Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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by lightmik3000

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Great stories!


As the Clouds Clear: Part Two
"That’s exactly it! I can’t figure it out. Is it even possible that there are two islands, exactly identical, where it never stops raining, grey pets run amuck, and pets trapped there are doomed to fade to grey?"

by puppy200010


The Blasted Omelette is attacking again.

by poetax


A Hero's Journey: Part Four
"The kingdom shall see the dawn of a new ruler!" proclaimed the advisor. "Meridell is now mine!"

by precious_katuch14


Lupin's Ironies Concerning the Fountain Faerie
I got a fountain faerie's quest?!?

by ginnyw143

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