Snowfall by silent_snow
"It's just snow, kid. Now hurry up."
But the yellow Wocky didn't follow her owner,
the girl who was ducking her head down to hide from the snow while she began
to hurry back to their Neohome. The Wocky just stood there, spellbound, in the
doorway of the Game Center. Though her owner was calling for her sharply, the
Wocky didn't respond. She had eyes only for the snowflakes, tumbling down from
the sky, covering all of Neopia Central in a fine white mist.
"Fine then." The Wocky's owner shrugged, a scowl
growing on her face. "Just get back to the house soon. We've got work to do."
The Wocky didn't even hear, nor did she care
when her owner stomped off down the street, eventually disappearing in the flurries
of snow. Snow. Beautiful, glorious snow. It was amazing how such a simple word,
dropped so carelessly in her owner's first sentence, could now hold so much
meaning. Incredible that four little letters could express the meaning of this
new wonder, these beautiful specks that were floating down from the sky, as
if by magic.
The Wocky hesitantly put one foot outside of
the doorway, then a second. Now, before her eyes, snow was taking up the world.
Falling everywhere, lightly dancing down from the sky, all those millions of
wonderful snowflakes. Without thinking, the Wocky jumped down the stairs that
led to the grassy plot in front of the Game Center. She had confidence in this
snow, this wonderful new sensation.
And even though she hit the ground harshly, it
did not hurt as it normally would have. The snow had cushioned her fall, padding
her paws as they slammed into the ground. The Wocky lifted up a paw to examine
it, and discovered that some of the snow had stuck to her fur, creating a shimmery
effect against its usual dull yellow. Yet another wonderful change that the
snow brought.
The Wocky twirled around from where she was standing,
and saw the world as she had never seen it before. Snow was covering all of
Neopia Central, and changing all of the trees into splendid white towers. The
grass and sidewalks were both covered by snow, creating a pure white expanse
that stretched as far as she could see, only disrupted here and there by trails
of marks- footprints, maybe? The Wocky had seen Neopets leave trails before,
in mud mostly, but the marks in the snow seemed so much more dignified. And
no matter where she turned, there was always more snow, silently plummeting
down from the sky.
Yes, silently, for this snow brought sound as
well. Or rather, the absence of sound. Neopia Central was quieter than the Wocky
had ever heard it before, covered by a soft blanket that dampened any noise.
She could see pets and humans walking off in the distance, but though their
mouths were moving, she couldn't hear what they said. It was as if the snow
was causing the silence on purpose, so that she could finally think in peace.
The Wocky smiled, and stepped forward.
A new sound, now. The Wocky lifted up her front
paw and experimentally set it back down on an undisturbed slice of snow. Yes,
there was the sound again. A soft crunching, made by her paw? Yes- she could
feel the reverberation, sending shivers up through her foot. The Wocky smiled
in delight at this new sound and started running through the snow, not aiming
for any particular destination. She merely wanted to hear more of the soft noise
caused by her feet- and the snow.
"HEY! Ya better watch out!"
Now a voice cut through the snow, as did something
else. The Wocky leaped up in surprise as something soft thumped on her back,
and something cold dribbled down into her fur. She turned, and saw the thing
that had hit her, lying there in the snow. It was more snow, but compacted,
stuck together in a round shape. The Wocky picked it up, turning the creation
over. A snowball.
Then she looked in the direction where this snowball
had come from, and managed to catch sight of a flicker of color. She was interested
in this source of the snowball, and wanted to see who had made this marvelous
new toy out of snow. So the Wocky bounded through the snow, the snow which was
started to reach a height that was taller than before, and quickly discovered
something new.
A wall of snow, like the snowball, only much,
much larger. And behind it, two Neopets. One, the bigger of the two, was examining
her over the snow wall. He appeared to be a Lupe, though she really couldn't
tell as he had on an excess of fluffy clothing.
"Hi there! Sorry if we hit you too hard; we were
just playing a game."
"Not jus' a game!" A baby Ixi managed to stand
herself up so that she could see over the snow wall. She was bundled up as well,
with at least three layers of coats on. "We's defeating the evil ninja-bad-guys!
"Pirates, Minny, not pilots." The Lupe glanced
at the little Ixi fondly, then shrugged to the Wocky with a helpless smile.
"She's just a little kid, she doesn't know any better."
"So, Ryan, you're still playing silly
games with your baby sister? What a wimp."
