What Not to Buy for Valentines Day by tigerfanatic33
Valentines Day is a wonderful day of the year, where pink and red love hearts
pollute our atmosphere and our pretty sidebar becomes a sickly collage of bright
Aside from all these bright colors there is another reason why Valentines Day
is a day to dread and fear. Gift Giving.
You are pretty much obliged to give a gift to your friends, family and maybe
even random strangers. For some people, like me, that is a hard task. You are
faced with three possibilities. Give them nothing, give them a cheap gift, or
give them the most expensive item you can find. These three possibilities give
you three repercussions: they’ll dislike you for giving them nothing, they’ll
dislike you for buying them cheap, worthless items or you’ll be left with no
Neopoints but they’ll happy… until next Valentines Day. So behold, worried and
extremely scared reader, my list of “What not to buy for Valentines Day!”
10. Magic Smelly Socks
Top of the list and ranked at Number 10 are the infamous Magic Smelly Socks.
Even though these… umm… Socks can cure Bloaty Feet, they are not a very good
gift to give (try saying that ten times really fast), for two reasons; they
are cheap and they are Smelly. Is any more explanation really necessary?
9. Pile of Dung
There are two types of people in Neopia; those who have their items blocked
and those who have been sent a Pile of Dung.
The Pile of Dung is not a gesture of friendship; it is a gesture of extreme
dislike and should only be sent to your enemies, which include but are not limited
to, Dr. Sloth, King Skarl, King Kelpbeard, Illusen and Alien Aishas who can’t
tell the difference between a Nerkmid and a book named ‘Nerkmid Mania.’
8. Sparkshooter
Unless your friend has an extremely strong pet and is an expert in the Battledome,
do not give them a Sparkshooter. It is just too powerful for the average player
and after they hit themselves with it a few times trying to get it to work,
they will not thank you for it.
7. Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG)
You may be surprised by this one. I’m sure you would love to be sent a MSPP
for Valentines Day, but do not be fooled. This amazing card may be Mega Rare
but selling it is impossible, and don’t lie, of course you’d like to sell it.
You couldn’t not sell it, with the daily beggar mail from n00bs wanting to borrow
it. It’s a bit of a ‘White Elephante.’
6. Meepit
It may be pink, and it may be a petpet, but do not give anyone one of these
evil creatures. Meepits, along with Dr. Sloth, will one day plot the destruction
of Neopia. Giving someone one of these will add to that destruction. Our only
hope rests in the hands of the Space Faerie and a large army of Feepits.
5. Mootix
There is only one thing more evil than a Meepit, and that is an Asparagus Chia,
but this section is about Mootix. They will leave your poor petpet biting and
scratching for days. You can’t get rid of them; they will only leave your petpet
if you put the poor thing back into your inventory. Even then there are rumours
that they hop off into Neopia and make their home on another poor petpet. So
there is only one sure way to squash these fleas. Prod Turmy with a big, sharp
4. Escaped Pixel
A pixel that lost its way and escaped from NeoQuest. If Mr. Insane didn’t notice
it leave, then how is a mere mortal going to realise it’s escaping? It’s too
small to keep track of; it could get lost, stood on, squashed, sat upon or asploded
and no one would notice. These pixels are best left in the Toy Shop.
3. I Club Sloth T-Shirt
You think the Space Faerie will save you? Ha!
She’s too busy fighting people in the Battledome (and winning).
If Dr. Sloth sees your pet go out wearing one of these T-Shirts, expect retribution
or to be zapped with a laser.
Sorry for yelling, but I couldn’t hear myself think over that infernal noise.
It is such a nuisance. It’s been going all day and all night now and worse it’s
made me forget why a Trumpet of Deafening is a bad gift idea.
Now for the best part of an article: The End.
The very last bad Gift Suggestion is just below, but first let’s recap what
I have covered so far.
10. Magic Smelly Socks (They are smelly, but magic?)
9. Pile of Dung (Eww! That’s all I can say)
8. Sparkshooter (Just too powerful!)
7. Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG) (Lik can I hav ur card!!11??)
6. Meepit (It’s staring at me…)
5. Mootix (Your petpet has fleas!)
4. Escaped Pixel (Where did it go?)
3. I Club Sloth T-Shirt (Where is the Space Faerie when you need her?)
2. Trumpet of Deafening (SPEAK UP, I CAN’T HEAR YOU!)
Now, the last suggestion. An item that you should never buy someone for Valentines
That item is…
1. A Mysterious Valentines Card
Shocked, are you? Weren’t expecting this, were you? Wondering why a Valentines
Day Card is item number one? I will tell you.
Because they won’t know who sent it; it is a Mysterious Valentines Day Card
after all. The whole point in it is for people to not know who sent it. However
there is a catch; the person who you sent it to will think you didn’t get them
anything. You could tell them you got them the Mysterious Valentines Day Card,
but they probably won’t believe you.
So what you thought was the best gift idea is actually the worst.
There it is, relieved and happy reader, the list of ‘What not to buy for Valentines
Day.’ Remember you don’t have to listen to my ideas, but when Meepits take over
Neopia, don’t say you weren’t told, just say you forgot ;)