The Five Kaus: Part Two by jacob133
The experimental ray fired with a loud thunderous crack,
and Jacob was almost thrown back by the force of the blast.
"What just happened!?!" cried out Jacob, thinking
that the Scientist actually DID fire a cannon at his pet.
"Calm yourself, Jacob," said the Scientist as
he removed his goggles. "You can't expect your pet to gain a large dose of strength
without there being a huge release of energy in the process. Your pet is fine.
Now let the smoke clear so that we can see the results."
Having no other choice, he focused his eyes
back on the firing pad, wishing the mist would clear faster so that he would
know if Metonot was truly okay. After several seconds, the mist cleared enough
so that Jacob saw the silhouette of a Kau. He began to breathe a sigh of relief...
but then the air got caught in his throat. Another Kau appeared not far from
the first. Then another. And another. And another. There were five Kaus where
just one Metonot used to be.
"Drat!" cried out the Scientist. "The experiment
has failed! They are still Kaus!"
Had not Jacob been stunned by what he saw, he
would have thrown the scientist into the nearest wall. All he could do was watch
as the mist continued to pass away, showing him the Kaus clearer than ever.
He could see now that these Kaus weren't the same color as Metonot either. Each
of them was different: Red, blue, yellow, white and grey. 'What happened to
Metonot?' thought Jacob.
Just then, the group of Kaus began to stir.
The first to get to his feet was the white one, who got nimbly to his feet and
shook himself awake, as if he had a delightful little nap. Next up was the red
one, who grumbled under his breath as he began to sway back and forth on his
feet, so that it was obvious to all that he was not well rested.
The Blue, Yellow and Grey Kaus stayed upon the
floor, though it was evident that they were awake. The blue one moved its head
a little when the two other Kaus got to their feet, and turned away just as
quickly, seeming to fall back to sleep, while the yellow one was shaking uncontrollably
and the grey merely readjusted its legs.
Suddenly, the eyes of the Red Kau snapped open,
and he began to scream, "Alright! What happened to me this time?"
The sudden outburst of the Red Kau startled
the Yellow Kau, who yelped and literally took off from the floor, sprinting
behind a shelf several feet away in an instant. He had moved so fast, a trail
of yellow followed right behind him.
"There is certainly no need to shout out like
that," said the White Kau. "I can hear you just as fine if you talk with your
inside voice."
"I don't need to listen to you, you stupid Kau!"
retorted the Red Kau, squaring off with the white one. "So just shut your mouth
and keep your comments to yourself!"
The White Kau, taken aback by the show of anger,
backed off a few steps, while the Blue and Gray Kaus watched with renewed interest.
The Red Kau began to look at himself with disgust then whirled around at Jacob.
"Well, it looks like your stupid Lab Ray didn't do anything except change my
color, now did it? To bad it couldn't turn me back into a Korbat, huh?"
"What?" asked Jacob, still bewildered that there
were five Kaus where there used to be one.
"Is that all you have to say for yourself? You
brought me here to this blasted laboratory for months, changing me into something
I'm not, and all you can say is 'What'? How dare you!"
With that said, the Red Kau rushed at Jacob
head first. Still in shock from the current events, Jacob was unable to dodge
and took the charge right in the chest, sending him flying into the air. He
had smashed through three shelves of laboratory equipment before he finally
landed on the ground.
"I've been waiting to do that for a long time,
don't you know?" laughed the Red Kau. "Know what else I've wanted to do? THIS!"
and he kicked the Lab Ray 2000-X, smashing it instantly, and sending the fragments
"No!" cried out the Scientist. "I've been working
on that model for months!"
"Can it, you bug-eyed Scorchio!" and the Red
Kau charged at him as well, sending him through a few shelves of his own.
"Great! I feel much better!" said the Kau as
he ran up to the semi-dazed Jacob. "Now leave me alone, or you will wish you've
never been born!" and he went stomping off towards the Laboratory exit.
