The Gratitude of a Bottled Faerie by xxnekoninjaxx
"How did this happen to me?" the small dark faerie mourned
in a hushed tone to herself within the sealed bottle that was holding her prisoner.
There was nothing but darkness about her, as if she was lost somewhere in space,
however, lacking any trace of a star. She strained her mind to recall anything
that would be of help to her to place just what exactly had occurred.
'Let's see,' she thought inwardly, the
last thing she could remember was falling asleep under a large tree in the center
of one of the many fields on the outskirts of Meridell. But nothing else was
actively coming to mind as she sat in her glass prison.
The little faerie was about to give up all hope
of finding out what had happened to her when she let a small gasp escape her
ruby lips as her mind idly recalled that a dark figure had hovered above her
still body as she lay half asleep, enjoying the warmth of the weather and the
coolness of the shade simultaneously. She remembered trying to fully open her
eyes to investigate who was watching her, however whatever the creature had
been, she never really had a chance to see, for all she could remember after
that was darkness.
"Who was that who was watching me sleep?" the
faerie pondered aloud.
"Do you mean who was it that put you into that
bottle?" replied a muffled voice.
The dark faerie whirled around in her bottle,
and for the first time took notice of the fact that there were others like her,
faeries that had been imprisoned in bottles similar to her own, each giving
off a faint hint of the color of the element that they each represented. The
dark faerie pinpointed that the voice had come from a entrapped fire faerie,
a few bottles away from her own.
"Yes, I suppose so," replied the dark faerie
in a stupor, however realizing for a fact one thing: she was in a lot of trouble.
"Have you ever heard of the Lupe they call Balthazar?"
replied the fire faerie.
"You of all faeries should know of him, being
as its YOUR fault that we're in these bottles," grumbled a light faerie a distance
The dark faerie averted her eyes away, she was
more than familiar with the monster that her kind had created; the dangerous
Lupe who hunted faeries. Was that who had been above her when she had opened
her eyes, Balthazar?
"Yanel," the fire faerie chastised the bitter
light faerie. "That was in the past; this faerie here had nothing to do with
the creation of Balthazar, and you are well aware of that."
The light faerie, although ready to let her vengeance
flow free upon the dark faerie for what her kind had done in the past, fell
into a silent brood.
"What's your name?" asked the fire faerie. "You
may call me Nazzara."
"I am Lyra," replied the dark faerie, feeling
more out of place now than she had before. "Why is it so dark here?"
"We are in Balthazar's satchel," Nazzara replied.
"He only opens it to place another captive faerie into it, or to dispose of
us at a random market place."
"I see..." murmured Lyra, her faint voice echoing
about her as it danced off of the glass surrounding her. She was starting to
feel tired, perhaps even overwhelmed at her fate. She wanted nothing more than
to close her eyes and reopen them to find herself back under the tree she had
fallen asleep under.
She could hear the other faeries about her continue
to talk amongst themselves; however, she had ceased to listen long ago. She
was drifting in and out of consciousness, hoping each time that she would awaken
from this nightmare, until she had finally entered into a restless slumber.
"Huh?" Lyra mumbled as she felt her body shift
to the side of the glass bottle; she was moving.
She managed to get her body into a sitting position
despite the fact that her small world was shaking about her as if she was at
the epicenter of an earthquake.
"Wake up, little faerie," came a harsh growl.
Lyra, although still shaken from her bottle being
tossed about, made her eyes contact with the voice that had spoken. Balthazar!
Lyra gasped; she never thought that Balthazar would look so ferocious, so ferocious
that it caused a new sensation to dance its way down her spine; fear.
"Our time together has ended, wench," Balthazar
grumbled at her as he passed her bottle to a shady looking merchant.
Lyra's bottle was thankfully placed on a shelf
next to the fire faerie, Nazzara, rather than the light faerie that she didn't
take too much of a liking to, although she didn't blame the light faerie's bitterness
towards her and her kind and their ancient mistakes.
