Apoc vs. Prince Jazan by mystery_island111223
Apoc sniffed the ground. He felt something beneath his paws
and began digging. After a few minutes the Christmas Bori uncovered a Two Dubloon
Coin. He nestled it into his scarf and stared up at his owner MI. MI was focused
on reading the Lost Desert plot.
"Apoc, that's terrible!" MI cried when he had
finished reading. "Prince Jazan has transported the entire Lost Desert into
a parallel dimension! We have to help save them! I'm recruiting Junglecat into
the war right now!"
"MI, relax!" Apoc said. "Junglecat couldn't
touch any opponents, and even if it had, if the Lost Desert is gone your Ummagines
will triple in price!"
"Apoc, you show some kindness to the Sakhmet
"Hey, Coltzan's Shrine and Sutek's Tomb are
still here!" replied Apoc. "And Princess Amira never was really an ideal ruler.
But why not? Sign Junglecat up! Maybe he'll get sick like last time!"
"Apoc!" MI cried. "You know that was an accident!"
"Yeah, the first two times!" Apoc muttered under
his breath. He sighed, made sure his dubloon was safe, and followed his owner
on the long road back to their home in Neopia Central.
The next day at neoschool Apoc couldn't go three
feet without someone talking about Princess Amira and whether they would ever
taste Puntec Fruit again. He ducked into a supply closet and sighed. He might
as well get used to the plot as it wasn't going anywhere for weeks to come.
In fact, maybe he was going about it all wrong.
As soon as the bell rang for class Apoc darted
out of the closet and down the hall to room 38, in which a Tyrannian class was
taking place.
"Ugga ugg ug ugga. Where is the bathroom?" The
Chia teacher turned to the class.
"Ugga ugg ug-" The response was interrupted
when Apoc burst in.
"Min!" Apoc cried. The whole class turned to
a yellow Tonu in the third row.
"What is it?" asked Min. Apoc gestured outside
and Min got up.
"Now just a minute!" The Chia teacher turned
on Apoc. "You are supposed to be in class, Apoc, and Min, get back in your seat!"
He was too late. The two neopets were already long gone.
"Wow Apoc!" said Min between breaths as they
ran down a hall. "I guess there was a reason for MI raising our speed at the
Training School!"
"Yeah!" Apoc responded. "Now run faster. I think
my teacher realised I'm not in class!"
Min looked over his shoulder and saw a Kacheek
running behind them, screaming and waving an Attack Fork. He sped up.
The pets dashed home, losing Apoc's teacher
near the book shop. When they reached their home Min climbed through a window
and immediately spotted a Snow Kookith by the name of Cheeky scratching a Vernax
on his leg.
Min grabbed Cheeky and tossed him outside. Apoc
caught him and Min climbed out. Now that they had Cheeky (and to a lesser extent
his Vernax) they were ready for anything. Which left just one question.
"Apoc, what exactly is it we're doing?" asked
"You'll find out soon enough. For now follow
me, we're off to the Lost Desert!" Apoc walked off, Min and Cheeky hurrying
along behind.
After a while the pets reached the Lost Desert.
It seemed much more desolate then usual, with only a few of the once many pyramids
that once were scattered across the horizon. The city of Sakhmet was gone, not
even a trace of its glory remained. A lone Anubis howled. It was creepy.
Apoc darted over towards the former location
of Sakhmet. He began sniffing around. Min followed behind, amazed at how he
was gasping for breath, and Apoc hadn't even broken a sweat. Maybe there was
something to Grundo's Gym after all.
"You know, we might find what we're looking
for if you tell me what we're doing!" Min glanced expectantly at Apoc.
"Fine," the Bori responded. "I plan to ally
myself with Prince Jazan and help him destroy Sakhmet in exchange for a portion
of it when he gains control!" Min stared at Apoc. "It'll work, Min, just trust
Min thought back to the last time he had trusted
Apoc, which led to a very painful experience involving a large whirlpool. But
Apoc's insane plans always did have some shred of logic to them, so Min offered
a suggestion.
"There's a fortune teller a few miles east.
We could go see her!" Apoc grinned and darted off, Min slowly jogging behind
They entered a dusty tent. An old Kau wrapped
in strange robes greeted them. She picked up Cheeky, who was making frantic
meep noises.
"So," she said to the pets. "I sense you have
come to seek information on your future. What are your questions?"
"Can the fortune teller act!" Apoc whipped out
a Snowball Slingshot. With any luck, Junglecat wouldn't miss it. "Get us to
Prince Jazan!"
The fortune teller chuckled and set Cheeky down.
"Alright!" she said and chuckled softly. She
walked over to a tablet and uttered a strange chant. The tablet glowed and a
swirling hole emerged. It grew and grew until it roared throughout the entire
"Go ahead!" she shouted, pointing to the centre.
"Best of luck!"
"You go first!" cried Apoc to Min. "I'll be
right behind you!" Min jumped. "Sucker!" Apoc cried. Cheeky ran up behind him,
bumped him in, and hopped in right after.
Min stumbled through the vortex and as suddenly
as it had began, it stopped. He was sitting in a dark alley near a boarded up
shop that looked like it had once sold some strange weapons. He thought he recognized
some of them from when MI had taken him to the Deserted Fairground. He was distracted
when Apoc and Cheeky stumbled through.
"Great!" said Apoc. "This is going perfectly!
Now let's find Jazan!"
