Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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Restaurant Woes

by khirkah

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Great stories!


"Your Hands Glow Blue For A Moment...": Part One
"You've heard the stories! Amazing things happen to people who visit the shrine! We might get a Paintbrush, or a million Neopoints, or buried pirate treasure, or..."

by silvormoon


Story Behind the Cup: Kiko Lake
Kiko Lake entered the tournament as the underdog, coming from a mini world instead of an actual world. This team had a lot to prove to its critics...

by samschelfhout2


Strange Concepts
Racing should only be used when you have more than 700 hours and a really fast petpet.

by _baby_rosie_


An Editorial - Tandrak Shaye Style
And now, without further ado, here are the questions Tandrak Shaye, that lovable Darigan Gelert, answered for us.

by skycrowmor

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