An Extraordinary Illusen Day by gracechanferguson
Illusen, a slender, beautiful earth faerie with large, shiny
emerald green eyes and long red hair with green streaks, dashed down a long, narrow
path. Finally, she came to a rocky cliff and, being careful not to slip down over
the cliff's edge, stopped there. Every morning she came here, and this day was
no exception. This was where she came every day as soon as she was awake, the
place where she watched the leaves swirl and warmed up with her magic. It was
this place that she crouched and sent glowing green magic flowing from her fingertips,
opening up flower buds and helping the plants grow.
Illusen's lips curled in a slow, knowing smile
as she crouched down and the magic began. Shining sparkles of light and glowing
green spun all around her. It was wonderfully pure earth magic. Leaves gathered
towards her, dancing with the magic in the wind. Flower buds opened up and sang
their songs at the sight of the magic that rushed forward to embrace them. Illusen's
long red hair waved in the wind, filling her from her head to the bottoms of
her feet with joyous magic.
Illusen cherished the moment. When it was over,
she raced back down the path in the opposite direction to her glade. Neopians
would be arriving soon, and asking for quests. She didn't want to make them
wait any longer than they had to. The slender young earth faerie reached her
glade quickly. A Neopian passing by rushed toward her eagerly.
"A quest already?" Illusen asked, out of breath
from her long run. She paused to inspect the Neopian. The Neopian was an adorable
little baby Gelert. She was smiling up at Illusen and holding out a blank piece
of paper.
"No, I don't do quests, but can I have your
autograph, Miss Illusen?" the baby Gelert asked shyly, placing the piece of
paper and a pencil into Illusen's open hands. "Please?"
Illusen was surprised. "My autograph? Why would
you want that?" she asked, taking the pencil and signing her name with a flourish.
The Gelert looked at her oddly. "Well, it's
Illusen Day, isn't it? Why wouldn't I want your autograph? I'm your number one
fan! I would have been named Illusen, but someone else had already taken that
Illusen looked like she'd just been dealt a
mighty blow. "It's Illusen Day? I didn't remember!" she exclaimed in surprise.
The baby Gelert laughed, pulling out an Illusen
Day Drink and taking a sip. "You'd better have a lot of quest ideas, because
there'll be hordes of Neopians coming to you today for quests!" She grinned.
"Bye!" Then she skipped away down a path, hugging the piece of paper Illusen
had autographed.
Illusen started thinking of the quest items
she could ask Neopians to bring her. She was going to be pretty busy today.
Just then, she remembered the flower garden outside her glade. She hadn't given
it its share of magic yet today. The flowers needed magic to open up their buds
and burst into full bloom.
Smiling, Illusen went out to her garden, murmuring
quietly to herself, "A faerie's work is never done." She settled down among
the closed flower buds and stretched out her arms, releasing the magic from
her outstretched fingers. Sparkles of magic floated over the flowers. Buds started
to open up, leaning toward her. Flowers sang sweet melodies as they opened and
bloomed healthily.
When she had finished, Illusen stood and went
back into her home. She was hungry, so she ate an Illusen Day Hot Dog and drank
an Illusen Day Drink. When her hunger and thirst had been quenched, she sat
down and relaxed there for a while.
A little later, there was a knock at the door.
Illusen opened it and found her good friend, a pretty light faerie named Yasmin,
standing there.
"Who might you be?" joked Illusen. "Have you
come for a quest?" She grinned at Yasmin, who was smiling and shaking her head.
"Illusen, come with me," Yasmin said. "I want
to show you my new dress." The light faerie crossed her fingers behind her back,
and Illusen didn't notice. "Come on." She took Illusen's arm and they flew up
into Faerieland.
Yasmin dashed to her cloud home and flung open
the door. "Let's go up to my room," she said.
They flew up the steps two at a time. When they
reached Yasmin's room, Yasmin opened the door. "I'll turn on the lamp," said
Yasmin, reaching for the lamp's switch.
