The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Absent Anubis - Part Eight by playmobil_is_my_life
Darius was standing in the entry, his eyes narrowed behind
his black mask and his sharp teeth bared. The Desert Lupe was holding his large
lantern in one orange paw and a Curved Golden Staff in the other. The desert weapon
was pointed threateningly towards the four of us.
"Don't move and nobody gets hurt…"
"Told you," whispered Damien. I hated that he
was right.
It was then that we noticed that Darius was not
his usual self. His eyes were wild behind his mask and his blue ears and orange
paws were twitching menacingly. He seemed to be losing control of himself: shaking
with rage and keeping those pearly white teeth barred. The lantern was shaking
in his paw and the curved golden staff was standing upright now.
"I have to say…" Darius began, taking a step
towards us. "I'm impressed. I was your client, your friend, your mentor on this
case… and you destroyed me."
Shaking from head to toe, I took a step forward
with the lantern to try to pacify the insane Lupe, "Darius, please--"
Without warning Darius pointed the staff at
my lantern and a burst of white light emitted from the top, shattering the glass
and causing the glowing flame to subside and flicker out. This was bad. There
went our lantern and the only one was securely in the paws of a madman. Great.
"I planned this for weeks," he continued on,
as if nothing happened. "Carefully planting the false clues, putting on the
false cheery smiles and offering to help in all ways possible. But Raia," I
flinched as his daughter was dragged into the conversation, "Raia wanted to
help, she wanted to play detective herself… that horrible creature!"
Darius began to pace, twirling the lantern around
his fingers. If it slipped, we would plunge into extreme darkness, trapped in
the Sakhmetian caves with a psycho. I could not let that happen. There would
be no way out. Darius appeared to be talking to himself now and it was like
his pretending-to-care attitude had dissolved, stripping him of all benevolence.
All that was left was a very angry Lupe holding a desert weapon in one paw and
the only light in the cave in the other.
None of us knew what to do. If we made him mad,
he could drop the lantern or use that curved staff on us; neither action would
do any good. Talking to him might have irked him even further so keeping silent
was the best method… for now.
"I was always just a little bit greedy," said
Darius, speaking to us now. "As a child, I always wanted to be the most powerful
and most successful. That Anubis was my ticket to fame and fortune."
We stood there as quiet as garden gnomes. In
my head was a dilemma: Do I let him keep talking, hoping that he'll calm
down and reason with us? Do I tackle him and go from there? What if the lantern
breaks? The light was the only thing keeping me from doing anything crazy…
without it we'd be lost forever.
"And now," said Darius, sweeping the staff
around and nearly missing us by a few inches, "I make my departure. I can't
imagine how long you'll be able to stand it down here, what a pity. I also can't
imagine that anyone would come looking for you. I plan to tell them you've dropped
the case."
I watched in disgust and horror as Darius slowly
backed up, menacingly pointing the staff towards us again. He continued to move
back under the archway until he was clear of the retracting door. I wanted to
yell or say something, but my throat went bone dry.
"Failure is a real shame, isn't it? Farewell,
Petpet Detectives. Good riddance."
"No!" An outraged cry burst from me. Making up
my mind, I sped towards the closing door, where the yellow light slowly started
to disappear until it was finally gone. Darius had escaped… along with the lantern.
Aggravated and a little freaked out, I sunk against
the wall, breathing heavily. This was it. We had failed. It was so dark that
there was no difference when I opened or closed my eyes. I closed them, seeing
as there was no point in staring around at the blackness that engulfed me. There
was a rustling sound coming up ahead and then a crunch. It sounded like Damien
had stepped on a few pieces of broken glass from our lantern, but his boots
protected his feet. The rustling sound was followed by a zipping noise and suddenly
there was a snap.
An eerie green light was shining faintly up ahead,
floating in the darkness. When I squinted, I could see Luna's face. She snapped
at the light twice more, and the stick lit up a few feet in front of her. She
snapped the second one and the glow radiated around the room.
"Glow sticks?" I asked slowly, making my way
towards her.
"'Luna, you're such a tourist!'" she mimicked
my teasing voice the day that she had purchased them.
"Guess they really saved our hides," said Damien,
taking one. I took the second one, embarrassed.
The four of us were feeling pretty glum. Luna
was busy checking all around us to make sure that there was no way out that
someone had missed, but there was only the tight crevice that Damien had tried
to squeeze through, and seeing what happened last time, none of us dared to
risk going back there again.
Luna was re-checking the shrine, the walls, the
floors, everything. Damien, Charlie and I were slumped against the wall, not
speaking. We watched the green glow follow her around as she ran her fingers
over the wall. The shadow Yurble was very persistent but to me it was no use
being so determined to find a way out because there was none.
"You guys want to give me a paw over here?" said
Luna. "Instead of sitting around, why don't you help me check for an escape?"
"It's useless," I said. "The only way out is
through the door and it appears to be shut. There's nothing we can do but wait."
I saw it on her face. Luna knew I was right but
she refused to admit it. She continued to pace, because she could not just sit
down with us and wait. A thought crossed my mind… wait for what? Wait
for a member of crazy Darius's crew to come rescue us? Yeah right, from what
he told us before his grand exit was that everyone would think we dropped the
case. Our chances of being discovered within a week were slim.
We waited for an hour, trying not to get at each
other's throats because I knew we were all mad. None of us wanted to believe
the kidnapper to be our client so there was no way to prevent our mistake of
being cornered in the room. Another few minutes crawled by and Luna was still
pacing, trying to find a way out. There wasn't. We couldn't get out by ourselves.
