The Pirate Writer: Part Four by czenko28
I didn't want to sit down and listen to my captain talk.
I really didn't. I wanted to do lookout more than anything, but I couldn't disobey
my master's orders. I put both of my feet on the ground and said to him, "What?"
I don't know how it's possible for somebody like
Captain Woodbeak to smile, but he did. He smiled at me. He said it was the pirating
I have been doing, but there was more to it than that, and he was going to tell
me, but why would I care what he would have to say if Kera was out there?
"Firaga, my matey, you've impressed me a lot
over the last day. You've seemed to change. After you have gotten this Shoyru
off of your mind, I believe you are becoming something more than just a pirate."
These words were so strangely kind; it was hard to believe it was coming out
of the beak of Captain Woodbeak. "I knew ye would make a mighty good pirate,
but you've never allowed the idea of actually becomin' one to enter yer brain."
I frowned, hoping that Woodbeak would get the
hint that I still don't like being a pirate. Obviously he didn't when he said,
"I feel I know ya more than all the other pirates on me crew."
"Are you sure you really know me?" I asked Captain
Woodbeak, thinking that he really didn't have a clue.
"I know the pain you feel, longing to go back
home to your friends and family, but ye know you're a pirate, and there's no
changin' others' opinions, ya know?" Woodbeak said. He started to walk. I thought
he was expecting me to follow, so that's what I did. "You heard my story jus'
yesterday. It was pretty tragic, being kicked out of my own home just for my
I wanted Captain Woodbeak to just shut up and
leave me alone. Whatever he thought about me was all wrong in my eyes even though
it might've been true.
"Cap'n, I-"
"I told ye that I don't want that happin'in'
to ya. I know ye don't believe me-" Captain Woodbeak stopped talking when he
saw me looking out into the ocean. "Look at me. I'm blabberin' like one of those
pirates over there."
I chuckled at my captain. He wasn't joking, and
I was quite glad that he stopped talking about that. No matter what he said,
I wouldn't believe him anyway.
"Look, Firaga, what I have to say is very important."
He cleared his throat. "Don't laugh at me when I say that a strong pirate like
me is a coward to ask."
I didn't laugh. Woodbeak often didn't show the
kinder person in him. It always made me feel a lot better than usual, like I
wasn't stressed.
"I would never laugh at my Cap'n," I said sweetly
back. I'm never kind back, but I kind of had to be when admitted that.
"Firaga, me matey," he took a deep breath before
shooting the last few words out of his mouth, "will you be the co-captain of
this crew?"
Even though the only Neopets that knew what was
going on were me and Woodbeak, everything felt like it was completely frozen.
I guess I was just frozen then, because I was speechless. My mouth dropped open
in amazement.
"Will you be my partner?" Captain Woodbeak said
in other words, just in case I didn't get the point.
Even though I hate being a pirate, I would get
respect on the crew if I was a co-captain, and I could lead the crew to Kera.
Suddenly I dropped everything. "Cap'n, I completely forgot. I have to do lookout
immediately." I started running up to my post.
Woodbeak was shocked by my reply. "But what about
yer answer?"
"Uh, yeah, sure, whatever," I dashed up to the
crows nest without thinking anymore about the captain's startling question.
I didn't care at the moment.
I dashed up to the crows nest and looked around
as far as I could see. There was nothing at all. The ocean spread across Neopia
for miles, and it seemed like there was no reason to even look when all you
saw during lookout in the past was nothing.
Kera wasn't there, and Captain Woodbeak had finally
stopped paying attention to me, and started yelling at his crew that could never
do anything right.
Every second that went by seemed more and more
pointless, and I was getting more and more frustrated. The ship shook with the
running of other pirates, probably hard at work, preparing their weapons for
anything that came our way. The captain's strong voice forced them into moving
faster as he normally did, as I looked out into the empty ocean for the billionth
I was bored and I felt like reading the Neopian
Times. I haven't read the NT in about a hundred issues, and I haven't thought
about reading it for a long time. It was fun to read. I used to laugh at the
silly stories, and sometimes I nearly cried at the touching ones. I had never
thought about what the NT has changed into until now. So many issues have gone
by. Surely there was some new good writers out there, and some of them probably
had retired long ago. My writing has gotten a bit better after I created my
journal. It was my birthday present a little over a year ago, not long before
I was painted. Kera had given it to me after she had noticed that I enjoyed
writing and reading. She had never really seen that in me and neither did I.
