Return by chia625_2001
The leaves crumpled under my Scorchio feet, as I walked
down the dirt road. The autumn wind blew throughout the place, picking up the
fallen leaves and causing them to dance in the air, in a mesmerizing myriad of
red, gold and brown.
As I walked into town, I took a moment to gaze
at the empty streets, recalling how noisy and bustling it used to be, as young
Neopets would run around, while their mothers would be chatting to one another.
But today the streets were barren, as the cold winds blew even harder. Shivering
a little, I tightened my scarf, and walked on down the street.
After a while, I stopped, resting on an iron
gate. I then took a moment to look at the field just beyond it, where I used
to play Neo-soccer and Neo-baseball when I was young, spending afternoons there
and coming home with scrapes and bruises. I chuckled softly at the memories,
and continued on, as the field was as empty as the streets.
I then spotted an old, run down building. As
I wiped dust off the windows, I peered inside, taking note of the broken tables
and ancient food crumbs on the floor. This place certainly hadn't done as well
as the last time I was here, when I used to buy fresh, hot doughnuts every week,
relishing their flavour.
The clouds started turning grey as I started
down a winding road, pulling my jacket tightly around me. The air was turning
chilly as the sun set, bathing the town in a cascade of orange. It caused me
to stop for a minute, marveling at the beauty of it all, especially when I used
to sit on a hill at the end of day, gazing at the setting sun. I then hurried
on, wanting to get there before it was too dark to see.
As I continued on, I noticed a lone young Bruce,
hurrying while carrying a haversack, full of books. Apparently, he didn't want
to get a scolding from his parents for being late, and ran into a house, slamming
the wooden door, leaving me smiling at how at least he had shut the wooden gate,
as I often forgot to do, causing wild Babbas to wander in, and I had to shoo
them out again.
A light rain then erupted from the clouds, forcing
me to run into a nearby shelter. As I lit some twigs and leaves on the ground
with my fiery breath, I shivered, but eventually just sat down and listened
to the rhythmic pitter-patter of the rain on the roof, tapping my foot to it
and making up imaginary songs in my head to the beat of the rain, as the lightning
flashed and danced across the sky, illuminating the place.
Eventually, the sky cleared, and I stepped gingerly
back on to the street, taking care not to slip on the puddles of water. It had
been an hour, and the sun had set. I picked up a twig and set it on fire, using
it as a torch as I continued walking.
I then stopped at a nearby mansion, which had
bright lights and music streaming out of the windows. It appeared to be quite
a bash, and I slowly walked up the steep pavement to the front of the house,
tap-tap-tapping on the door.
A few minutes passed before a Quiggle butler
answered the door, looking amazingly like the one from the Gourmet Club. I was
a bit taken back at the resemblance, but cleared my throat and asked, "Is Thomas
here? I'd like to speak to him."
The butler gave a discerning glance at me in
my jacket, scarf and balaclava, which had patches in them that were sewn up
using thread of the wrong colour, causing the colours to contrast. "Name, please?"
he coughed, stepping inside.
I hesitated for a while, then smiled and said,
"Just tell him... that we've known each other since we were baby Neopets."
The butler raised an eyebrow, then said, "Wait
here, please." and stepped inside, closing the door.
I patiently waited, letting my mind wander as
I looked at a tree nearby, which had leaves slowly dropping off it. I started
a rhythmic count in my head as the leaves dropped to the ground, leaving them
scattered on the grass.
Just as I had reached up to 572, the door opened
again, and I was so surprised that I gave a sudden jolt, seemingly startling
him as well, as if he hadn't known I had been standing outside for the past
ten minutes.
Regaining his composure, he gave a slight cough
and said, "Master Thomas is not in. May I take a message?"
My wings drooped slightly. "No... No, it's okay.
I'll talk to him some other time." I walked away sadly, trying hard to believe
the rather obvious lie and the laughter and lights coming from inside the house.
I stepped back on the street again, this time
my mind wavering as I tried not to focus on the bitterness I had felt back at
the mansion. I choked a little under my breath, and then regained my composure,
wiping away a tear that was streaming down my cheek, as the winds howled and
screamed, seemingly mocking me.
I finally reached where I had come back for,
pulling out a key in my pocket and inserting it into the lock on the door. I
slowly turned it, pushing the door open and stepping inside,
The house was, expectedly, dusty, with a thick
layer of it covering the floor and furniture, as my ruby scales caused me to
stick out like a sore thumb. I slowly paced the floors, running a claw gingerly
among a couch, making a mental note to clean the place up tomorrow.
I yawned as I stepped into the bedroom, flicking
on the lights and shutting the door. I took some time to glance around the room,
which was as dusty as the others, with the exception of the bed, which was tightly
covered by various other things, so as to remain dust-free. I tore them off,
collapsing on it, exhausted.
I peered around the room, taking note of the
items around it, each invoking yet another memory from my childhood. A baseball.
A half-completed stamp album. A skateboard with a wheel missing. A guitar, with
signatures messily scribbled on it. I chuckled at some of the memories, while
felt tears come to my eyes at others.
I then noticed a photo frame on the desk beside
the bed, and picked it up. Encased inside was a photo, having been ripped in
half, the other half missing. In this half-photo, I could see a youthful Kougra,
his red coat seemingly bouncy and full of life.
I felt more tears stream down my face, as I remembered
this photo. We were the best of friends, having such grand times together. Having
known each other early in our lives, we were practically inseparable.
My mood saddened as I remembered the day I had
left. We had an argument that day- I can't remember what it was, it being so
hazy, but our tempers flared, and in the end, we ripped this photo, the photo
which featured the two of use, standing side by side with broad grins, in half.
And with that tear, I felt like my heart was broken too, ripped to shreds and
cast away, as if a part of me had flown away, leaving me incomplete. We then
stalked off angrily, as I left the town, never to return... till today.
I set the photo back on the table, sniffing and
wiping away my tears. So much had changed throughout the time I had been gone,
and I almost felt sorry that I hadn't been here. The images of this day danced
in my head, vibrant and fresh.
I noticed a dusty book lying beside the photo-
had I missed that? Picking it up, I was once again greeted with memories. As
I opened it and read page after page, tears once again trickled from my eyes,
sogging the pages as I smiled weakly.
I stole a glance at my clock. It was late- the
book would have to wait till tomorrow. I snuggled down under the covers, my
imagination running wild, as the wind screeched outside and braches shook in
it, creating a natural symphony that shook the place. I was so glad to have
come back...
I closed my eyes contentedly, and drifted off
into slumber...
The End