Lennert's Lawn Ornament, Take 2: Part One by buddy33774
There once was a story about a Lenny and his lawn ornament… sort of…
Little Pink Lenny Lawn Ornaments, Inc. Factory
"Ladies and gentleman, I'd first off like to thank
you all for coming on this tour today - I'd like to, but I don't get paid enough
for that!" the tour guide, a pink Lenny who had the unfortunate luck of being
a male pink Lenny, announced cheerily to the crowd, wearing a merry smile.
Another day, another group of tourist pets clad with tropical shirts and sunglasses
coming for a tour of the factory.
Idiots. I mean, honestly - who wears sunglasses
inside? And why would you want to tour a factory on vacation, anyways?!
The factory they were all in was large and loud,
with rows and rows of Virtupets machines churning out lawn ornament after lawn
ornament - just as one might expect a factory to do - all of which looked exactly
the same: pink and Lenny-shaped.
Everything was clad in gray; the walls, the
floor and even the machines themselves. The only bits of dull color were those
that the pets manning the machines were painted. And perhaps the pink colors
of the Lenny lawn ornaments coming out of those machines; and of the tour guide
himself, of course.
Yes, the pink Lenny tour guide was a guy. He
hadn't chosen to be this way, of course - the factory owners had forced him
to get painted pink so as to better match what it was that the factory made.
The fact that he happened to be a guy didn't really matter to them in the slightest.
He smiled once more. "Now, if everyone's ready,
we'll begin!"
A red Lenny in the back of the group raised
his wing.
The tour leader nodded to him. "Yes?"
"Umm, what should I do if I get lost?" he called
out, practically having to shout to be heard over the roar of the machines.
"Then sit down and die!" the guide replied, a
little too quietly, still managing to hold his cheesy smile.
"I'm sorry, what? I didn't catch that!"
"Moving on!" the tour guide shouted, turning
briskly and striding off across the factory floor. He took about four steps,
stopped right next to one of the many machines, and spun back to face the group,
still smiling wide.
"This machine here makes the heads of the ornaments!
I'd describe to you how it works, but then I'd probably lose my mind from boredom
and go on a massive battling spree, wiping all of you out!"
"Hey!" one of the tourists, a random blue Bruce
shouted, pointed to a figure slumped over on a stool next to the machine. "Isn't
he supposed to be awake and watching the machine or something?"
The tour guide smiled, waving his wing in a poo-poo
fashion. "Don't worry about him - he's just a mannequin! We leave him there
so the inspector won't say anything whenever he stops by for inspection!"
A green Kyrii standing in the back of the group
next to the first red Lenny raised his paw.
"Hey, aren't we supposed to be wearing hardhats
or something? It seems like we could get hurt…"
"Don't worry," the pink Lenny replied, again
keeping his voice below the roar of the machines, "you'll be fine - I'm not
that lucky!"
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
He spun back around smartly. "Moving on!" He
took another three steps forward, stopping at another machine, this one with
a large mold that came down at intervals as large melted pieces of plastic rolled
underneath it on the conveyer belt, smashing the blobs of bubbling material
and shaping it into the body of a Lenny.
"And this," the guide explained, loudly enough
this time so that everyone could hear, "is where we make the bodies of the lawn
ornaments! I would explain how it works, but I think I should probably hurry
and finish this tour before the sight of your faces makes me vomit!" He reaffirmed
his smile, turned and took another few steps, then spun back to face the group.
"This concludes our tour!" he announced, still
cheery as always. "Are there any other questions?"
The red Lenny in the back raised his wing once
The tour guide pointed to him. "Yes?"
"Why do you sound so much like a guy?" he shouted.
The pink Lenny's face fell. "…You realize that
I am a guy, right?"
Lennert stared back for a few seconds. "…So,
why do you sound so much like a guy?"