The smile on the Lupe's face disappeared like
a puff of snow, though the Wocky couldn't tell why. All that had happened was
that a Korbat had walked up, followed closely by a Grarrl and a Skeith. The
Korbat smiled- or was it a smirk?- and the Wocky noticed that he was holding
something in one of his fists. It was like a snowball, but not quite. There
was something distinctly different about the circular object, something more
menacing. The Wocky stared at it, befuddled. How could snow be bad?
"Get out of here, Meldin," the Lupe spat, his
paw curling around some of the snow that made up the wall, taking it away and
crunching it into itself, making the snow more compact, "before I chase you
"Psh. As if you could." The Korbat smiled that
mean smirk again, holding up his hand. "You should learn to play our
The Wocky watched, frozen in her surprise, as
the Korbat's arm shot out and the not-nice-snowball bulleted through the air,
hitting the Lupe's chest with a loud crunch. The Lupe gasped and fell
back, disappearing behind the wall, out of the Wocky's sight. Next to him, the
little Ixi was trying to climb over the wall, all the while shouting at the
other three.
"You's meanies! You can't use ice! That's cheatin'!
You all's are jus'- jus' big bullies, an' you're cheatin' cause you can't beat
big brother, no matter if you try!"
"Pipe down, brat." The Korbat rolled his eyes,
and for the first time saw the Wocky, standing in the snow, watching the events
without a sound. "Hey, you! What're you looking at?"
The Wocky couldn't respond. Ice? She had some
knowledge of ice, of the slippery cold stuff you put into drinks. Ice wasn't
nice in the way that snow was. Ice was harsher, colder, unforgiving.
"Freak." The Korbat flapped his wings and glanced
back at the Grarrl. "Nail the Wocky. She might try to help."
The Grarrl grunted something in reply, and then
lifted up his arm. And now, another white ball was hurtling through the sky.
The Wocky watched, mesmerized, unable to move.
The ball made of ice struck her cheek.
She was being thrown back, tumbling head-over-heels,
seeing snow, then sky, then snow again. And there was pain. Where the snowball
had been soft, the ice-ball was hard, and her cheek was smarting. The Wocky
gave a small cry of surprise and stumbled to her feet, then started to run.
She had to get away from the mean Korbat with the ice, of that she was certain.
Once the ice-balls couldn't reach her, she would be safe.
Eventually, the Wocky had to stop. She didn't
know where she was. The snow was still falling, and the buildings around her
had all been disguised with it. No Neopets were outside anymore, and the sky
was becoming darker. The snow was still beautiful, but the Wocky now just wanted
to go home. The smarting on her cheekbone was starting to fade, but it still
throbbed persistently. Maybe the snow wasn't completely good. Maybe it would
be better to go inside, to get away from the cold for a while.
The Wocky didn't know for how long she walked.
After a while, she realized that she could no longer feel her feet or her tail,
but she no longer cared. All the houses looked the same, all covered with the
snow. At one point in time, the streetlights outside flickered on, and the Wocky
realized that darkness had fully taken over. From time to time, she stopped
to smooth snow off of a mailbox, to see if she was close to her Neohome.
Still, the snow fell from the sky.
Finally, after what could have been hours or
only minutes, the Wocky found her house number. With a tired smile, she started
to walk into the plot of land. But then, she stopped. Something wasn't right.
Her Neohome was composed of a few rooms made of sticks, but she couldn't see
those rooms. She couldn't see anything there, for that matter. The house was
gone. Her owner was nowhere to be seen. The Wocky was home- but her home, her
little plot of land, was empty.
The Wocky whimpered, and found a large snow bank
to crawl under. She shoveled some of the snow away with her paws, and wished
that they wouldn't ache so. As soon as she could, she crawled inside the hollow
and closed her eyes. She wanted to sleep. Things had to look better in the morning.
When the Wocky opened
her eyes, something had changed. She crawled out of the snow, shaking herself.
The plot of land was still empty, and now looked cold and unfeeling with its
thick covering of snow. Everything she could see was covered in snow, and a
large amount of it. But the snow was no longer falling, and people were coming
outside. In other Neohomes, owners were sending their pets out to shovel the
sidewalks, or vice versa. Young Neopets were cheering about their day off of
Neoschool. All of Neopia was centered on the snow of the previous night, revolving
around this change in the weather.
The Wocky realized with some surprise that the
snow on her fur would not come off.
When she had first been created, the Wocky had
heard of a strange place called Terror Mountain. She had heard that there was
snow there, snow all the time. Now that the Wocky had discovered what snow truly
was, she knew that she had to learn more about it. The questions of her home
and her owner could be solved later. There were more important things to be
done at the moment.
The snow Wocky lifted up her head and walked
out into the street, ready to learn all the answers.
The End