Your Friendly Gift Giving Guide by uggazew
You know what time it is? No, not the actual time, the time of year. That’s right!
It is Christmas, and that can only mean one thing. It's time to go through that
annual task of trying to find out what everyone wants for their oh-so-thoughtful
gift. Well, your good friend Uggazew is here to help you out with a few easy tips
and guidelines to make sure that your present decisions are all good ones. Since
it is the giving season, I know you aren’t expecting anything in return, right?
A Christmas gift can be a great show of friendship if thought about correctly,
and I am going to help you think about it the way it should be.
The main thing for you to remember is this simple fact: it isn’t about the
cost of the gift, but the effort you put into it. No one is expecting a Bony
Grarrl Club for Christmas; so if you can’t afford one, don’t fret. While it
is true that some gifts may cost you a bountiful bag of neopoints, it isn’t
totally necessary to spend your pets’ Neoschool fund to cover them. Remember
to set your limits and keep them in mind when going to select your friends’
gifts. Also, keep in mind the number of gifts you have to buy. It is crucial
to remember all of your friends; otherwise, they may feel that you don’t wish
to be their friend at all. Everyone doesn’t have to get a big gift, but get
everyone something.
Now that we have covered that the thought is what counts, let’s go over how
to choose a gift. Don’t just go out and buy everyone plushies, unless that is
what all of your friends love of course. You should know what your friends’
favorite parts of Neopets are, but in case you don’t, let’s figure out now.
Go to their user lookups. A few common interests are avatars and painted pets.
Look at the number of avatars your friend has; if it seems that they collect
avatars, there is a good lead as to what to buy your pal. If not, check their
pets’ pages. Many Neopians put wish lists up for just this sort of occasion.
If this is the case, find a gift on that list inside of your price range. In
the event that you want to be an over achiever, go and check out their gallery.
Some Neopians have extensive collections of their favorite items. If you could
find something that would fit into their gallery that they have yet to acquire,
the gift is sure to be an extremely good one. If your friends’ interests are
still unknown to you, just think of something that they seem to talk about a
lot, maybe a petpet or some codestones. You can’t really go wrong if you have
already put this much thought into it.
With a gift in mind, it’s now time to go and buy it. If you need to save up
a little, take your time. As long as you have the gift by Christmas, you will
be fine. This part can be crucial to your gift giving experience. Don’t be sucked
into the people trying to inflate popular gifts and take advantage of kind Neopians'
hospitality. You have a lot of gifts to buy, and there is no need to waste neopoints
anywhere that you don’t have to. Use the shop wizard if the gift is inexpensive
enough, but otherwise, don’t be afraid to check the auctions. They are a good
way to help you out, as sometimes you can get good deals that way. It is not
a bad thing to look for a bargain, which is sometimes believed. Unless you're
extremely rich, it will make a huge difference in the way in which your gift
buying turns out.
Now that you have your gifts, the fun part begins. It can be fun to leave clues
with your friends in neomails hinting to what the gift is. That way, the anticipation
will be built and the gift giving experience will be that much more exciting.
Be sure not to give too many clues, as you wouldn’t want your friend to figure
out what it is, of course. Leave just enough to make them think about it and
get excited. It can also be fun to get a bunch of little gifts to send once
a day. These can be extremely cheap, but can increase the holiday fun greatly.
For those of you still stumped as to a gift, I am going to list a few ideas
for you. In my experience, these gifts are usually acceptable. You can call
them General Gifts if you wish; I’m not sure why you would, but nonetheless
you can.
5) Codestones- everyone loves codestones. They are a great gift, especially
if your friend trains their pets. Even if they don’t, however, you may spark
an interest in this very thing.
4) Dubloons- a slightly cheaper alternative for the codestone. Also great for
pet trainers, or anyone else who loves shiny metal coins.
3) Books- these are great for most anyone. Everyone loves to see their pets
happy, and nothing makes a pet happy quite like books. Books are also great
because there are so many choices in Neopia.
2) Paint Brushes- paint brushes are a wonderful gift for just about anyone.
The downside to paintbrushes, however, is the high cost. If a paint brush is
a little too expensive, perhaps you should consider a petpet paint brush. They
are much cheaper and still a great gift for both your friends and their pets.
1) Petpets- petpets are great because there are just so many. It would be a
nice touch to buy one that matches with your friends’ pets, but any petpet should
be appreciated. Another great thing about petpets is that there is one for every
price range. Need a more specific idea? Get them an Uggazew. Who wouldn’t love
Hopefully you have a better idea about what to get your friends for Christmas
now. One last tip from your friend Uggazew, remember it is better to give than
to receive. Don’t simply get a gift in order to receive one. Just be happy to
make your friend happy. That is what this time of year is really about.