The pets travelled through several alleyways,
occasionally ducking behind a wall when some monster came by. After a few hours
they came to a square. Jazan was at the centre barking some commands to a terrified
Skeith, who looked like he might faint on the spot.
"Now the secret here is to be subtle!" Apoc
whispered to Min. "We can't let him know we're here until-" Apoc was interrupted
by a large whinny. He looked up to see a large ghostly looking Uni none other
than the Nightsteed glaring at them. The Uni picked the three frightened pets
up and carried them into the centre of the square, depositing them near Jazan's
"What are you doing here!?" Jazan bellowed,
electricity flowing from his fingers. "You're not from Sakhmet, are you? No,
that Kookith gave it away. And the heavy fur. But no matter. Identify yourselves!"
Apoc stared at Jazan. He was smart. He assumed
Jazan to be some nut raving about ancient prophecies who would soon be answering
to Apoc's beck and call. But he was intelligent. Definitely time to consider
a new plan.
"Well, Prince Jazan," Apoc paused. "We are here
to consider an alliance. My forces," he gestured to Min and Cheeky. "And yours!"
He gestured to the creatures nearby.
Jazan began to laugh. He smiled at the Bori.
"So let me get this straight. You, your little
friend and a petpet think you will be of any advantage to my conquest of Sakhmet?"
"Well, Prince Jazan, in my personal belief the
war has already been won. Sakhmet is here in your kingdom, and is at your mercy,
correct?" Apoc smiled at Jazan.
"As are you, you would be wise not to forget
that!" Jazan's hands were still glowing blue, but more mildly this time.
"What I mean is, would you not enjoy some supplies
from Neopia. I could get you weapons, provide you with knowledge of the war,
and assist you in a strategic and well thought out conquest!" Apoc tried to
keep his voice calm. If Jazan decided to attack right now, it was all over.
He needed to capture the prince's attention long enough to persuade him to accept
his offer.
"Yes it sounds wonderful. But what do you want
out of this? Surely you must want something. Something tells me you are not
doing this out of the goodness of your heart? Do you want revenge? Power? Or
are you merely trying to betray me and seize control of Qasala!?"
Apoc swallowed. This was not supposed to happen.
"Of course I would want something!" he replied
quickly. "Who wouldn't? Quite frankly, I'm tired of being treated as a cute
little Bori when I consistently perform evil acts. So when the war is over,
I would like my own page in the Gallery of Evil, as well as partial responsibility
for this whole war. Also, five hundred million neopoints. So what do you say?"
Jazan considered the possibility. This young
Bori certainly was special. Him getting to Qasala alone was admirable. But if
he was as smart as he appeared then he probably had a backup plan. The odds
were that by even considering this he was giving the Bori more time to plot
against him. He had to act now.
"Sorry little Bori," Jazan's hands began to
glow. "No deal!"
As he began to blast electricity everywhere
Apoc thought fast. This was going very bad very quickly. He was getting desperate.
So he thought, what would Dr. Sloth do? Or Eliv Thade? Or the Shadow Usul? His
thoughts were cut short by a zap of electricity going very close to his shoulder.
"Follow my lead!" Apoc shouted to Min and Cheeky.
He darted behind the Uni. Jazan zapped him, but in his rage hit the Nightsteed.
The Uni cried out and Apoc jumped on, followed quickly by Min and Cheeky.
"There you go!" Apoc cried to Jazan. "You can't
hurt me because that would hurt your friend here! Now then, let's discuss my
While Apoc was shouting impossible demands Min
was getting worried. He had spent lots of time around evil masterminds. After
all he worked for one. And evil geniuses usually wouldn't care about hurting
their friends to get rid of their enemies. Better tell Apoc.
"Apoc, I need to tell you something!" Min whispered
to the Bori.
"Not now!" Apoc was faced with the problem of
both holding onto this Uni and cleverly negotiating with Jazan.
"But Apoc! Jazan will attack us!"
"No he wouldn't!" Apoc turned to Min. "He would
hurt the Nightsteed. Would he put a friend in harm's way to defeat an enemy?"
"You do it to me all the time!"
Apoc considered it for a few seconds. Then he
was faced with a horrible feeling. He slowly turned back to Jazan. His hands
were glowing blue and he was chanting a strange spell. Apoc was overwhelmed
with a feeling of doom. He closed his eyes. Jazan was raising his hands.
Suddenly it hit. A thousand year old spell hit
the three. They were overwhelmed by the spell. Apoc tried to scream but no words
came out. He was almost out of energy. He blacked out.
Apoc came to. The first thing he felt was pain.
He tried to move his paw. Ouch. It felt sprained. He slowly managed to get up.
But should he open his eyes? Who knows where Jazan had sent him? Only one way
to find out.
The ruins of Sakhmet lay nearby, with only a
few remnants left. Min and Cheeky were laying near him. He saw Min's eyes flicker.
Cheeky was already getting up. They were safe. Dazed, but safe.
"What happened?" Min asked Apoc.
"Got me!" Apoc said. "But I imagine the spell
went wrong and sent us back to the Lost Desert!"
"Well, I suppose that's another plan failed!"
Min turned to Apoc. "Isn't it?"
"Not even close!" cried Apoc. "We may have failed
this time, but this isn't over! The war isn't over yet! We'll return, ready
to succeed where we have failed!"
Apoc turned away and began the long walk home.
Min drearily followed him.
"Just curious," Min began. "When we do return,
we'll be fighting with the people of Sakhmet, right Apoc?"
"Oh definitely!" replied the Bori.
The End