closed. A drop of spit fell from
the side of his mouth and splattered on the floor.
The figure sighed and laughed some more while
the Grundo just continued staring at him with that blank expression. The mysterious
man stood up from his chair and crossed the hall. As he left, he shut the door
tightly behind him, and locked it up. His Grundo slave followed him every step
of the way, hypnotized.
The sun shone down brightly on a lush forest,
full of towering trees and beautiful daisies and roses. It was truly a wonder
in Neopia.
"Practice time is over! It's time to head back
to Virtupets!" Captain Astounding's voice rang loudly to the other members of
the team. Three other green Grarrls, all in black and pastel purple costumes,
headed towards him.
Practice time was when the four Grarrls practiced
their skills, to perfect them and use them to help others. Targets, speed courses
and weightlifting were all part of the drill. They came down from there space
headquarters only a few times a year to practice on solid ground.
They were the Astounding Squad, a team of four
green Grarrls gifted with super-natural powers from a mutation experiment gone
wrong, an incident involving Dr. Sloth.
Captain Astounding was the leader of the group,
and was unbelievably wealthy. He owned a small corner of the Virtupets Space
Station, which the team called their home. He got rich after his powers were
given to him, and used them dishonestly to get ahead. After realizing his wrong
ways, Captain Astounding gathered the other three assuming that they got super-powers
from the incident as well. Now he uses them for fighting crime, and protecting
the good. His super speed, metal-melting eyebeams, and ability of flight made
him the most valuable member of the team.
"Come on, can we stay a little longer? Fresh
air is so nice, better than that stuffy, stale space station air! Besides, this
forest is beautiful, better than those barren moons and asteroids," piped up
the smallest Grarrl there.
Captain Astounding rolled his eyes. Electro-boy,
the youngest member of the team, never really thought about anything important
(or anything) at all. He still hadn't learned to control his powers, even after
two full years. His power was extremely dangerous as well, electricity. Electro-boy
could corrupt any type of electrical device. That included lamps, toasters,
oven, and anything up at Virtupets. The possibility that his powers could explode
all of the Space Station was always on the team's minds.
"Looks like you might get your wish, kid," the
Wall spoke up from where he was standing, in front of the team space shuttle.
"This engine is messed up, and looks like someone tampered with it."
The Wall was great with machinery. He designed
and built the Astounding Flyer, the space shuttle that the team used
to move around in space and to transport them from Neopia back to Virtupets.
It had built in lasers, used for combat and to destroy any space fungus in their
way. The Wall also had the power of super strength. He had a job at Grundo's
Gym after the mutation until joining the team.
"So we're stuck here?" said the Incredible Grarrl
as he looked up from his book annoyed. His eyebrow was propped up, and the other
was down low in a questioning look.
The Incredible Grarrl was the quiet, more mysterious
member of the team. He was never very social, even before he got his powers.
He was an advisor to Captain Astounding while he was in his prime of business,
and helped him to get out of using his powers dishonestly. He is the co-founder
of the team, although Electro-boy never gave him any respect. The Incredible
Grarrl has the ability of telekinesis, which he was showing off by levitating
off the ground. He could move objects with his psychic waves, but nothing too
big. He also was telepathic which allowed him to read others minds.
"It sure would look that way-" Before the Wall
could finish; Electro-boy threw his hands up in excitement as a jolt of electricity
flew out. He gave the rest of the team a sheepish grin as they all rolled their
"Don't worry, Marc; I'll learn to control them
The Captain cringed. He hated when his real name
was used in public. Electro-boy sensed this and stared at him with his jaw dropped
in disbelief.
"Come on!" he shouted, pacing the ground as he
gesticulated wildly with his arms, "No one is here, I can use your names if
I want! I'm Caleb," he shifted glances to the Wall, "You're Brock, and you're
Theo!" He ended his statement with a look at the Incredible Grarrl, who was
trying to ignore him the best he could by keeping his eyes glued to his book.
"Electr-I mean, Caleb." The Wall turned to him
and his voice turned gentle and calm. "We are going to be stuck down on Neopia
for a while; I suggest we keep our identities secret from the public, you never
know who might be around."
Caleb sighed and sat down on a pile of rocks
in disappointment. No one was here, and they all knew it. He sensed the dislike
that the other team showed for him, especially the Incredible Grarrl. Sometimes
the rest of the team would go on space missions, but he was left out. They would
always say, "It was too dangerous," or, "You're not strong enough," and he was
sick of it. How could he learn to control his powers if he barely had a chance
to use them? He wanted more excitement, more respect from the team. His wishes
were about to come true…
"Perfect…" A mutant Usul was in a tree above
the team, and having gathered enough information, she began dashing through
the trees and shrubbery of the forest. She could arrive and leave quickly and
quietly, being the best spy in her group. The information she gathered was information
on the Astounding Squad, and she was going to report them to her leader, her
master. She even got their real names! He would definitely give her a promotion.
She landed silently on the ground after jumping
down from a tree. Cautiously, she approached burnt and charred trees, all having
been damaged by the landing of the large spaceship standing in front of her.
It had been there for about an hour, and she got her job done quickly. An opening
was suddenly made in the ship's front side, and a stepped slope slowly alighted
to the ground.
"Spy #3464, how goes the expedition?"
A shadowed figure stepped down from the slope
and his feet touched the burnt ground. He eyed the Usul suspiciously. Gathering
her courage, the spy spoke up, "It is fine, my master; I have recorded all of
my information on this tablet."
The tablet was snatched out of #3464's hands
once she got close enough. She immediately took a step back. Her master's keen
eyes skimmed quickly over her shorthand approvingly.
"You have done well. Board the ship; we will
head back to my lair soon. This shouldn't take long."
The mutant, obeying him, stepped aboard as her
master pressed a button on a remote control and an army of thousands of mutant
pets flooded out from the forest into the opening. Lupes, Aishas, Chias, Meercas,
Kyriis, their footsteps all in the exact same rhythm. They each had a red number
imprinted upon their head, just like the Usul spy. As the army marched out into
the forest, she slowly stepped back into the ship. Things were going to get
"Anything yet?" asked the Incredible Grarrl.
His voice was slightly annoyed at the slow progress in fixing the engine.
"Well, this isn't easy! You want to try?"
Theo rolled his eyes. They weren't going anywhere.
Somehow, he felt that they'd want to leave here; and fast.
"What's that noise?" The Wall turned to his team
"Sounds like the engine," replied Captain Astounding.
"Did you get it working?"
The group all exchanged worried looks and Electro-boy
bit his lip. The noise came closer, and gradually took a crescendo. Out past
them and entering an opening from the forest were mutants, charging and shaking
the ground as they came. One pulled out a Virtupets laser and shot it at the
Incredible Grarrl, but he stopped it with a psychic shield.
"Astounding Squad, attack!" bellowed Captain
Astounding, as the team prepared for a battle.
To be continued...