The Immortal Toast: Part Two by blueys45
"Are you sure this is going to work?"
"Of course it will! Just you watch!"
The doors to the Food Store opened and a wobbly
figure mostly covered up by a mysterious-looking brown jacket stumbled in. Shoppers
from every corner of the store turned their eyes to the odd figure. The figure
moved in a dizzy manner across the aisles and to the bread section.
"I've said so many times before, but now I can
truly say that this is the stupidest idea you've ever come up with, Sunlight!"
the figure yelled down its jacket.
From the bottom of the shaky figure, Sunlight
looked up and replied, "Aw come on, Marik! Trust me! This will work!"
"I don't know, Sunlight. I have to agree with
Marik on this one. Not only is this a dumb idea, it seems a little clichéd."
Starlight, who was on top of Sunlight, spoke his mind.
"Well, I did read about this idea in a story
in the Neopian Times," Sunlight confessed.
"It was a STORY! This is real life! I doubt
this plan will ever work!" Marik hissed, keeping his voice down as he was getting
stares by pets thinking he was talking to himself.
"We'll never know unless we find out! What do
we have to lose?" Sunlight questioned.
"Our freedom..." Marik muttered.
Starlight looked above him and said, "Hey Moonlight.
You doing okay?"
Moonlight, who was on top of Starlight, grunted
and groaned as he struggled to keep Marik up on his shoulders. "Why couldn't
I be the head?!"
"Because if anyone's face is going to be shown,
it's going to be mine!" Marik explained.
"Your face is shadowed! No one's going to see
it! Besides, we disguised ourselves to keep our identities hidden! If you showed
your face, everyone would realize 'it's that egotistic Krawk that always brags
about himself!'"
"Is it my fault that I'm so amazingly handsome?
I don't think so!" bragged Marik egotistically.
The four brothers stumbled into the bread section
and quickly grabbed the first bag of bread in sight. After nearly tripping some
more, they began to leave the aisle with the bag in Marik's claws.
"Finally! Now let's get out..." Marik began,
but paused as he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of the young girl in
front of him.
"What is it?" Moonlight wondered, still struggling
to hold Marik up.
"Bluey!" Marik whispered, "Now of all times!"
Just as Marik and his brothers began to tiptoe
away, Bluey turned around and looked straight at them. She raised an eyebrow,
and stared at their odd disguise for a moment.
"Uh... I don't believe I've seen you around
town before. Are you new here?" Bluey asked, still staring at their disguise.
"Um, yes. We...uh...I'm new to this town," Marik
answered in a deep voice.
Bluey looked down at Marik's claws and bent
down for a closer look. She then lifted herself back up, and looked back at
Marik and smiled.
"You're a fire Krawk, aren't you?" Bluey guessed.
"Y...yes," Marik stuttered back to her.
"That's so cool! One of my pets is a fire Krawk!"
Bluey exclaimed excitedly.
"I'm sure he's really handsome as well." Marik
once again bragged about himself. Starlight from below groaned and rolled his
"Yeah. He always says that, but sometimes I
think he's a little too full of himself," Bluey told him.
She once more looked back at Marik's claws and
spotted the item that he held. "Oh, you're buying bread? That reminds me of
something that I thought of a couple of days ago. What if I made a kind of bread
that never molds or spoils? So I..."
"Uh, I must be going, ma'am!" Marik cut Bluey
off and dashed to the shopkeeper, Neopoints in claws.
Bluey stared in confusion as she watched the
odd figure run off in a stumbling manner. "Umm. Okay. Bye then."
* * *
The four brothers rushed into the house finally
with a bag of bread and got rid of the uncomfortable disguise. Sunlight ran
up to his room and immediately came back down with sparkling gold paint. Marik
and the others got a piece of bread out and set it on the kitchen table.
"Hurry up, Sunlight! Bluey's going to be home
any minute!" Moonlight warned, glancing towards the clock.
"All right! I've got the paint! Now all we need
to do is use it to color the bread!" Sunlight told them, trying to catch his
"But what are we going to do with the rest of
the bread?" Moonlight wondered, looking at the open bag.
"We can't just leave it here! There wasn't any
bread here before Bluey left the house! If she found it here, she'd be awfully
suspicious!" Starlight exclaimed.
"Throw it away! There! Problem solved." suggested
"Marik, there are thousands of pets starving
out there! We can't just waste food like that!" Sunlight told him.
Thinking quickly, Marik took the rest of the
bread out of the bag and shoved it into Sunlight's mouth. "Quick! Dispose of
the evidence!"
Sunlight strained to be able to chew the huge
amount of food, let alone swallow it. He didn't understand why Marik didn't
try to stuff more than ten pieces of bread into his mouth at once, since Marik
had a much bigger mouth than he does.
The others took another quick glance at the
clock. It wouldn't be much longer before Bluey arrived back home. Hastily, they
poured the gold paint on the bread, not bothering to be extravagant with it.
But, the brothers quickly noticed that there was still another problem.
"Bluey will be sure to notice the wet paint
on it! The cushion beneath it will get marked with it!" Moonlight noticed.