As Yasmin flicked on the light, a group of faeries
sprang out from their hiding places in the room, yelling, "Surprise! Happy Illusen
The Soup Faerie, the Tooth Faerie, the Negg
Faerie, the Space Faerie, the Battle Faerie, Zhaida the fire faerie, Diamond
the air faerie, and Katrina the water faerie were all there. Katrina had been
hiding in a bath tub filled with water under the bed.
"We wanted to do something special for your
special day," Yasmin said, grinning at Illusen. "The swimming pool across the
street is reserved just for us. We've got it all to ourselves. And we brought
"That's great!" Illusen exclaimed. "I don't
get to visit the pool very often. What made you think of having a party at a
swimming pool?"
"Well," Diamond the air faerie said, "we all
like to splash around at the swimming pool, and we knew it had to be someplace
with water so Katrina could join in the fun."
"Come on," said Zhaida the fire faerie, a smile
tugging at the corners of her lips. "Let's go. Who wants to carry Katrina?"
"We will," volunteered the Space Faerie and
the Battle Faerie. They picked up the bath tub, careful not to let the water
splash over the side.
The faeries flew across the street and in through
the front doors of the building where the swimming pool was. They grabbed a
few fluffy towels and headed into the locker room. They put their towels in
a pile on a bench.
"Wait a minute," said Illusen, slapping her
forehead. "I didn't bring my swimsuit into Faerieland because I didn't know
we'd be going to a swimming pool."
"No problem," said Katrina. "My present to you
is a swimsuit. Open it and tell me what you think." The water faerie handed
Illusen a package wrapped in green wrapping paper and a white ribbon. "Here."
Illusen grinned. "Katrina, you think of everything!"
she said as her slender hands untied the ribbon and took away the wrapping paper.
Inside was a wooden box. When Illusen opened it, she found a shiny green swimsuit
with Illusen written on it in fancy white lettering. "It's the best! Thanks
a bunch," Illusen exclaimed, embracing Katrina. "It's way better than my old
one. I love it."
Katrina smiled. "You're welcome," she replied
as she lifted her long tail out of the water in the bath tub she was waiting
inside. "Can someone take me into a shower room? I'm going to bathe."
"We will," said the Soup Faerie and the Negg
Faerie. They put the bath tub in one of the shower rooms and closed the curtain.
Illusen changed into her new shiny green swim
suit and tied back her hair so it wouldn't get in the way when she was in the
swimming pool. Diamond changed into a blue swimsuit with little yellow flowers.
Zhaida changed into a red swimsuit with a picture of flames on the front. Yasmin
changed into a yellow swimsuit with a pink heart on it. The Tooth Faerie changed
into a pink swimsuit with horizontal blue stripes. The Battle Faerie changed
into a green swimsuit with a purple star on the front. The Space Faerie changed
into a striped swimsuit of blue and red. The Soup Faerie changed into a sparkly
pink swimsuit and blue goggles. The Negg Faerie changed into a green swimsuit
with a picture of a Negg on it.
The faeries took their fluffy towels from the
pile and raced into the shower rooms. Katrina was already finished bathing.
When the other faeries finished their showers
and dried off with their towels, they hung the towels on hooks in their lockers.
Then they raced out of the locker room and headed for the swimming pool. Yasmin
and Zhaida carried Katrina in the bath tub, holding it steady so that the water
wouldn't splash out onto the floor.
When they reached the swimming pool, Diamond
and the Tooth Faerie helped Katrina out of the bath tub and into the swimming
Zhaida raced Katrina and Illusen across the
swimming pool, splashing water as she swam. When the three faeries were tired
of swimming laps, they joined the others, who were riding a huge waterslide
and splashing down into the water.
"This is the best!" Katrina squealed as she
sat down at the top of the waterslide and was whisked away down the slide, soaring
through the waters. Water splashed in her face. Her hair was wet and shiny.
