A Lupe's Tale by darkwolf__untamed
Deep in the dark, cold mountains of Tyrannia, there live
Neopets unlike any other. Were you to take a walk in this forbidding landscape,
you would only catch flashes of these incredible creatures. A streak of yellow
and black fur here, a tuft of purplish-blue fur caught on a bush there. Paw
prints pressed deep within the snow reveal that these creatures are much larger
than the average Neopets, and much more primal.
The screech of the Pteris would cause you to
stop and think a moment. Cause you to wonder if it was such a good idea for
a modern creature such as yourself to set foot in this deadly white expanse
of rock and ice. The sound of sloshing snow a distance away reveals a Tyrannian
Tuskaninny breaking through the ice with his tusks before disappearing into
a deep mountain lake. You would do well to keep walking.
Further on, you find yourself in a warmer area,
a valley of solitude among the high mountains. A place frozen in time far above
the Tyrannian Plateau. Tyrannian Elephantes browse from the high branches of
ancient trees. Tonus wander quietly amid the herds. You catch your breath and
wait. Have they seen you? What will they do if they DO see you? Peaceful herbivores
they may be, but would you really want to be on the bad side of something with
tusks that large or a horn that sharp? You slip back into the forest.
The snow is getting deeper here, the farther
you move away from the valley, and the going is difficult. Your legs sink up
to the calves in the cold whiteness with every step, and you're beginning to
have trouble feeling your feet. Still, you press on. What would be the point
of turning back now? You've not come this far to be deterred from your quest,
whatever that may be. But whatever has brought you to this forbidden landscape
has done so with no regard for your own safety. For there are creatures in this
ancient world beyond your worst nightmares. Creatures primal and vicious. Creatures
with claws and fangs unseen in the rest of Neopia for thousands if not millions
of years.
You find yourself almost longing for the safety
of a Tyrannian village. Despite the distant roars of Grarrls, you know you'd
be safe among more civilized surroundings. Again, though, you press on, turning
your fear aside as so much snow in your path. You came here for a reason. But
will that reason be your demise?
Stumbling upon prints that appear too large to
be Kougra tracks, with claws that have left deep furrows in the snow, you pause.
What kind of primitive Kougra could leave prints this large, with non-retractable
claws? As you stoop to consider these strange prints, a low growl from nearby
causes you to freeze. The sound of snow crunching under giant paws is coming
from just behind the large rock to your left. Slowly, the terrifying creature
comes into view.
Almost twice the size of any other colored Kougra,
with a deep golden yellow pelt cut with black stripes, the Tyrannian Kougra's
huge paws work like snowshoes, keeping her from sinking into the snow. Her claws
cut furrows into the cold white landscape, leaving the very unique paw prints
you had been admiring. Her long tail swishes slowly, the tip twitching back
and forth, while intelligent gold eyes watch your every motion. Her mouth opens,
the long fangs gleaming in the sunlight reflecting off the pristine white surface
of the snow.
You feel yourself begin to shake as the huge
shape slowly circles you, her long, shaggy fur almost brushing the surface of
the snow as she stalks around you. Her pink tongue darts out, running over her
fangs as she continues to watch you. You find yourself becoming more and more
certain that those fangs may be the last thing in Neopia that you will ever
Suddenly, the Kougra's head snaps up, her ears
swiveling quickly. A moment later, you hear a long, low, mournful howl echoing
over the frozen landscape. It sounds like a Lupe, and yet… How could a Lupe
possibly make this massive Kougra as nervous as she seems to be?
The Kougra turns in a tight circle and hisses,
her ears lying back, as her eyes focus on a point somewhere above and behind
you. At the same time you find yourself covered in a sudden shadow. Something
large is standing on the rock behind you… Something that, from the shadow it
is casting, has very large tusks.
The howl sounds again, and there is no doubt
that it is coming from the creature standing behind you. The Kougra hisses again,
then turns and runs at top speed, leaping to the top of a rock that is as large
as your neohome, and then disappearing behind it, yowling its protest at being
forced to run.
You duck reflexively as the large creature from
behind you leaps from its rock and soars over your head, landing in almost the
exact spot that the terrifying Kougra has just vacated. You swallow nervously,
for it seems that your savior is even larger and more intimidating than the
previous threat.
The Tyrannian Lupe is truly an impressive sight,
its mighty curving tusks sprouting from the front of its shaggy snout, its gold
eyes shining from beneath the bushy deep blue eyebrows. The Lupe's fluffy tail
swishes slowly from side to side as he shifts his weight on paws even larger
than those of the Tyrannian Kougra.
You and the huge Lupe regard each other for a
few moments that seem to stretch into eternity. Then, just as suddenly as he
appeared, the massive Dire Lupe turns and pads away over the snow, following
the tracks of the Tyrannian Kougra.
Where did he come from? Where is he going? And
what is his relationship with that Tyrannian Kougra? Perhaps you'll never know.
But you do know one thing; that Lupe saved your life. If you ever see him again,
you'll do everything in your power to repay him. And the moment you get back
to Neopia Central, you will nominate him for the Pet Spotlight. Because, after
all, who deserves such an honor more than a true hero? A hero like-
The Blue Lupe almost broke his pencil at his
sister's shout from the hall of their Neohome. "Just a minute!" he called, rushing
to finish the last sentence in his short story.
"No, NOW," his sister, a Yellow Kougra, said,
sticking her head in the door. "Your Doglefox chased my sweet Gruslen up a tree
Duresco groaned and put his pencil down. "Fine…
Okay. I'm coming, Dyritas." He stood up and moved away from his desk.
Dyritas smirked and peeked over her brother's
shoulder at his writings. "What's this?"
Duresco rushed to close his notebook. "Nothing.
Just a short story."
Dyritas giggled. "Duresco the hero Tyrannian
Lupe, huh? What adventure did you write yourself into today?"
The Lupe glared at the Kougra, putting his notebook
away. "For your information, it's going to be a Pet Spotlight entry. Or maybe
a Neopian Times story… I haven't decided yet."
Dyritas smirked. "Save the world all you like,
little brother. But just make sure you keep better track of your petpet." She
swiped her paw playfully at her brother's ears. "Or else someone's going to
have to save you from ME."
Duresco rolled his eyes, following his sister
out of his room. "Yeah, right. I'm older than you."
"You're smaller than me, too."
The Lupe made a face, but ignored his sister's
jibe. Someday, when he'd saved up enough for that elusive Tyrannian Paint Brush,
he wouldn't be her 'little' older brother anymore. Some day, he would be the
heroic Dire Lupe of his stories.
Until then, he'd just have to settle for rescuing
her petpet from his own.
Some day, I'll be a hero, he thought.
And as he saved Dyritas' Gruslen from his Doglefox, he failed to realize that,
in some creature's eyes… he already was one.
The End