All for a Freebie by kushbi
Azetrine huffed and heaved the red vase into her living
room. The exhausted Acara slumped onto the couch and stared at her latest finding.
It was a free gift of sorts from Geraptiku. After a filling lunch of cheese omelette,
she had trekked to the lost city for a workout. The deserted tomb was not at all
empty, with many others scouring the ruins for freebies. Amidst the occasional
scream and monstrous roar, she spotted a vase with a simple red trimming.
It was perfect for her neohome. Or so it seemed.
The ornament stood stoically against the light
blue wallpaper in stark contrast to the fluffy pillows and pink coffee table.
Azetrine sighed and closed her eyes. It was a relief simply to stop looking
at her latest mistake. A week ago, she had purchased a gold disco ball on impulse,
which now lay languishing in her storeroom after a night of regrettable retro
"Well, it's free," she yawned. "I'll bring it
to the marketplace after a short nap."
The Acara jumped. A sudden high-pitched burst
of sound vibrated with an eerie echo throughout the room. She glanced around
in panic. Having lived on Mystery Island all along, she was used to strange
noises in the air. But this was far from weird. It made her ears twitch with
Pe-toooot! Pe-toooot! Pe-toooot!
Azetrine turned sharply to where the noise was
coming from and gazed at the vase. Getting up gingerly from the couch, she crept
slowly to the offending ornament and peered inside.
Amidst the shrill cry, she came face to face
with the culprit, a small creature with large eyes and a feather extending from
its blue forehead. Covering her ears with both paws, she glared at the petpet.
It looked back in innocence, oblivious to the exasperation that was steadily
building up within the Acara.
"I can't believe that I brought that thing all
the way back without knowing it," she muttered. "Of all the petpets, it has
to be this crying din. So much for freebies."
Azetrine grasped the Petoot by the scruff of
its neck and lifted it out of the vase.
"Let's see what I can do with you."
Geraptiku petpet for sale! Only 1000 neopoints!
"Wow! Look at that sign. What a deal!" yelled
a passing Scorchio in excitement.
A bustling crowd built up steadily in front of
Azetrine's trading lot. She smiled broadly and stood behind the table on which
the Petoot sat. The petpet was silent, having been fed a spoonful of sticky
caramel just moments before. It was a stroke of genius for which the Acara congratulated
herself with glee.
Those gathering around gawked at the Petoot in
curiosity. A few of them gazed wistfully at the exotic creature before frowning
at their own Spyders or Abominable Snowballs and trotting off. Potential buyers
were already counting shiny round coins in their bags.
"Here, one thousand neopoints!" exclaimed a Draik,
who held up the money in a purple sack.
"One thousand five hundred," said an orange Grundo
calmly, jiggling his pocket.
"Two thousand!" shouted a Poogle.
"Three thousand!"
"...and eight hundred!"
"Five thousand!"
Azetrine watched in amazement as the voices grew
louder with each bid. The Draik and Poogle were shooting daggers at each other
as they tried to shout down and outbid everyone else. From the impending chaos,
the orange Grundo pushed his way forward and cleared his throat.
"Fifty thousand neopoints."
The declaration sent a hush through the crowd.
All eyes were on Azetrine as her jaw dropped, for a second, in shock.
"Uh, sure," she recovered, taking the heavy bag
with shaking hands. "Here's your um, purchase."
The Grundo grabbed the petpet and walked off
without a word.
After the crowd had dispersed, Azetrine stared
dumbly at the large sack of neopoints. A nagging feeling welled up in her chest.
Something is just not right,she thought. Who pays fifty thousand neopoints
for a Petoot?
Fortunately, the Acara knew just where to seek
counsel: Dvidion's house.
Dvidion the Krawk stared at the large sack that
his long-time friend was carrying.
"Something is definitely not right," he sighed.
"Did you find out where that generous patron of yours lives?"
"I didn't get his calling card but there's only
one place where you find orange Grundos."
"You're going all the way to Kreludor just to
satisfy your curiosity? Azetrine, maybe... perhaps he likes the Petoot so much
that parting with fifty thousand isn't a big thing."
"There was this glint in his eye," frowned the
Acara, "The way he looked at the petpet was almost scary. You said that
something is definitely not right!"
Dvidion winced.
"I was being paranoid for a moment there. If
I were you, I would just take it as a good profit and celebrate. A dinner at
Kelp's would be nice. Not a long tiring trip to the moon! Besides, I thought
you came all the way here for my advice?"
Azetrine ignored him. "I'm going to Kreludor,"
she declared. "I must find out what that Grundo is up to."
"If you must. But Café Kreludor is cheap for
someone with a bounty of fifty thousand," said the Krawk. "Bring something good
back for me, maybe a cookie or cake."
"Whoever said anything about takeaway? You're
coming with me."
The air on Kreludor was cool and dry. Dvidion
and Azetrine gazed around in wonder at the rocky ground, which seemed to stretch
on for miles.
"Meet back here when you're both done," said
an alien Aisha, who had provided the transport. "Remember, Kauvara's spell allows
you to stay on the Neopian moon for exactly an hour."
The two friends nodded and ventured forth, bouncing
between rocks and craters.
"The café is this way; you're heading
in the wrong direction," said the Krawk.
Azetrine glared at her greedy friend. "We're
here to find the orange Grundo, not drool at Kreludan cuisine!"