When she reached the end, she flew off under the water with amazing speed. A
few seconds later, she surfaced, laughing uncontrollably. Then Illusen and the
Space Faerie helped her up the steps to the top of the waterslide for another
Later, after they were too tired to play in
the water anymore, the faeries helped Katrina into her bath tub and carried
her into a shower room, where she took a bath. Then they got their towels out
of their lockers and hung them on hooks on the walls of their shower rooms.
The faeries showered and dried off with their fluffy towels. They changed back
from their swimsuits into their regular outfits.
Then they went to a table near the swimming
pool and sat down. Yasmin brought a big Illusen Day cake with green and white
icing on top.
Illusen blew out the candles. Then they plucked
out the candles and the Soup Faerie cut the cake into slices.
The cake was delicious. It tasted minty and
sweet. After the faeries finished eating, they presented their Illusen Day presents
to Illusen.
Yasmin gave Illusen a new skirt. It was a comfortable
green skirt with pretty white shiny flowers lining the bottom and an emerald
green belt. The Battle Faerie gave Illusen a new pair of comfy green boots that
would help Illusen go faster and make no sounds when she walked or ran, which
would be helpful when Illusen was trying to sneak up on someone. The Space Faerie
gave Illusen a shiny green space rock that would grant Illusen three wishes.
The Soup Faerie gave Illusen a beautiful new emerald green gown. Diamond gave
Illusen a sparkling green charm bracelet and matching sparkly green earrings.
The Negg Faerie gave Illusen a green Negg and a magical mirror with a green
frame that could reflect attacks back at enemies. Zhaida gave Illusen a warm
green scarf to wrap around her neck in the winter. The Tooth Faerie gave Illusen
a green toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, some dental floss, green mouth wash,
and a green anklet.
"Thanks," Illusen told her friends gratefully.
"Wait, I too have a present for you, my old
friend!" rang out a loud, cackling voice as another faerie rushed toward Illusen.
Illusen gasped, freezing right where she was.
She'd know that voice anywhere. It was Jhudora, a dark faerie and her greatest
enemy. "Jhudora? What do you want?" she demanded, spinning around.
The lights had gone out as Jhudora entered,
making the building seem dark and frightening. Jhudora's long, wispy purple
hair with green streaks swung over her shoulder. She wore a dress of purple
and green. Her lips were curved in a scowl. She rode two vicious beasts with
tusks and spiked collars. One of them was purple, and the other was green. Their
eyes glowed malicious red.
"Greetings, faeries," Jhudora said with an evil
twist in her voice. "Illusen, I have a present for you. I'd like you to meet--"
"You want me to meet someone?" Illusen asked
suspiciously. She knew not to trust Jhudora.
"Actually, it's something, not someone," Jhudora
replied with a wicked gleam in her purple eyes. "Illusen, prepare to meet your
Illusen narrowed her eyes into slits. If Jhudora
thought she would meet death, especially today of all days, she was wrong.
"I'm not going down without a fight!" Illusen
declared, advancing towards Jhudora. "So if you think you can just barge in
here and kill me, you've got a bigger head than I thought you had!"
Jhudora grinned wickedly, pure evil showing
on her face. "So, you think you're smart? Well, you better have spent a lot
of time training for combat, or this is going to be all too easy!" She unsheathed
a long, gleaming sword that she had been hiding earlier. "This beauty is going
to hand me your head on a silver platter!"
"I don't think so," the Battle Faerie burst
out, unable to keep her mouth shut any longer. "In case you haven't noticed,
Illusen isn't alone. And even if she was, today is the day she is most powerful,
so if you've never succeeded in killing her before, how do you expect to do
it now, especially on Illusen Day?"
"Enough words!" Jhudora shrieked. She slashed
at the Battle Faerie with her sword, only to find herself thrown back by the
faerie's firm hands. Jhudora unleashed a stream of colorful language and terrible
curses from her green lipsticked lips, but the Battle Faerie ignored her, watching
Jhudora for an opportunity to knock her off her guard.