The tour guide sighed before once more plastering
on his false face of joy. He looked about the group for any other hands, paws,
or wings in the air. "No one else? Good! Well then, I hope you all had an absolutely
miserable time and please, feel free to waste your money buying useless crap
in our gift shop!" He turned and strode through a door off to the side marked
Inside the break room, the Lenny dropped down
heavily onto nearby red beanbag, sighing. The only other pet in the room, a
blue Kacheek wearing a shirt and tie, was making himself a cup of coffee at
the table nearby. The Kacheek looked up at the Lenny curiously.
"What's wrong?" he asked, walking over.
The Lenny sighed again. "I hate this!" he shouted.
"I hate this job, I hate my pay… but what I really hate, more than anything
else, is this colour - now, everyone thinks I'm a girl! It doesn't seem like
anyone has figured out that I'm actually a guy!"
The blue Kacheek nodded, seeming to understand.
A momentary pause.
"So… Why do you sound so much like a guy,
On the walk home…
It was a bright sunny afternoon in downtown
Neopia Central - pets of all types were roaming the streets, making their way
in and out of shops, dining out, or simply trying to get home. Like one certain
familiar pair - a red Lenny and his green Kyrii of a roommate.
And as they were strolling down the street,
Lennert, the red Lenny of the two, couldn't help but wonder aloud…
"Hey, you know what you never see? A vanilla
chip cookie!"
Hawkins, the green Kyrii, looked over at his
roommate as they walked. "Vanilla chip cookie?"
"Yeah!" Lennert replied. "I mean, you see chocolate
chip cookies all the time, but never vanilla chip!"
"I don't think they can make vanilla chip…"
the green Kyrii pointed out.
"Well, I don't see why not!" Lennert exclaimed.
"I mean, they both come from beans, right? Its not like they're growing chocolate
chips on trees somewhere!"
"I'll tell ya what I think," Lennert continued
as he and his partner strolled down the sidewalk, passing by restaurants and
a large brick apartment building. "It's the big chocolate corporations - they've
got a monopoly! That's what it is! They've got a strangle-hold on the chocolate
chip-making business and they're not letting the little vanilla companies get
in on it!"
"Wow…" Hawkins replied, a tinge sarcastic. "The
world must know about this…"
"Yeah! And further more, I--"
"Lennert, look out!"
At just that moment, Hawkins tackled his roommate
to the ground, knocking him out of the way just as a large, pink object came
plummeting from the sky, crashing right into the spot where Lennert had been
standing not a second earlier.
For a few seconds, both pets lay lifelessly
on the ground. Finally, throbbing with pain, Hawkins raised himself up. As he
shook his head slowly, trying to clear his mind, the Kyrii looked back to see
that the object which had almost crushed his friend was, in fact, a lawn ornament
- a lawn ornament shaped like a pink Lenny! It had shattered into about half
a dozen pieces from the impact, but it was still clear what it was; or, at least,
what it had been.
Lennert, rubbing his head painfully, looked
back at the ornament and gasped. "Oh my gosh!" he cried. "Oh man… Hawkins, you…
you saved me!" He continued gaping at the spot in the sidewalk where what was
left of the lawn ornament sat in many pieces. "If you hadn't pushed me out of
the way, that thing would've killed me!"
Hawkins sighed, pulling himself up. "Well, I
dunno if it would've killed you - but it certainly would've given you a good
bump on the head…"
"No," the red Lenny retorted, pulling himself
up beside his roommate, "that thing would've definitely been the end of me!
Hawkins, you saved my life!"
Hawkins walked over to where the splintered
remains of the ornament lay, shaking his head sadly. "I wonder how…" He looked
up above him. The two were just outside of a large apartment building - maybe
6 or 7 stories in height. There were no open windows and no one peering over
the roof searching for a fallen lawn ornament. It was almost as if the ornament
had simply fallen out of the sky…
The Kyrii shrugged. "Ah well. Whatever." He
turned back to continue the walk home.
"Hey wait!" Lennert shouted, rushing to catch
up to him. "Aren't I indebted to you now or something?"
Hawkins waved his paw, pooh-poohing the idea.
"Lennert, don't worry about it."
"But really!" Lennert pressed. "I owe you my
life! I'm now forced to become your indentured servant!"