"Great. Now what are we supposed to do?" Starlight
questioned, slouching back in one of the chairs.
"Geez. We're really toasted now. No pun intended."
Marik groaned, sitting down in a chair while putting his claws on his head.
"Toasted..." Starlight thought out loud.
Starlight perked up quickly, took the painted
bread, and rushed to the toaster. Moonlight and Marik ran over to him, while
Sunlight was still struggling to eat the bread Marik shoved in his mouth.
"Oh, I get it!" Moonlight realized Starlight's
After nervously putting the bread in the toaster,
Starlight frantically turned it on. Now all he could was wait as the bread hopefully
"It better not burn," Marik warned.
"Relax! It won't! I know it won't!" guaranteed
"For all of our sakes," Marik sighed, "you better
hope so."
Starlight, Marik and Moonlight waited anxiously
for the bread to pop out. Sunlight finally gulped down the last of the bread,
trying to catch his breath afterwards. He then strode over slowly to his older
brothers and waited nervously with them. The timer slowly turned closer to the
zero mark. Closer and closer... until...
The bread, now toast, popped out of the toaster
and appeared in front of the four pets' eyes. Starlight took it out and examined
it closely. No burns, the paint was dry and it hadn't been damaged.
"Perfect!" Starlight yelled, holding the piece
of toast in the air.
But then all of a sudden, the doorknob at the
front door began to turn. Starlight, Marik, Moonlight and Sunlight quickly knew
that Bluey was at the front door!
Frantically, Moonlight and Sunlight cleaned
up the kitchen, getting rid of any mess caused by the paint. Starlight and Marik
dashed over to the glass box where the Immortal Toast once was. After tripping
several times, they approached the box. Starlight nervously attempted to open
the door to the box.
"Hurry up!" Marik shouted, continuously looking
back at the front door.
"I'm trying! The door won't open!" Starlight
snapped at Marik.
As Starlight still struggled with the door to
the glass box, the door to the house opened...
* * *
I'll tell you what, that day had to be the oddest
day I've had. First, I had this weird, bad premonition while I was shopping;
I met this strange Krawk at the food store; and when I walked into the house,
Sunlight and Moonlight rushed into the living room looking at me like I was
the Pant Devil.
"Uhh. Nice to see you too." I muttered, not
exactly sure what to say.
"Oh! Uh, Bluey! Home so soon?" Moonlight seemed
to laugh nervously.
"Well I said I'd be home in an hour, and it's
been an hour," I replied, cocking my eyebrow.
"Oh really? Time goes by so quickly!" Sunlight
also chuckled with anxiety.
"I guess," I said. "So where are Starlight and
"Oh, uh... well..." Sunlight stammered, even
though I couldn't figure out why.
But while Sunlight was trying to find words
to finish his sentence, Starlight and Marik ran into the room and, like Moonlight
and Sunlight, seemed to be surprised to see me.
"Oh, hi Bluey! We made 100% sure that your Immortal
Toast is safe and sound!" Starlight greeted me in a cheerful, yet somewhat weird,
"Yep. It's right in the other room safely behind
that glass box! So you're free to go stare and obsess over it!" Marik told me
also in a happy manner, although I could sense a smart tone in his voice.
"Um, yeah. About that. You see, I realized while
shopping that maybe this 'Immortal Toast' thing was rather unhealthy. So I decided
to pursue a new obsession!" I explained, and then pulled out my new fascination
out of one of the grocery bags, "Ta-da! Behold! The Almighty Asparagus!"
All four of my pets dropped their jaws and stared
at me for a few moments. Starlight then spoke up and stammered, "The...Almighty...Asparagus?!"
"Yup! While I walking down the street on the
way home, I met this really nice guy that gave it to me. Aaron? Andy? Alex?
I can't remember exactly. His name started with an 'A', though."
NOTHING?!" Marik exploded at me.
The room grew silent as Marik's face grew red
with rage. For what reason, I'm not really sure. Finally, he seemed to calm
down and he gave a smile. A rather, creepy one to be exact.
"I'm so stinkin' happy for you," Marik muttered
before running up to his room.
My other pets looked at each other with wide
eyes. They began to head off in separate directions as well.
"Uhh. I'm going to the Lab Ray, now," Sunlight
told me, as he walked out the door.
"You know, today seems like a nice day to read
a book outside," Moonlight said, grabbing a book and heading out the back door.
"Yeah. I'm gonna play my guitar upstairs. So
you might want to wear earplugs," Starlight informed me, rushing to his room.
Strange. It was like they wanted to get away
from me, like they thought I was weird or something. Nah. That can't possibly
be the reason.
Either way, I still had the piece of asparagus
that would change the way Neopia looks at asparagus for all eternity! Pets would
forever look up to the Almighty Asparagus as their leader!
No. That's just insane.
But better yet, I could clone the asparagus
and unleash an army of it upon Neopia! Now that's a good idea! I'm sure my pets
will be proud of me.
The End
Author's Note: Please do not attempt to eat the Immortal Toast. Contrary
to popular belief, it will not make you immortal. The Immortal Toast is far
too pwnful to give its powers to anyone else.