Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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by x_evil_nightmares_x

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The Missing Links to Altador
But, I still wondered: if Altador was right there on the other side of those mountains, why didn't anyone ever go to look for it? I decided to snoop around and figure out why...

by dudedudedude535


A Jelly's Journey: Part Two
Angrily shoving the last of the food inside his bag, he reached for the Neopian Times. But before he could tuck it back inside the bag, he noticed something odd...

Also by sunset_rose285

by sum41girl2k


Worst Toys EVER?! o_O
Do you know what toys your Neopets are playing with right this second? Owners may not know that playing with certain toys could affect the social and emotional development of their pet, and may even be hazardous to their health...

by purplepassiony2k


7 Steps to a Smarter Neopet: A Guide For Dummies
Of course you have to pick which pet you're going to make smarter! If you only have one pet, then you're set.

by jayandcourtneyk

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