"Well, if you're so concerned over that Petoot,
I wonder why you even sold it in the first place. You could always feed it extra
sticky caramel for it to stay quiet..."
"Shh, I hear something," whispered the Acara.
They hurried towards a large green building.
Dvidion swished his tail in excitement. The strange noise grew louder with each
second. It sounded like rapid chatter in an unidentifiable language. The two
friends approached the back of the imposing structure in anticipation. What
could it be?
"Your latest specimen is unimpressive," sneered
orange Grundo Alpha. "It's only quiet because a substance known as melted sugar
- or caramel - caused its mouth to stick shut."
Three other identical Grundos nodded in unison.
The fifth Grundo fumed. "That sneaky Acara! I
thought that the petpet had a special ability to overcome its natural act of
"Tsk tsk tsk. You have been on Neopia for far
too long, Delta," Alpha declared. "Imagining complicated reasons for a simple
thing eh? That's what The Boss dislikes most about Neopians. You're beginning
to think like them. Even your Kreludan has a foreign accent."
"I'd watch my words if I were you," huffed Delta.
"The Boss knows that my intentions are always in keeping with our mission."
Pe-tooooot! Pe-tooooot!
He glowered at the Petoot, which cringed in the
middle of the circle. "Let's return to the mining headquarters and leave this
critter here. In a few days, it may even contribute to the landscape."
The Grundos laughed.
"Look, they're leaving it alone," whispered Azetrine.
"The poor petpet."
"So now you're going to play heroine, aren't
you? Go on. I'll wait here," said Dvidion, "And then we can all have a nice
drink at the café afterwards."
The Acara bit her lip and watched the Grundos
disappear into the building. She bounced forward with her arms stretched out
to grab the frightened creature.
"Hush!" she exclaimed.
Pe-tooooot! Pe-tooooot! Pe-tooooot!
"Hurry, they're coming back!" exclaimed Dvidion,
who began bouncing to where the alien Aisha was waiting for them.
Alpha and Delta had left the building to resolve
their disagreement outside, according to Grundo tradition. Arguing in the presence
of their peers would only lower group morale. However, the two orange Grundos
instantly forgot their quarrel when they saw the friends fleeing with the Petoot.
"Intruder alert!"
A deafening siren blared across the rocky land.
In a split second, mining personnel stopped work and headed out of the building.
Groups of orange Grundos streamed out of the café and the bookstore.
"Don't let them get away," ordered Alpha as he
transmitted the mental image of the Krawk and Acara to his colleagues.
"They're gaining on us," groaned Dvidion. "I
can't bounce any faster!"
"Neither can I," panted Azetrine, with the Petoot
in her arms, "but we're almost there, can't you see her?"
True enough, the alien Aisha stood waving at
them a distance ahead.
"Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" The voices
of orange Grundos resounded with force.
The Aisha stopped waving, stunned at the scene
of the friends bouncing as fast as they could from a mob of Grundos. Hastily,
she prepared to launch the portal that would bring them back to Neopia. Dvidion
reached her first, unencumbered by the weight of the petpet. He gazed wildly
at the open space gate, which was controlled from the space station.
"Jump through the portal now!" the alien Aisha
Dvidion shook his head and held out a paw for
Azetrine, who was getting nearer. Just as she took his hand, a Grundo grabbed
her hind limb tightly in desperation. She tried to shake him off in vain. The
other Grundos were closing in on them, each filled with a rabid compulsion to
capture the blatant trespassers. The friends looked on in horror as Kreludan
miners soon surrounded them.
The shrill cry broke the persistent advancement
of the Grundos. A powerful sound wave cut through the thin air, interfering
with the transmitted thoughts of Sloth's minions. The mental image distorted
into a glittery amber mess, leaving the Grundos frozen in action.
"Come on, hurry," gasped the alien Aisha as she
ushered the Acara and the Krawk through the portal. "They won't be stunned for
"Ouch," moaned Dvidion. "My tail."
They landed on a pile of dried grass next to
the lost city of Geraptiku. The alien Aisha got up promptly and bid them farewell,
heading for her next space-bound task. Azetrine clutched the Petoot tightly
looked around in a daze.
"We're back," she realised belatedly.
"Revelation of the day," sighed the Krawk. "We're
even right next to where you picked up that troublesome critter."
The Acara stared at the petpet in her arms. "Time
to return to where you belong."
"More like where it can pe-toooot without
anyone trying to wring its neck."
"Dvidion, be nice! The poor little thing nearly
got lost forever on Kreludor, with those horrid Grundos."
"Aww, looks like someone has gone soft," he observed.
"Why not bring it home with you?"
Azetrine gazed at the Petoot, which was nuzzling
her paw. Its feather ticked her palm and made her fingers twitch. At that moment,
it looked up at her with a wistful expression.
"All right, I'll keep it," she said. "Just remind
me to buy some ear muffs alright?"
"Sure, I'll remind you after a meal at Kelp's,"
declared Dvidion, who was immediately subjected to a mock glare. "Okay, okay,
an Ummagine will do. So much for almost getting caught by Sloth's minions."
"That was a close shave."
"Let's get going. You aren't going to spend the
whole day just sitting here hugging and cooing to your new petpet, are you?"
"So what if I am?"
"I give up. That is too cliché," sighed the Krawk.
The End