She got me my journal when my birthday came, and then I discovered how much
I could write, and how much I enjoyed it. They were good times. I thought it
was only lucky to find the paint brush on the ground a few days after my birthday.
It was like a late birthday present.
"Let me go!" I heard a woman's voice. It was
very familiar like I have heard it before. It sounded a bit like Kera's voice,
but I was sure that I would see her if she was on the ship. "Let me go, you
evil Eyrie with that wooden beak of yours."
Somebody unusual was on the ship. No pirate had
a voice like that. I looked down for a second to find only a Shoyru. I pulled
my head back up to look for Kera.
It took me a few seconds to realize that Kera
was actually on the ship. "Kera?" I whispered to myself in shock. I looked down
again to find that it was in fact Kera, struggling between a pirate Grarrl and
Elephante. I couldn't believe my eyes. Captain Woodbeak was standing right in
front of Kera with a huge grin on his face.
"I thank ye for such a kind gift," Captain Woodbeak
said to my best friend. "I have been wantin' somethin' like that for seven long
years." Woodbeak pointed at the two pirates holding Kera. "Take that from her?"
"No!" Kera shouted, yanking her left arm away
from the Elephante and placed it on a paint brush she was holding with the right.
"A paint brush," I whispered to myself again
in more shock than I was before. I looked closely to find that it was a fire
paint brush. It was beautiful, and it was the ticket out of the pirate crew.
Kera held onto the paint brush tightly and tugged
on it with all of her strength. "This is not for you!" she shouted.
Captain Woodbeak laughed, "You really think that
you can fight off a crew like mine with the little strength ya have?" He turned
to the pirate crew that I just noticed was watching what was happening. "Get
that paint brush," he ordered.
The loyal crew did just as Woodbeak had ordered,
and pulled the paintbrush out of the Shoyru's hands.
"Turn this 'er ship around. We be headin' to
Neopia Central.
"Now what shall I do with you?" Captain Woodbeak
turned back to Kera who was still fighting the Elephante and Grarrl.
Kera stopped struggling for a few seconds and
said, "First I would like it if you gave me back that paint brush." She stared
at Captain Woodbeak's unwilling face. "Please," she added.
Captain Woodbeak began walking away with the
pirates holding Kera in place. She batted the pirates with her wings and did
her best to yank herself away, but there was no use.
"What shall I do with ya?" Captain Woodbeak said
as if he was talking to himself. "Maybe I should jus' throw ya overboard?" He
smacked himself with his wing. "No, no, what am I thinking? I remember what
happened last time, but I don't want to deal with killing her." Captain Woodbeak
stared out into the ocean, wondering what he should do.
This was my cue. It was my job to go down and
save Kera. I had to go. I rushed over to the side, and with the squeaky wood,
Captain Woodbeak turned around immediately, and looked up, not at me but up.
I knew that the captain was telling me not to do anything, so I listened. Maybe
this wasn't my cue exactly yet.
"I will lock ya away. I will lock ya in a room
where nobody could get to you, not even a pirate. You will stay there without
food or water. That way you shall get yer punishment." Captain Woodbeak spoke
to Kera in a very evil voice. "Have fun," he said as the pirates dragged them
I couldn't stand watching any longer. I leaped
out of the crows nest and practically fell onto the boat. As fast as I could,
I ran toward Kera who was being dragged into the empty room we occasionally
used. I moved quickly, at the full speed that I had to use often lately. I was
almost there. Almost there. I wasn't going to say her name to get her attention,
because everybody would notice me. I was supposed to be invisible, so they wouldn't
see me snatch the Shoyru away from the two stupid pirates. Apparently I was
a little too invisible however, because the door slammed right in my face.
To be continued...