 Needed Adventure: Part Two by tdyans
The sun was beginning to set and the junkyard pets were
returning home, filing through the junkyard entrance with the foods and goods
that they had worked to acquire over the course of the day. As Dantam made his
way through the tired crowds after his own day of searching for owners for all
of them, he heard three familiar voices calling out, "Daddy, Daddy!" The next
moment, his face was being covered in wet little puppy kisses by his two daughters,
while his son grabbed the end of one of his long ears in his mouth and tugged.
"Hey," Dantam said with a laugh. If there was
anyone more enamored with the pups than Whooter, it was their father. He pulled
his ear up and away from Enzo's sharp teeth and Enzo fell to the ground with
a proud smile. "Good to see you guys, too. Now, what do you say we get some
dinner and then maybe... a story?"
"Yes, yes, a story! Please, Daddy!" the pups
all cried, hopping around their father excitedly.
"Dinner first."
"Dinner, dinner!" they all exclaimed and went
running back toward the center of the junkyard where their mother was waiting
to make sure that they would pick more than just sweets from the day's rations.
Whooter, who had only just now caught up to the
pups, watched in dismay as they ran off again. He flopped down onto the ground
with a sigh. Dantam chuckled. "Come on, Whooter. I'll give you a ride to dinner."
The pups had been fed, and their parents had
even managed to eat a bite or two, and now the family lay snuggled together
near the campfire that lit the middle of the junkyard encampment. "All right,
now what story should I tell you guys tonight," Dantam asked.
"Tell us about the time you escaped from the
pound!" Enzo exclaimed, leaping up and bounding around them in excitement. "Or,
or-- ooh, the time you fought off a pack of bullies-- yeah!"
"A whole pack of bullies, eh, Dantam?" Tessa
asked, her eyes sparkling. "And you fought them off all on your own!"
Dantam coughed, but before he could say anything,
Costa spoke up. "No, not those stories. Tell us about how you met Mommy," she
said with a dreamy look.
"Blech, not that one!" Enzo said, wrinkling his
muzzle in disgust.
"Oh yes, Daddy, please tell us that one!" Stella
"Sorry, buddy," Dantam said to Enzo, "but it
looks like you've been outvoted."
Enzo sighed. "Oh, okay... but try to get to the
good parts fast-- like when you saved Mom from the petnappers!"
"Time to go to bed, Enzo," Dantam said as the
story finished. The girls had fallen asleep halfway through and were now being
carried by their mother back to the cave. But Enzo was still awake and leaping
around excitedly as he re-enacted the "good parts" of his father's story.
Dantam reached his head down, picked up the squirming
pup by the nape of his neck, and headed toward the cave. Enzo continued to swing
around and bat at the shadows as his father carried him. "Wow, Dad! I wish I
coulda been there too! I'da shown those dirty petnappers!"
"Oh, you would have, would you?" Dantam chuckled
as he set the pup down beside his sisters and pulled a wooly blanket over the
"'Course, Dad," Enzo whispered, yawning as his
eyelids finally began to droop. "When I grow up, I wanna be just like you."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," the pup replied, just before he fell
Dantam smiled fondly as he tucked the blanket's
edge around his son. "Well, I guess we'll see."
Whooter fluttered up onto the top of the Gelert's
head and gazed down at the snoozing pups fondly. "Oh, they're growing up so
"Yeah," Dantam said wistfully, "they sure are."
Tessa smiled and shook her head at the two doting males, walking over to lean
on Dantam's shoulder as he continued. "Before we know it, it'll be time for
them to leave for homes of their own."
Whooter started a little. "Have you found owners
for them then?"
"Well, I think I've found the perfect owners
for Costa and Stella-- two girls; they're best friends and they live right next
door to each other."
"Mm, that does sound perfect," Tessa murmured,
picturing, with a combination of joy and sadness, her daughters playing with
their new owners. "And Enzo?"
Dantam sighed. "Enzo... Enzo's a bit harder to
pin down for some reason. I don't know-- I've got a few possibilities and I've
asked them to stop by next Owner's Day to see what he thinks of them, but I'm
just not sure."
"Don't worry, Dantam," Tessa said. "You'll figure
it out. You always do."
Like so many of the other junkyard pets, Costa
and Stella were playing happily with their new owners, giggling and running
circles around the two girls. Enzo, on the other hand, was blithely ignoring
the ever-dwindling line of humans who stood nearby, waiting for him to make
a decision. Several of the candidates that Dantam had chosen for his son had
already wandered off by now and found other pets to take home with them. The
few who remained were beginning to look distinctly impatient.