"Enough," announced Illusen, taking the sword
from the Battle Faerie. "This is my battle." Illusen leapt forward towards Jhudora,
letting her earth magic flow out in streams of green and glowing sparkles that
attacked Jhudora.
Jhudora dodged, and the magic passed over her.
She released a stream of purple magic from her hand. It flew towards Illusen's
"No!" screamed Illusen as it hit her and exploded.
She gasped with intense pain as she fell to the floor on her weak knees.
Katrina let out a gasp. "Illusen, are you alright?"
she asked, leaning out from the bath tub.
Illusen opened her eyes slowly. "That…really
knocked the breath out of me," she murmured weakly.
"I have the power to heal. Stay still," Katrina
told Illusen. She closed her eyes and sent glowing blue rays of magic from her
fingertips. The water magic reached out and swept over Illusen, who leapt to
her feet.
"Thanks, Katrina," Illusen said to the water
faerie. "I am healed." She slashed out at Jhudora with her sword, crying, "Yaaah!"
Jhudora smiled and shook her head, holding out
her wand and releasing a powerful wave of green and purple magic.
Illusen was ready. She held out the magical
mirror she had been given by the Negg Faerie and reflected Jhudora's magical
attack back at her.
Jhudora was shocked as her magic turned on her
and attacked her. "How did you get a magical mirror!?!" she screamed as her
own magic sent her sprawling on the floor.
Illusen used her powers to become invisible
and slipped into the green boots the Battle Faerie had given her so that she
could go faster and make no sounds while she ran. Now she could surprise Jhudora.
Swiftly, Illusen ran up to Jhudora and slashed
at Jhudora's shoulder with her sword. Jhudora wheeled back in surprise as her
shoulder stung painfully and started bleeding.
"Illusen!" she roared, opening her mouth to
reveal sharp yellow teeth and releasing a wave of smelly breath.
"Eew!" cried Illusen, stopping in disgust. "Brush
your teeth, smelly breath!" She grabbed the toothbrush and toothpaste the Tooth
Faerie had given her, squirting the toothpaste onto the toothbrush. Then she
attacked Jhudora's sharp, dirty yellow teeth with the toothpaste-loaded toothbrush
until they were a clean sparkling white.
"Leave my teeth alone!" shrieked Jhudora, disgusted
by the cleanness of her now sparkly white teeth.
Illusen took the scarf Zhaida had given her.
She darted forward at Jhudora and, in the blink of an eye, wrapped the scarf
so tightly around the dark faerie's neck that she choked, unable to breathe.
Then Illusen released Jhudora from the scarf's
grip around her neck. She ended her invisible spell so that the dark faerie
could see her.
"Had enough, Jhudora? Or d'you want some more?"
demanded Illusen, throwing her enemy onto the floor.
"This isn't the end! Just you wait until Jhudora
Day!" yelled Jhudora as she rode away on her vile tusked beasts with spiky collars.
She glared back at Illusen until she was too far way to see them.
Illusen rolled her eyes. She and her friends
collapsed on the floor, laughing until their throats hurt.
"Did you see the look on Jhudora's face when
she realized how white and sparkly clean her teeth were?" the Soup Faerie said,
laughing so hard that tears streamed down her face.
Just then a faerie Tonu worker at the pool came
in. "Your time's up," he said. "We can't reserve the pool any longer. There's
a crowd outside waiting to get in."
"Okay," said Illusen, gathering her presents
in her arms. Diamond and Zhaida picked up the bath tub Katrina was inside.
The faeries flew back to Yasmin's room. Diamond
gave Illusen a bag to keep her presents inside.
Illusen put the presents in the bag and flew
back to her glade, waving goodbye to her friends before she left.
Hundreds of questers were waiting impatiently
for quests outside her glade. Illusen sighed as she walked into her glade and
sat in her usual position.
"Welcome to my home…" she said to the first
quester. It was going to be a long day for quests.
The End