Wreathies on the Record by sum41girl2k
TERROR MOUNTAIN – A Red Grarrl in a long white trenchcoat stands by a crag of
rock on a blanket of freshly fallen snow. In the distance is an old fashioned
cottage emitting a trail of smoke from its chimney. Surrounding it are numerous
little moving green specks that stand out as spectacularly as paint dripped on
a blank canvas.
"Good morning, Neopia. Gracie the Grarrl here, reporting that it is a beautiful
day on the highest peak of Terror Mountain. The sun is shining and the mountain
air is clean and refreshing. The special program we bring you today is one of
mysterious origins. Until recently, very little has been known about these jolly
wintery petpets known as Wreathies. But the ways of the Wreathy are not going
to stay secret for much longer. The building you see behind me is indeed the
rumored Wreathy plantation that houses over two hundred of the petpets that
have not yet been adopted by a loving Neopet. They have graciously opened their
doors to us to provide you all with an exclusive look at the life of a Wreathy,
and perhaps convince you that Wreathies may be a very underestimated species
that deserve a bigger part of Neopians' hearts.
In just a few moments, we will be going over and talking to the two Neopets
that run this haven, Sunny and Tuffy. They will be enlightening us with their
knowledge and expertise on Wreathy behavior. But first, I want to talk to you
about why this would be an excellent spot to visit this winter season. Kiko
Lake is frozen over. Meridell is covered in more snow than Dieter the Polarchuck
can consume even if he had ten bottles of Bloat-B-Gone. But Terror Mountain
is looking as festive as always! So what better way to enjoy the snow than to
come spend a day among the Wreathies and maybe even take one home yourself to
bring you holiday cheer all year round?"
Gracie trudges through the snow and makes her way over to the cottage. As she
gets closer, it becomes clear that the green specks are indeed Wreathies out
enjoying a morning romp in the snow. Two Neopets appear in the doorway of the
house, followed by two smaller figures. They welcome Gracie inside and offer
her some Vanilla Flavoured Borovan as the three sit down at a table to begin
the interview. A Plushie Bori sits on her right and a Striped Blumaroo on her
left. Two painted Wreathies totter around the kitchen preparing the drinks.
Gracie: "So tell me about this wonderful haven you have built."
Sunny the Blumaroo: "Well, we started it as a sort of a resort where
Wreathies could come and relax instead of being sent off to the Cockroach Towers
with their Neopet owners. Then we started taking in the ones that had been abused
by being locked into Safety Deposit Boxes for long periods of time and it's
grown from there."
Gracie: "Wow, you two take care of hundreds of these prickly guys all
by yourselves?"
Sunny: "Well, not exactly. We do have help from our own petpets. Mine's
Geena, a Blue Wreathy, and Velma the Pink Wreathy belongs to Tuffy." She gestures
at the two Wreathies that had just finished serving them the Borovan and are
now waddling out of sight.
Gracie: "That’s wonderful! We're all anxious to know, what have you
learned about Wreathies after spending all this time with them?"
Tuffy the Bori: "Well, first of all, we have discovered that Wreathies
are very vain. They spend a good part of the day just grooming their branches
and berries. Each and every one of them wears a bow on top of their head for
the same reason. They are also very social creatures and travel around in tightly
knit packs."
Sunny: "The social structure of a Wreathy community is very important
to them as well. If a lesser Wreathy tries to get his dinner served before a
more important Wreathy, a fight may ensue that involves belly-bumping and slapping.
It's a good thing that Wreathies have such stubby arms, really, or they might
be able to do more damage."
Gracie: "I see... I noticed that all the Wreathies seem pretty happy.
What types of activities do you offer for them?"
Tuffy: "We have everything that a petpet could possibly have the desire
to do, from Springy Mootix Toys to books like Petpet Biology to Petpet Maze
Pipes for regular exercise! Why don't we show you around and you can see it
Gracie: "Sure, that sounds great!"
The trio get up as Tuffy leads the way out of the kitchen. Gracie is surprised,
as the interior of the cottage seems a lot bigger than one would expect from
the looks of the outside. It turns out that there are only two rooms. One small
kitchen and one gigantic hall. It is very cozily decorated with a roaring fire
at the far wall, and every few feet a group of Wreathies are clustered together.
Some are playing with Petpet Balls, while others are eating delicious berries
out of a Raindorf Feeding Bowl. They walk amongst the groups and observe.
Sunny: "Ah! This group here is expressing their artistic side with a
bit of finger painting. Let’s take a look at one of their masterpieces, shall
Sunny picks up the parchment that one of the Wreathies has just finished splattering
paint on. It seems to be a picture of Sunny and Tuffy, although Tuffy seems
to have an extra leg and Sunny is missing an ear. An arrow pointing to the green
Tuffy-shaped blob is labeled "Broori." The purple Sunny-blob is labeled "Blambroo."
The offending paint covered Wreathy looks up at his caretakers with a smile
as if expecting praise.
Tuffy: "Err, yeah. That's a masterpiece all right… Why don't we head
outside and see what they're up to out there."
Venturing out into the cold, crisp air, they see some Wreathies gathered around
in a circle, working frivolously on some sort of sculpture. As Velma puts on
the finishing touches, they all back away to show off their creation.
Tuffy: "Aww, how cute! It looks like they've made a very detailed life
size replica of Taelia out of snow!"
Gracie: "Well, they sure are ingenious little petpets. Hey, what about
this Wreathy? Why isn’t it joining in the activities?" She walks over to a shed
door and points to something.
Sunny: "Erm, because that's a Mistletoe Wreath... Not a Wreathy."
Gracie: "Oh... Right... Simple mistake! I was just, err, testing you.
You know, to keep you on your toes and all... Anyway! That's about all I have
for you all at this Wreathy plantation. I hope you have learned more about these
rotund petpets than you ever thought you would. Join us next time when we answer
the ultimate question of 'How much snow could a Snowmuncher munch if a Snowmuncher
could munch snow?' This is Gracie the Grarrl signing out!"