Lyra looked around at her surroundings. The trees
appeared to be tropical in nature, and the Neopians walking about had on flowing
skirts of many bright colors and shorts that resembled swimming trunks. This
must be Mystery Island, she thought to herself.
Just then her violet eyes darted to a Neopian
and his excited Kougra bounding in her general direction. The male Neopian poured
a large sum of Neopoints onto the counter and exchanged a few words with the
owner of the shop. The owner then whirled about and removed one of the bottles
a few spaces away from her own off of the shelf; an air faerie that Lyra hadn't
had the time to speak with.
The merchant handed the bottle to the excited
pair and began to recount his income after they had bounded away to do who knows
what with the purchased air faerie.
"I heard that some people collect us," a water
faerie said to Lyra after seeing her stare after the boy and his Kougra with
a perplexed look upon her face.
"Some are kind, though, and release us," Nazzara
"I see," Lyra responded gloomily. She sat down
in her bottle and began to rub at her hooked wings; they were starting to cramp,
and for the remainder of the day she watched as one by one, the bottles on the
shelf disappeared until she was alone on the shelf. Night had come, and the
merchant that ran the shop had closed up for the night, leaving Lyra alone and
The next day, the merchant received new merchandise
which he placed haphazardly about his store, not noticing that he had accidently
placed a large Box of Wheat Flakes in front of her bottle; so alone she sat
for another day, having nothing else to do aside from reading the nutritional
facts on the back of the Wheat Flakes.
"What's that glowing behind that box?"
"I don't know, let me ask."
Who was that talking? Lyra wondered half
asleep, and unaware that the sun had long since risen. Sunlight poured in from
all directions as the large box in front of her was removed.
"Look, it's a bottled dark faerie!"
It was a Neopet that had spoken to his master,
a teenage girl with long black hair and glimmering amethyst eyes. Lyra watched
as she was inspected from the counter by the young girl and her Tyrannian Peophin.
"Sasuke... I don't know, we are pretty short
on Neopoints lately, and we still have to go grocery shopping for the week;
you know how much you and your brothers can eat!" replied the girl.
"But look how sad she looks in there," the Peophin
The young girl looked at the Lyra once more and
heaved a sigh, "Alright, Sasuke, but you had better not complain to me about
there being no food to eat when the end of the week rolls around."
"Yay!" The Peophin leapt up with excitement.
'Are they just going to put me on a shelf
like that water faerie said some Neopians do?' Lyra wondered to herself
as the merchant retrieved her bottle from the shelf when he had seen the raven
haired girl remove the required amount of Neopoints from her shoulder bag. 'No...'
thought Lyra, 'There is something about that girl and her Peophin that
makes me feel comfortable.'
"Here you are, Miss," said the merchant while
greedily racking all of the Neopoints off of the counter.
"Thank you very much," the girl and Peophin said
simultaneously. "Let's head home before we spend any more Neopoints!" the girl
laughed to her Neopet.
"Okay," Sasuke replied, bounding ahead of the
girl with a gesture that he wanted to race.
"Oh, I see how it is, Sasuke!" The girl laughed,
racing after the Peophin who had had a head start.
"What are you going to do with her now that you
have her?" the Neopian asked Sasuke.
Lyra watched as the Peophin thought the question
over in his head.
"She looks so miserable in there," the Peophin
"Yea, she does," agreed the long haired girl.
"Can we?" Sasuke asked, knowing that his owner
knew what was on his mind.
"Do what you will, Sasuke; I bought her for you
after all."
Lyra braced herself as the teen girl lifted the
bottle off of the table, far more carefully than what she had been used to,
and was overjoyed when the cork of the bottle was pulled free from the rim of
the glass. Lyra wasted no time escaping the nightmare of a prison, making the
bottle jump from the young Neopian's grasp.
"Thank you!" cried Lyra with her honest gratitude,
and gave the kind Peophin a small peck on the nose, blessing him with the ability
to gain life back in battle with the ability Drain Life. And with that she was
off, making her way back to Meridell to settle some unfinished business with
a certain tree.
The End