5,000 NP Vacation: Faerieland by youkos_lil_fox
FAERIELAND -- Ah, yes. Vacation. Simply hearing the word gets anyone excited.
The new sights, the new smells, especially the new tastes, and, of course, souvenirs.
But for the average Neopian, spending habits on vacation are anything but sensible,
and many of us cannot afford to go on a spending spree and buy everything in sight.
(Though that new dresser would go fabulously with your side table…)
And that’s where I come in. *Plays super hero music* Alright, just kidding,
but really. :) I can help. I will show you that vacationing cheap doesn’t mean
sacrificing those wonderful books you saw in the shop window. In fact, by only
spending 5,000 NP and being smart about it, you can bring home a variety of
items that are unique to your vacationing spot, without breaking your budget,
Now, you may ask, where did I ever come up with the idea that I can only spend
5,000 NP on vacation? Well, it’s simple, really: Like many of you out there,
extravagant vacations are far beyond my income. (I own a simple shop, really.
I’m sure you know how that goes.) I couldn’t bear to just walk away from all
those great souvenirs, but I sat down and figured out the values of some of
the key items I wanted to bring home. Now, I know that the crowds in the stores
are awful during tourist season, and that the market inflation will cause my
prices to be a bit off, but really, I mean the best. Honest.
And that led me to my first vacation destination: Faerieland. For all of you
who live there, blah. =k Not all of us are that rich. And besides, if you’re
rich, why are you reading this, anyways? You can afford the 100k vacations that
would send most of us into bankruptcy. Anyhow, I went to Faerieland, and for
any of you who don’t know, the shops there are SUPER crowded. But I did manage
to get a few things, and total up my spending. As I said before, my prices are
a bit off, I went by the suggested retail price, or the approximate value. I
guess it was just my luck that inflation went down just before I left on my
trip. :) Sorry for those of you who didn’t catch such a lucky break as I did.
Faerieland isn’t exactly cheap, and we all know that. So I carefully planned
out my strategy, picking out the shops I wanted to get to and writing out my
budget plan. The thing about budget plans that you have to remember, though,
is that you must stick with it. Must. Sure, it’s easy to splurge the 13k or
so that a Faellie may go for, but is that cute little critter really worth the
extra hours you have to put in at home? (FYI, the answer is no. :) ) It’s like
making a contract with yourself: If you breech said contract, you’re in trouble.
End of story, but continuing my article.
Yes, you may be asking yourself, how did I cover transportation, my place
to stay, meals, etc. Well, I didn’t budget those into my 5,000 NP. If I had,
I wouldn’t have gotten anything. (And what would be the point of having gone
in the first place?) So yes, I did spend more than 5k, but what did you expect?
I certainly can’t give you all the secrets of traveling, now can I? (I really
could use that for my up-and-coming travel book, something I can actually sell
to you, instead of you simply reading the Times.) Of course one tip I can give
you is to research your destination. Find out what attractions there are, and
plan to spend some extra NP if you’d like to visit them, unless, of course,
they’re free. You will see this in my proposed budget plan, which I will give
to you next, along with an explanation of the items in the list.
Foxie’s Faerieland Budget Plan:
Furniture: 950 NP
Food to bring home: 1,350 NP
Books for library: 650 NP
Wheel of Excitement: 150 NP
Other: 1,900 NP
Alright, to explain my list. The first item I budgeted NP for was furniture.
