10 Traditional Gifts For Valentine’s Day by shadowcristal
SOMEWHERE IN NEOPIA – Once again, it is the Month of Awakening, and you know what
day it is… Yes! The lovely Valentine’s Day which may be bad and getting worse
for some people (like me, a grouchy hermit) or simply sublime for those who love
shopping (not me). For those of you who do not like shopping, or more importantly,
who haven’t got any idea what you’ll get all your acquaintances (but would like
something more traditional), then you’ve stumbled upon the right article!
You’ll be introduced to a couple gifts, all of them 100% (more or less) traditional.
Not all of them are dazzling and sparkly. Some are quite simple and plain, and
some are showier, depending on the receiver. All right, I’ll admit that I really
enjoyed doing my flowery article last year, but this year it’s different. You
see, as opposed to last year, we’ll jump right to the heart of tradition. As
usual, I’ll be giving you tips on who to give the items to and the price tag
(as of right now). Note that the prices may fluctuate with time, and that the
receiver is not guaranteed to be happy (but hopefully will be). That’s it for
the warning stuff… Are you ready? All right, let’s start off with the most traditional
Valentines Bouquet
This mixed bunch of different-colored flowers with that cute ribbon has to
be the most traditional gift, and it can be given to just about anyone. I recommend
you to give it to somebody who deserves your respect, or someone you appreciate
a lot (note that I don’t say love here). A person who really deserves this bouquet
should get it, like a kind teacher, your mom or that nice lady across the street.
SW (short for shop wizard) price: About 12k.
Gold Valentines Ring
Here is something really fancy! Sparkly and gold, this ring with its three
inlaid stones is quite a delightful gift. Rather expensive, but well worth it
if you want someone’s attention. Give this to somebody who really loves extravagant
things; it’d be wasted on a plain person. I’m sure you know someone who appreciates
this kind of gesture and believes that it is not only the thought that counts…
SW price: 80k would be at the lower end of the spectrum.
Silver Valentines Ring
Not as sparkly as the golden ring, but its lovely heart-shaped stone is a lot
bigger. This ring is perfect for someone who’s cute and adorable, perhaps a
friend or a sweetheart. Giving it to people who like Emo Usukis and depressing
music is not recommended. I’m sure this will be cherished forever, like the
description says. Just remember that if you have a scary reputation (like Sloth),
you might not want to be caught buying it. Strangely enough it’s more expensive
than the gold ring; it’s an unbuyable! 110k on the Trading Post is on the cheaper
end, if you’re lucky.
Valentines Negg
Something more edible than hard, cold rings… Why not give away a negg? A very
traditional item with that typical heart (and those lovely laces) and the pinkish
color. The big heart could symbolize lots of love, which means this item is
perfect for someone you really love. Recommended for your whole family, your
sweetheart or a close friend who happens to be an obsessed negg collector. SW
price: about 28k.
Valentines Cookies
A couple of rather plain chocolate chip cookies… This is the typical gift to
get your friends, for those who dislike the notion of something utterly extravagant
or fancy. The perfect gift for a down-to-earth and no-nonsense practical friend.
Another option would be to give these cookies to friends who like sweets. Sometimes
simplicity is best. SW price: around 8k.
Valentines Chocolate Selection
A rather delicious mix of the finest chocolates around, just for Valentine’s!
This would be a good gift to give to anyone who really likes sweets, or a connoisseur
of chocolate. The sweetness of this gift can really be felt (if not only tasted).
If you’re throwing a party on Valentine’s, why not get a couple of boxes for
the guests? SW price: 26k average.
Valentines Heart Shaped Chocolate Box
Even better than the chocolate selection, here’s a heart-shaped box for chocolate
lovers and those with a sweet tooth! Note the lovely rose designs on the cover,
which loudly scream that this is a box for your sweetheart (if she or he happens
to like chocolates). Very good in combination with A Mysterious Valentine Card,
creating that suspenseful air if you want to be a little bit mysterious. SW
price: around 70k.
Valentines Muffin
The last edible gift of this article, this muffin is quite appropriate for
your companion. Anyone would love to bite into a satisfying bit of yummyness
with just the right touch of vanilla icing and strawberries. A perfect gift
for two, just imagine sharing it under the same umbrella or in the same boat.
Makes a great gift to just about everyone, but sharing the happiness doubles
it. SW price: just below 11k.
Valentines Earrings
Forget the rings and give away a pair of earrings instead! Unfortunately only
girls can be receivers, but doubtlessly that special girl will come to like
the clear, pink hearts and the yellowness of it all. Only for that special someone,
but if you’re a girl it might be okay for other girl friends. SW price: 25k
on the cheap side.
Valentines Day Ring
And the final, grandest gift of them all… The great Valentines Day Ring with
its sparkly gem and golden touch! What better way to say ‘be mine’ than to give
away this item? Be careful, though, as pretty as it is, it might burn a large
hole in your wallet. Yes, it is an unbuyable and the most expensive item mentioned
in this article. A whole whopping 350k (average)! If you’re quite the dedicated
person, this’ll be a good gift to give. If not, take a look at the other ones…
And that’s it for the 10 special gifts in this article. Aren’t they lovely?
Hopefully the confused and confounded shopper now knows what gifts to give,
and if you’re too cheap, perhaps a card would do. Do remember that it is the
thought that counts, and you do not necessarily have to be traditional (sometimes
it’s good, though).
Happy Valentine’s!