I was strong, sure, but not strong enough to push over a solid stone wall.
As the time neared an hour and a half of being
trapped, something strange happened. A faint yellowy light was coming from the
crevice in the wall. The four of us jumped up like we had been struck by lightning
to see where the light was coming from.
The light brightened so much that we had to squint.
It was a lantern, but who was carrying it?
"Hey!" Luna yelled, cupping her paws around her
mouth. "Can you hear us?"
The light stopped as if the unseen Neopet was
listening to us. "Who's there?" came a female voice.
"Raia?" I recognized it.
"Thank Fyora," I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"Raia, please, we're trapped in here. You have to let us out. We're in the temple,
do you know where to go?"
"Okay, just… just hold on, I think I know where
it is!"
The light began to fade as the desert Wocky's
stride quickened to a run. We could hear her footsteps for a moment and then
they were gone, leaving the room silent as a Pet Rock. We continued to wait
but this time it was with a renewed feeling of hope that we would be found.
Minutes later, there was an immense sound and
the giant rock wall shifted, revealing Raia's shadow and something in her arms.
We started forward, squinting again in the yellow light. A small creature with
dark blue fur, pointed ears and a golden collar was watching us curiously in
Raia's arms.
"Sethnakte?" I asked, confused.
"It's him," said Raia.
"Raia, we know who it was," said Luna. "Do you
know yet? Does the team know…?"
"…That it was my father?" Raia finished and she
frowned. "No, they don't. I was in his tent this morning and I found a map of
the caves along with a guide on how to find Seth. When I saw him going back
down there, I assumed he went looking for you. He's probably on the surface
by now since I didn't see him when I went looking for Seth."
"Why did you go looking for the Anubis?"
"I told you I wanted to help," said the Wocky.
"You did the dangerous part and since you were busy with that, I did the easy
part of investigating on my own by finding Sethnakte."
It was a little weird having someone do our jobs
for us. I felt a little embarrassed that we couldn't save ourselves back there…
in the past we had always managed to come out on top but this one nearly topped
us. Still, I was grateful for Raia's persistence and the fact that she helped
a lot by finding Sethnakte. All we needed to do now was find Darius.
"Thanks for your help, Raia," Damien said. "We
should all get back to the camp. Darius is still out there somewhere."
"Agreed," said Raia, and she handed Luna Sethnakte
so she could steady the lantern and her father's map.
The news of recovering Sethnakte and revealing
that the culprit was indeed the client spread at a rapid pace through the camp.
When we surfaced with Raia, stories were already flying. Apparently, Darius
had fled. Dr. Kysen was having a hissy-fit when he heard this, as the Ruki had
not been paid before Darius had left.
Dr. Kysen did not come to say good-bye on our
last day in the Lost Desert. He was still in his snooty and unappreciative
mood. Bek and Raia did come to the edge of camp; both girls repeatedly thanked
us for our help. Raia was a little more on the quiet side… Darius was her father
after all.
"We're planning on moving to a new part of the
desert a few miles from here," Bek was telling us. "There are more caves like
this one that we have yet to explore."
"What about Sethnakte?" I asked.
"He'll be returned to his home, in the temple,"
said Raia. "I'm the new group leader and I think it's best for him to be left
alone. The cave entrance will also be sealed."
"It's for the best," added Bek.
"I can imagine so," said Luna. When talk of the
caves and Sethnakte died down, Luna said, "We should be heading off now. Take
The three of us also exchanged farewells, and
Raia handed us a small sack of neopoints.
"It really isn't much," she said. "But--"
"It's very kind of you, thanks," I cut her off
with a smile.
Luna climbed onto my back behind Damien and Charlie
secured himself atop my feathery head. Bek and Raia took a few steps back to
let me prepare for takeoff. I couldn't get a running start because of the sand
so I had to summon all my energy so we could go up.
I crouched down and sprang straight up like a
leaping Kougra, rocketing towards the sky and looping up so we could head north,
towards Neopia Central.
Below us I could see Bek and Raia. The desert
pets' robes swished around them and their jewelry glinted in the sun. I could
also see the group of little white tents and a cluster of Neopets surrounding
them. Besides the Neopets and tents, looking at the whole picture was quite
remarkable: palm trees, tents, and even a few pyramids in the far eastern side
of the Desert. Those would have been fun to explore another time.
The biggest thing was, of course, miles and
miles of nothing but sparkling sand. How the desert Neopians could survive being
in a place with so much space and so little luxuries I didn't know. My sights
were set on the one place I knew I'd never tire of:
Somewhere in the Lost Desert…
Raia, Bek, Dr. Kysen (yes, he decided to stay)
and the team walked for three days to get to their new location. It was much
like the Sakhmetian caves they had seen beforehand but each had different paths
and surprises, nothing as great as the Anubis, of course.
Just as they arrived to their new location, a
Horus swooped overhead, dropping an envelope into Raia's paw. She and Bek opened
the letter and read:
Raia, Bek and the team,
We're don't know if this letter will reach you,
as we're not sure of the intelligence of the Horus delivering it. Anyhow, if
this gets to you, we just wanted to say thanks for the reward and the pleasure
of actually seeing an ancient Sakhmetian cave. We had quite an adventure! If
you ever need us again, please don't hesitate to send a letter or drop by. Good
luck with your discoveries.
The End
Author's Note: Thanks for reading TPPD #5. If you have any comments, please
don't hesitate to neomail them my way. Thank you beewitched2 for editing. ~Playmobil