I’m constantly redecorating my neohome, and I thought that an item from Faerieland
would be the perfect addition to my sunroom. With 950 NP, I figured I could
find something that was able to work with what I had in my mind. Secondly, I
budgeted for some take-home treats. Known for their magically delicious tastes,
this was my second-largest item in my plan, with 1,350 NP and hopefully to get
more than just a turkey. My third budgeted item was my book store amount. Unfortunately,
I only came up with 650 NP, enough for at least one book. If I spent all I wanted
to on books, I wouldn’t be such a good finance guide, now would I? :) The fourth
thing that came to mind was the Wheel of Excitement. This happens to be a one-time
flat fee of 150 NP, and easily fit into my budget. If I won any good amount
of Neopoints, I may splurge on that Table Lamp I saw in the furniture shop back
there… Any item would come home with me, and hopefully nothing ill-fated would
befall my vacation. With the leftover 1,900 NP, I designated them to go to whatever
happened to attract my attention at the time. With my budget plan in hand, I
set off on a warm Spring day to do some shopping.
Furniture Shop: This was my first stop, in sync with my budget plan. And I
had to admit, I wasn’t sure it was such a good first stop… I nearly blew my
plan on a Light Faerie Table, but then I remembered: What kind of article would
this entire trip make if I didn’t even follow my own advice? Browsing through
the shop, I came to the perfect piece to take home: A Lavender Faerie Rug. After
briefly arguing with the shopkeeper about how much I could take it home for,
I paid 900 NP for the rug. I did a small triumphant jig as I walked out the
door, knowing that I came under-budget by 50 NP. Not too much, but any save
is a good save as far as I’m concerned.
Food Shop: Just a short walk from the Furniture Shop, the smells that came
out of the door were very tempting, to say the least. The aroma inside was even
better, believe me. After perusing the shelves for a bit, looking at all the
wonderful assorted goods, I finally settled on The Faerie Queen Burrito and
a Delicious Faerie Bubbles. I walked out of the shop with a smile on my face,
having paid only 447 NP for the burrito, and 910 NP for the drink. At a total
of 1,357 NP, I only came seven over-budget. Not so bad, considering my savings
in the Furniture store.
Instead of heading over to the Book store, I took a detour at the Wheel of
Excitement. If you haven’t been there and tried the wheel, I highly recommend
it. The thrill is like nothing else. My luck was with me, too, and I won 500
NP. Instead of buying something else, however, I decided I would take the money
I won and go to the Poogle Races. My gambling has never been good, so I won’t
let you know whether I lost more or won more. It shall be my secret. :)
Book Store: This was my favorite shop, I have to admit. And to blow my budget
again was very tempting. I nearly ran through the shelves of books, picking
up a few flashy ones that caught my eye, but having to put most back due to
my 650 NP designated for a book. I finally found the perfect book, and the shopkeeper
was extremely nice to me, saving me 46 NP. For only 604 NP, I was the proud
owner of Faerie Tales. It’s still one of my favorites, just so you know. :)
After the book purchase, I had 89 NP left from my already-purchased items,
plus the 1,900 NP I had left of my budget plan. I’m not a huge fan of the battledome,
so I knew that a weapon from the new shop wouldn’t be my purchase. I did take
a look through the merchandise, and trust me, the prices weren’t pretty. Which
led me to the Petpet Shop. I didn’t expect to find anything within my budget
there, but I was pleasantly surprised. 1,992 NP later, I walked out with the
cutest Floud in the world.
For those of you who are Math’s Nightmare champions, you’ll know that I spent
a total of 5,003 NP during my shopping. Three neopoints over my budget plan,
but easily compensated for by the Poogle Races. ;) Which, as you may have guessed,
leads me to my conclusion. You don’t have to budget 5,000 NP on your vacation,
it can be any amount you like. Just remember to do your research and buy smart.
Watching the market inflation/deflation isn’t a bad idea, either, and can save
you hundreds of neopoints during your vacation. With that in mind, happy budgeting
and have a wonderful vacation! :)
Author’s Note: While the happy frolicking Unis in Faerieland love to jump
off of clouds, they have wings to fly with. For those of us who don’t, it’s
not such a good idea. Although the hospital has many wonderful doctors and nurses,
I highly discourage such behavior, as it severely breaks one’s budget. No worries,
in a few weeks my leg should be healed and I’ll be vacationing in the Haunted
Woods. Look for me then!
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