A few seconds after the Red Kau left, the Grey
Kau, who was now slowly getting to his feet, said, "Well, I'm glad I didn't
get involved with that."
"Agreed," said the White Kau. "That Kau would
have definitely destroyed us if we had provoked him any longer."
"Well, I'm glad you guys thought that through
rather nicely," groaned Jacob as he got himself out of the rubble. "Helping
me out would have been much appreciated though."
"And what could we have done, Jacob?" whined
the Blue Kau, still upon the floor. "You saw what it did to you. He took you
out with one blow. I can only fight off a few villains, and you want me to take
out something like that?"
Jacob was about to reply-but then stopped. The
Blue Kau had called him by his name.
"How is it that you know my name?" he asked
the Blue Kau.
"What? Why wouldn't I know you name? You've
been taking care of me for the past few years, haven't you?"
"What are you talking about?" asked the White
Kau. "Jacob has been caring of me these past few years. I believe I would know
if he was taking care of another pet, as I have never left his side."
"You're lying," whined the Blue Kau. "I've never
seen you before in my life. Just who do you think you are?"
"Metonot," said the White Kau matter-of-factly.
Near the entrance of the Secret Laboratory,
a master and his Neopet, an Electric Acara, were waiting for the elevator to
come to the surface. When the bell rang, signaling the elevator was ready to
use, the master happily jumped up from the ground.
"Alright!" said the caretaker. "Now we can use
the lab ray!"
"Yippee," said the Electric Acara, who had already
been changed into so many species he had lost count. They both lined up at the
elevator, expecting to see another caretaker and his Neopet, but what met their
eyes was just a Neopet. And a very angry one at that.
"What are you two staring at?" yelled the Red
Kau in the elevator. "You wanna start something?"
"What? No!" replied the caretaker, flustered
that a Neopet would show such uncalled-for anger. "We are just waiting to use
the lab ray. Honest!"
"What? You torture your Neopet as well?" said
the Kau, glancing at the Acara. "You make me sick! Take this!" and the Kau charged
forward, sending the Neopet's master flying into the air.
"Why did you do that?" said the Acara. "I don't
like visiting the lab ray, but you didn't have to do that to him."
"I help you out and this is the appreciation
I get? Fine! See how you like it!" and he kicked his back feet out at the Acara,
sending him flying in the other direction. "You all make me sick! But I'll show
you! I'll show you alright!"
Back down below in the Secret Laboratory, things
weren't going smoothly either. The four Kaus that were left behind were all
shouting at each other (save the Grey Kau), each proclaiming that each of them
was the true Metonot.
"Oh yeah?" whined the Blue Kau. "Well, what
does Jacob usually feed you when you're hungry?"
"Well," said the White Kau, "I believe he feeds
me from the batch of surplus omelettes and jellies that he has collected over
the years. More so the jellies, as they are in higher supply than the omelettes,
which sell faster in his shop."
"Anyone with a brain could have known that,"
mumbled the Blue Kau as he looked towards the floor.
"You guys are REALLY beginning to scare me!"
cried out the Yellow Kau, who was running around the lab in circles at an incredible
speed, leaving a yellow trail behind him. "Each of you are saying things only
I would know. Have you guys been spying on me for the last year? Oh no! How
much do you know about me?"
"ENOUGH!" yelled Jacob, stopping all the proclaimed
Metonot's in their place. "There is a very simple way to figure this all out.
I have in my pocket Whooper, right? Whooper can only follow orders from Metonot,
no matter what shape or form he is in. So if I activate him, he will go right
towards one of you, dispelling this whole argument."
"Of course!" said the White Kau, smacking his
head in frustration. "Why didn't I think of this before? Good thinking, Jacob!"
"Yeah," said the Blue Kau. "Now you will know
for sure that I am right and you are wrong. Bring out Whooper, Jacob."
"Just give me a second, will ya?" said Jacob
as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the inactive Avabot. "Wake up now,
Whooper. Metonot is waiting for you."
