Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 113,598,787 Issue: 227 | 10th day of Awakening, Y8
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All in a Neopian Day

by sunset_rose285

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Great stories!


The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part One
Lee stood there, rooted on the spot in complete darkness. She could see nothing but the blackness as thick as tar. Where was she?

by arrielle5


Midnight over Meridell - Chapter II: Part Five
"Um…" I said, looking around again, and then up, "I'd say we climb the spikes and see where we end up…"

by ratling_guardian


Chapter Four - Slime Recipes
"Chapter Four," she muttered to herself, "Slime Recipes…" She grinned as she opened to the chapter, reading thoroughly five recipes which would fill her slime craving…

by mistoffelees_cat


101 Ways to Defeat the Snowager
... and last but not least...

by bulbabean

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