You Lost Our Owner! by vulpisarcanis
A pair of footsteps echoed through the Deserted Tomb. Ordinarily,
those footsteps should have been accompanied by the clicking of talons, belonging
to two Eyries.
The sheer absence of those two Eyries was the
first sign Something Was Wrong.
Adie was annoyed. Granted, it didn't take much
to annoy the poor electric Eyrie, but considering how much her temper was frizzed
at the moment, she was acting much better than expected. Not that she was acting
very well as it were.
The annoyance came in the shape of her younger
brother, a blue Eyrie whose ego was so enlarged, it was a miracle he could fit
it through the dank hallways of the Deserted Tomb. Particularly, his reluctance
to search for their owner which HE had misplaced in the first place. Well, misplaced
might not have been the appropriate word, but considering Vulpis' habit of wandering
out to gape at cracks in the walls should have hinted them that bringing her
here was a bad idea in the first place.
"I am NOT staying. You can look for Vulpis yourself,"
he was saying, not noticing Adie's rising ire.
"Hey! You lost our owner, you find her!" Adie
retorted, not even bothering to rephrase the argument she had already used three
times in a row.
"This humidity is bad for my fur!" Sander replied,
showing an amazing inventiveness by excusing himself in a different way every
time Adie opened her mouth.
She was about to repeat one of her few arguments
in favor of searching for Vulpis when a thought suddenly struck her.
"Okay," she shrugged, suddenly looking terribly
aloof for someone that mere seconds ago was ready to strangle her sibling. "Let's
go and play the Tombola."
Sander found it a little disturbing. He knew
his sister well enough to recognize the blunt lack of subtlety, meaning she
knew something HE didn't (not that it happened often, he'd say. But yes, it
DID happen often).
"Really? You're okay with this? We can go and
let her find her way out by herself?" the younger Eyrie asked cautiously.
"Suuure, we can even tell her how her auction
turned out!" Adie laughed lightheartedly.
"Auction?" There was something decidedly ominous
in Adie's tone and Sander was afraid he'd find out.
"Suuure," she made a wide gesture with her paw,
"the one for that Paint Brush you've been drooling after for months. I do believe
she found a great bargain," Sander's eyes bulged, "but, y'know, I think we can
wait some months until she can scrape the money together for another one."
Sander would have gnashed his teeth if he had
any. Seeing how he didn't have any, however, he merely muttered something along
the lines of "Let's go look for her," and stalked off down the corridor.
Adie was quite proud of herself, really. She
should have realised sooner that her brother's vanity would get the better of
him one day.
'Darn,' Sander thought. He'd been outsmarted
by his sister. How could this happen?! He was the one that usually outsmarted
HER. Well, it just goes to show spending quality time with the owner was
a nice replacement for actual intellect, his mind added huffily. Yes, that
was it, she simply got lucky.
"Ummm... hello?" The shaky voice echoed throughout
the tomb. "Adie? Sander? I'm kinda lost. Help? It's cold and kinda drafty and
I think I stepped in some green goo... Anybody here? Huh... Guess not. Hey,
a door! Wonder what's being i-eaaaaahhhh!"
"Okay," Adie said, completely confident she knew
exactly what she was talking about. "We go left now."
"We can't go left," Sander groaned. This was
the last time he'd let his sister lead the way. The Eyrie might have been older,
but she had the sense of direction of a blind Miamouse in a cheese factory.
"Why not?" Adie screeched, her feathers obviously
"Because we took left last time and it got us
right back here."
"It did?" She looked around, as if convinced
her brother would mislead her on purpose (a slightly redundant phrase, as if
Sander truly DID mislead her, it would be nothing *but* on purpose).
"Are you sure? I could swear we weren't here
"I'm pretty sure. See the ugly statue? I remember
passing it before and asking myself what the decorator was thinking. Techo statues
were out thousand of years ago!"
It was now Adie's turn to groan.
"Sander, this tomb IS thousand of years old."
"See my point?"
There was a heartfelt sigh. But getting into
pointless arguments with one's sibling is the all-time source of great misfortune,
as that one Acara poet wrote, and indeed, doom was impending none too subtly.
"Sander, what did you--"
Before Adie could screech in a panicked manner,
spikes started shooting from the walls and the two Eyries scurried to safety.
"Whoa! That was some fall! They don't make floors
like they used to!" And even though she should have known better, the voice
added, "Oh, well, what else could possibly happen now?"
Famous last words.
Adie stood perfectly still on the floor. Sander
was somewhere in front of her, dusting himself off and chuckling.
It was the last time she visited this faeries-forsaken
place. Dodging those old, albeit very sharp, spears was too much. Next time
she'd do something less dangerous, like wrestling Balthazar.
Adie refused to move. As long as she stood perfectly
still on the floor, nothing worse could happen. Yes, what a marvelous idea!
She won't move for the rest of her life and she'll avoid all that unnecessary
"That wasn't so bad!" her brother commented.
"I hate you," Adie stated calmly from her spot
on the floor. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You antagonize every aspect
of my existence. You're Jhudora to my Illusen, you're Lupe to my Chia, you're
Sander scoffed. "That's a bit harsh, isn't it?
Besides, we're alive."
"No thanks to you."
"And we might still find Vulpis in time for the
Adie was just about to convince herself that
Vulpis was lost forever in the labyrinthine tomb and going home while all limbs
were still attached to her body would have been a much better plan, but alas,
a sharp shrieking broke that train of thoughts.
That shrieking was several octaves above human
capacity and therefore could only belong to Vulpis. Their owner. Their owner
with a very good set of lungs, though a highly annoying voice.
And just on cue, the aforementioned girl sprinted
down the halls towards her two Eyries. She stopped running and screaming like
a lunatic for just enough time to look from Adie to Sander and yell in a panicked
frenzy, "RUN!", then continued sprinting towards what she obviously thought
was the exit.
Adie and Sander stood in numb shock and looked
one at the other, slightly bemused, slightly startled and having no idea what
they should do.
Just as Sander was about to say something, however,
a distinct hissing sound could be heard.
The two Eyries were eager to follow their owner
out of the tomb once the monstrous Ghost Hissi caught up with them, however.
Later that day, when Vulpis could crash on the
sofa and kick off her shoes and Sander could finally groom his feathers back
in place, they'd both realise something was missing... Or possibly someone...
"Hello? Vulpis? Sander? Erm... Guys, this isn't
"Uh oh..."
The End