The Avabot immediately shot up from Jacob's
outstretched hand, landing on the floor with both feet before beginning a tap
dance. It continued this for several seconds before the Blue Kau got impatient
and said, "Will you cut that out, Whooper? I need you to come to me so I can
prove to these liars here that I am Metonot."
Whooper's ears perked up, and it began running
to the Blue Kau... then stopped with one foot still in the air when it saw the
White, Yellow and Grey Kau. Slowly placing its foot to the ground, Whooper began
spinning its head from one Kau to the next.
"Why are you just standing there?" whined the
Blue Kau. "Come on over here!"
"It would seem that Whooper cannot make up its
mind on which of us to go to," observed the White Kau.
"Oh no!" cried out the Yellow Kau. "If Whooper
only follows around the real Metonot, and he doesn't come to me, does that mean
I'm not me? AHH!" and he began running around the laboratory again.
Jacob merely stood there, feeling cheated out
of a resolution that he thought for sure would work. Sighing, he said, "That's
enough. All of you go wait for me at the elevator. I'm going to have a little
chat with the Scientist, who may be able to shed some light on the current situation."
One by one, they each left for the elevator,
the last being the Grey Kau, who seemed to have been taking a nap during the
whole ordeal. Whooper followed after them with small hops, still quickly snapping
its head from one Kau to the next. When they were all out, Jacob stomped over
to where the Mad Scientist had fallen and picked him up into the air by the
collar of his lab coat.
"You have a lot of explaining to do, you insane
inventor!" said Jacob through clenched teeth.
"Insane inventor? I resent that comment! I'll
have you know-"
"Shut up! Just tell me what just happened to
Metonot. I thought you said the Lab Ray 2000-X was flawless?"
"I said no such thing, Jacob. What I said is
there would be no negative results, and from what you and I saw, there were
none, as showcased by the power of those Kaus. And about the side effects, I'm
sorry Metonot wasn't turned back into a Korbat, but I already told you that
feature needed tweaking so-"
"That's not what I'm angry about!"
"Really?" said the Scientist, surprised at this
change of events. "Then what is the problem?"
"I want to know why there are now five different
Kaus proclaiming to be Metonot."
"Oh, that," sheepishly said the Scientist, scratching
his head. "Well, perhaps the Lab Ray 2000-X fired too much power into the body
of Metonot, and he couldn't contain it. Luckily, I installed a feature that
would clone the subject should such an event occur."
"...And what would have happened to Metonot
if this 'feature' of yours wasn't installed?" asked Jacob with sullen eyes,
though he was pretty sure he knew what the answer was.
"Why, he would have exploded, of course! And
I would never do such a thing to another Neopet. I would run out of subjects
to test on!"
Jacob dropped the Scientist, who yelped with
surprise from landing on the ground.
"Alright then," sighed Jacob. "Can this be reversed?"
"Of course it can!" said the Scientist with
a self-righteous tone, shaking off the dust he collected from the drop. "I will
simply have to repair the Lab Ray 2000-X, which will of course take several
months to accomplish and..." grinning evilly, "a hefty fee for all the new parts
I shall need to buy."
Jacob merely looked at him with those sullen
eyes, and nodded his head. The scientist had him right where he wanted him.
"Good!" laughed the Scientist, who began rummaging
through the scrap that was once the Lab Ray 2000-X. "Now go off and catch the
Red Kau that has run off. If you have any hope of getting Metonot back to normal,
I need all of them here. Go!"
Jacob stayed for a few more moments, watching
the Scientist work through the rubble, and wandered off. When he got to the
elevator, he saw all four Kaus waiting within, Whooper hopping around the legs
of each Neopet. Jacob walked in without a word or greeting, and pushed the button
that led to the surface.
After a few seconds of silence, the White Kau
asked, "What shall we do, Jacob?"
"We are going to catch Metonot and bring him
back here," he said, not looking away from the closed elevator doors.
"But I'm Metonot!" piped the Yellow Kau, his
voice almost a screech.
"I know. You all are."
To be continued...