Hawkins rolled his eyes. "If only that were
true - then I'd order you to be quiet for once!" he thought to himself as
he continued down the sidewalk.
Hawkins and Lennert's Apartment…
The front door of the apartment opened and in
walked its two tenants - Hawkins the Kyrii and Lennert the Lenny. Hawkins turned
and tossed his keys on to the stand by the door when he heard a blood-curdling
The Kyrii spun back around to the sight of Lennert
kneeling on the floor next to their blue couch in the living room, hunched over
some object his red, feathery body seemed to have obscured from view.
"Lennert, what's wrong?!" Hawkins shouted, rushing
over to his friend. But as he got closer, he realized almost immediately what
the problem was...
Lying on the floor were the remains of a pink
Lenny lawn ornament - Lennert's short-time friend, Pinky! The head had been
snapped off at the neck and the ornament now lay in two pieces: the body and
half of the neck in one piece, and the head and the other half of the neck in
the other.
"Oh Pinky!" Lennert wailed, clutching the ornament's
head in his wing. "Pinky, what's happened to you?! Who did this two you, Pinky?!
WHO?! Oh, who could be so cruel as to hurt a poor innocent lawn ornament
like this?!"
Hawkins could only stand there, watching his
friend wallow over his "dead" lawn ornament; the Kyrii wasn't really sure what
to say. After all, what can one say to ease the pain of a lost garden accessory?
"What's that, Pinky?" Lennert, who was already
down on his knees, leaned in a bit further, putting his ear to the lawn gnome's
head's beak. "Pinky, are you trying to say something? What are you trying to
say, Pinky? You… you want Hawkins to give me one-- no, ten-thousand Neopoints?!
Oh, I don't know, Pinky… Hawkins can be very callous when it comes to last wishes…"
Hawkins rolled his eyes. "Okay, that's it!"
he said, reaching for the lawn gnome's head.
"No wait!" Lennert cried, pulling back from
his roommate. "No, he's trying to say something else! What, Pinky? Who hurt
you? It was… who? The other lawn gnomes? What other lawn gnomes? Pinky, what
other… No! Pinky! Don't go, Pinky! Hold on! We'll get you to the hospital! We'll
get a doctor!" Lennert looked back up at Hawkins. "We've got to get him to the
"And tell the doctors what?! 'Oh hi, excuse
us, would you mind healing our sick lawn gnome? Yeah, we think he might have
been the target of an assassination. 'Kay, thanks!'"
Lennert put his ear to the ornaments beak, then,
with a sigh, shook his head. "It's too late… He's gone!" Lennert dropped the
head to the floor, rolling over in an all-too dramatic fetal position and dissolving
into tears.
Dead-as-Dirt Cemetery
It was a cloudy, slightly-gusty afternoon in
the cemetery as Lennert, Hawkins, and a golden Lenny lawn gnome named Goldy
stood among the many graves and headstones for the stupidly-solemn act of burying
a well beloved, though shortly-known, lawn ornament, the pieces of whom (which?)
now lay in a small, wooden casket-type box near the freshly-dug grave.
"Pinky," Lennert began, with both pets bowing
their heads in remembrance, "you were a good lawn ornament, cut down in the
prime of your life. And though your time with us was short, we-Hey wait! Stop
Lennert glanced up to see a black Airax perched
on top of Pinky's head, pecking at its eye.
"Hey!" the Lenny shouted. "Get off of Pinky's
head! Fly away, you! Shoo! Shoo!"
The Airax did take off and fly away - carrying
Pinky's head in its talons!
"Hey!" Lennert cried out as the petpet flew off
into the sky, out of reach. "Come back here with Pinky's head! Come back! Awww,
Pinky, he's stealing your head! He's stealing your head, Pinky! Awww man… this
isn't good…"
Hawkins, standing off to the side, just put his
face in his paws, shaking his head sadly.
Goldy simply stood there, looking golden and
gnomish as always.
And, really, is there any other way for a golden
lawn gnome to look?
To be continued...