Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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by white_draigon

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*sneak sneak*

Also by naasyu

by seel24


Ancient Neopia: Part Twelve
The forest was quiet. The trees were turning grey and others were lying on the ground, dead apparently. "This place is giving me the creeps," Jarod announced, as he looked around him...

by articuno_neo


The Lost Desert Dagger: Part One
I had lost track of the time I spent being held captive in the dungeons far beneath the sands of the Lost Desert. A month? A year? A decade? I had stopped counting in the end. It was pointless, utterly pointless...

by scarrift


A Hunt for a Petpet
A ripe apple suddenly detached from the tree and knocked the yellow Lupe on the head before rolling to the ground. The Lupe jumped, looking up into the tree's foliage...

by steelmaheegun

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