Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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Umm... Surprise?

by amit_oryan

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The Kadoatery
You did NOT just paint your baby pteri for a kad feed.

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The Refrigerator Problem
The smell was so ghastly that the Jadestorm household simply kept it shut 24/7. Through a vacuum system at the top, groceries were put in, never to be extracted in a lifetime...

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Starshine: An Eyrie's Beginnings
"It's not my fault! That genetic combination was clearly marked as a Jetsam. I was as surprised as anyone..."

by rainbow_daydreamer


Kiko Komix
Look! I got painted Christma-white! ^_^'

by monica5327

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