Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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Lucky Tooth

by firegirldesigns

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Her mind suppressed a desperate scream, as she scanned around. One single, small light, a tiniest bit of reflection, was visible just around the street. She flew forward, chasing the light with haste...

by shadowcristal


Illusen Day: Showing Your Appreciation
For those of you who have perhaps not celebrated Illusen Day before, this article will tell you all that you need to know. Firstly, who is Illusen anyway?

by doughnut215


Jhudora, you see, was a beautiful little girl, with a face as sweet as honey. However, even though everyone agreed she was one of the prettiest faeries there had ever been, she was also the cruelest...

by surgicalsalad


A Gifted Petpet
This Usul should've just saved her money.

by liquiddragonn

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