Walk the Plank: Part Five by puppy200010
He sailed towards the shore as quickly as possible. Doing
almost a complete repeat of his performance a few days ago, he leaped off the
ship and kissed the ground as the ship came to the shore. Looking up, the place
seemed slightly familiar. He wasn't sure exactly where it was, but he figured
he could find out quickly, since the pets there all seemed to be speaking English.
Darkwing walked over to one of the pets standing
on the dock. "Arr, what be this land?"
The pet, a Kougra in a trench coat, laughed
at his dialect. "Arr," he said, mocking Darkwing, "this 'be' Neopia Central."
Ahh! So that was why Darkwing had recognized
it! When he had been just a little lad, his father had taken him on a short
trip to Neopia Central to buy him his first pirate sword. Young Darkwing had
been instantly mesmerized by all the different pet colors and species, shops,
foods, and everything else that surrounded him. He'd never seen anything like
Diran, of course, had recognized the place immediately,
since he had lived there. It seemed unlikely to him that he would ever live
there again.
"Well, would there happen t' be a way t' get
from here t' Krawk Island, matey?"
"Nope. Last ship to there for today left an
hour ago, and there's not another one due here for several days." Darkwing stared
in disbelief. "You'll just have to wait for a few days until it comes."
Darkwing walked away from the dock to sulk.
What would he do here for all that time? In his sulking, he walked underneath
a tree. As a bag of neopoints was dropped on his head, he looked upward.
"Something has happened! You have found 1000
neopoints on the floor!" came a mysterious voice. Darkwing was slightly confused,
since he had never come across a random event before, but he shrugged and went
off to decide what to do with his newly-acquired neopoints.
As he walked into Neopia's marketplace, he saw
several shops. There was a weapon shop, a food shop, an armor shop... He instantly
wanted to go inside all of them. First he entered a food shop. The food stocked
on the shelves was the most delicious, tantalizing food he had ever seen. He
grabbed some off the shelf and went up to the counter.
"Ah, good day, Sir! This item here is of very
good quality. I won't take less than 750 neopoints for it!"
"Arr, 250 neopoints."
"I won't take less than 690 neopoints for it!"
"Arr, I say you'll be takin' 250." Darkwing
glared and prepared to draw his sword, but he never got a chance. The shopkeeper
was becoming quite annoyed with him by now and promptly had him thrown out of
his shop.
Out on the curb, his stomach rumbled. He wished
he had just paid the shopkeeper what he had wanted. Now he couldn't even go
inside to buy something!
A dark Shoyru in a long coat walked by and
handed him a piece of bread. "You look a little beat," he said. "If you need
some food, try heading to the giant..." he lowered his voice, "...jelly in..."
He looked around nervously. "Well, they don't speak the name of the place. But
there's also a giant omelette in Tyrannia where you can grab some grub. Or the
Soup Kitchen down a few blocks."
Darkwing looked up gratefully. Quickly he scarfed
down the piece of bread, starting to fully realize how ravenous he actually
was. "Thanks fer the suggestions. Would ye happen t' know if there's a way t'
get t' Krawk Island before the next ship gets here?"
"Hmm... I don't follow the ferry schedules much,
but if you go to the Soup Kitchen and ask the Soup Faerie, she may be able to
help you out with that info. Faeries have been known to be generous to pets
in bad predicaments."
"Arr, thank ye." Following the Shoyru's advice,
he got up from the curb and strolled off in the direction of the Soup Faerie.
"Why, hello!" chirped the Soup Faerie, turning
around at the sound of Darkwing entering the room. Darkwing had been positive
that she would glare at him for his tough appearance, but she didn't. "You only
have 1000 neopoints! Have some soup!" she invited, handing him a bowl full of
warm broth. He drank the soup quickly, filling his almost empty stomach.
Once he had downed two entire bowls of soup,
he decided to ask the faerie about getting to Krawk Island. "Arr, would ye happen
"I can't transport you to Krawk Island, no,"
she said, seeming to already know what he was going to ask. "I can, however,
tell you that there is a ferry leaving for Mystery Island in half an hour, and
there's a ferry from Mystery Island to Krawk Island fifteen minutes after you
would arrive at the island."
Darkwing took a deep breath. Getting there by
ferry within a few hours would be okay, but instant transportation would be
a lot better. "Why can't you transport me?"
"For one thing, I don't have enough power to
do that. I serve soup most days; I don't often have chances to go out and practice
my magic. Secondly, there are certain laws prohibiting it. If you hurry, you
can catch the ferries, though!"
Darkwing sighed and ran out the door, headed
toward the docks. Since the Soup Kitchen wasn't anywhere near where the ferry
would be loading, he hoped he'd get there in time.
Darkwing rolled over, trying to get comfortable
on the ferry's hard seats. He was hoping to get some sleep on the trip, but
he realized his wish would most likely not come true when a Ghost Yurble toddled
over, sat next to him, and attempted to strike up a conversation. "Ah, so you're
a pirate?" he said, staring Darkwing straight in the eye. "I was a pirate once,
m'self. Took on hoards of other 'nes in m'day. Then my ship got stolen. So here
I be now, ridin' this ferry for the rest o' m'life..."
Darkwing couldn't help but stare. What a weird
pet! In the back of his mind, however, he couldn't help but wonder if the same
would become of him. What if he didn't get his ship back? What would he do?
Somehow it seemed a better thing to wonder when he was completely awake and
not trying to sleep, so he rolled over and slept, ignoring the constant chatter
of the Yurble sitting next to him.
When the ship docked at Mystery Island, the
Yurble was kind enough to wake Darkwing. As he woke from his nap, he groaned
but pulled himself off the seat and waddled onto the dock. Mystery Island was
beautiful. Large, tropical palm trees were rooted in the sands of the beach.
Straight ahead were small shops, all housed in little bamboo huts. He could
have stood there all day, examining the island, but he had another ferry to
The ferry to Krawk Island was much different
than the one to Mystery Island had been. Darkwing's first ferry of the day had
been nearly packed, brightly colored, and full of happy and friendly people.
The Krawk Island ferry, however, was dark, dirty, and empty with the exception
of about five other passengers. All of them were old and scruffy and looked
like they hadn't bathed in weeks, which they probably hadn't. In the corner
was a Pteri that Darkwing recognized as the captain of the ship that had attacked
his own boat.
As he looked over at him, the Pteri grunted,
"Me own crew threw me over. I be a shipless pirate now, arr." The Pteri looked
away, obviously disgusted with his old crew. Darkwing wasn't asked about what
happened to his crew, and he was relieved. There was nothing more embarrassing
to a pirate than admitting that your prisoner overthrew you as captain and took
over your ship. He'd never see the end of it if word got out! Darkwing was feared
as a pirate, and he intended to keep it that way.
Thankfully, the trip between Mystery Island
and Krawk Island was much shorter than his first one had been. Even though he
was a pirate himself, he wanted to spend the least amount of time possible with
the creepy pirates on board. As the sketchy views of Krawk Island came into
view, Darkwing felt his heart explode with happiness. He was nearly home! Darkwing
would normally spend most of the year at sea with his crew, but he still always
loved coming back to the island. There was so much action, so many people to
trade with, and, for once, he wouldn't have to worry about manning a ship. He
could go to the famous diner, The Golden Dubloon (which his own ship had been
named after), to get a great meal any time. Now that he was here, he was one
step closer to getting the S. S. Gold Dubloon back in his possession.
To be continued...