Dantam and Tessa sighed in unison as they surveyed
the scene and walked up to nudge Enzo's attention back toward the prospective
owners. "Enzo," Dantam coaxed, "have you picked out an owner yet? Do you know
who you want to go home with?"
"I don't wanna go home with any of 'em, Dad!"
Dantam drew back, ears raised in surprise. "You
Enzo sighed in exasperation at his father. "No!
I've been tellin' ya-- I wanna stay here and be like you!"
"Y-you do?" Dantam had never really stopped
to think about the implications behind his son's statements of adulation. Now
that he did, the idea instantly began to take hold in his mind, spreading like
ivy into visions of teaching Enzo the ropes of running the junkyard so that
someday he could take over in his father's footsteps. A proud smile began to
make its way across Dantam's muzzle at the idea.
"Uh huh," Enzo answered, bracing his front
paws against his father's side excitedly. "Can I, Dad, please? Can I?"
Dantam looked down at the adoration in his
son's eyes and he could answer no other way. "Well, of course you can, Enzo."
Enzo let out an excited whoop and ran circles
around his father. Dantam laughed.
"Dantam," Tessa said, sidling up to him and
smiling along at their son's antics, "I'd love nothing more than to keep Enzo
here with us... but are you sure about this?"
"Sure I am. I know this isn't what we planned,
but it just feels right, Tessa-- you know, someone to pass the 'family business'
on to," Dantam said with a chuckle. "Besides, he can always change his mind
when he gets older, right?"
Any strangers looking into the junkyard would
have thought that they saw a shadow Gelert being followed around by his exact
double. However, on closer inspection, they would have noticed that the double
was actually younger, had an unusual white birthmark on his chest, and did not
seem the least bit interested in what the first Gelert was saying.
"Over here's where you store the fruits. Always
make sure there are plenty of those-- helps keep the Neoflu away. And then over
there-- Enzo, are you listening?" Dantam asked in exasperation as he turned
to find his son pouncing at a wild tigermouse, who scampered quickly into an
old piece of tubing and out of the young Gelert's reach. Enzo growled in frustration
and stuck his muzzle into the tube. "Enzo!"
"Huh? What's that, Dad?" Enzo asked, quickly
pulling his nose from the tube and struggling to look as if he'd been paying
attention all along. "Oh, right, right... fruit... causes Neoflu?"
Dantam sighed. "Enzo, you're almost full-grown.
You need to start learning some responsibility."
"Aw, Dad-- responsibility?" Enzo whined.
"Yes. Doing my job requires a lot of responsibility."
"Who ever said I wanted to do your job?" Enzo
asked defiantly.
"You did! Enzo, that's why you stayed
in the junkyard rather than picking out an owner, remember? You used to say
all the time when you were a pup that you wanted to be just like me when you
grew up."
"Yeah, but Dad, that's not what I meant. I meant
I wanted to have adventures!" Enzo said with a gleam in his eye, but his father
just gave him a skeptical look. "You know-- fighting off bullies, rescuing Mom
from petnappers...."
"Enzo," Dantam laughed, "those were just stories."
"Just stories? So they weren't true?"
"Well, of course they were true." Dantam faltered.
"It's just-- you don't tell bedtime stories about working hard and doing chores
and watching after everybody... but that doesn't mean that those aren't the
things that go on every day. That's just life-- I didn't go out looking for
"But Dad--"
"Enzo, you're not a pup any more. What we do
isn't about fun and adventure-- it's about responsibility. I know that seems
boring to you right now, but it's important."
Enzo opened his muzzle to reply, but at that
moment, Whooter fluttered down from where he'd apparently been listening in
overhead. He landed atop Dantam's head and nodded his own matter-of-factly.
"Your father's right, you know." Enzo just scowled at the whoot and sighed,
realizing that there was no point in arguing with either of them.
Dantam smiled at Enzo's silence, taking it as
a sign that his son had come around, and turned away again to proceed with his
lesson. "And over here's where we keep...."
The junkyard pets snored peacefully away within
their assorted boxes, barrels, tents and other makeshift shelters. None seemed
disturbed by the figure that moved quietly and quickly by them, blending perfectly
into the shadows of the junkyard, with the exception of the white birthmark
on his chest that would have stood out like a flag had anyone been awake to
see it.
Enzo smiled. Working all day to find and earn
food and items to keep each other alive made the homeless pets heavy sleepers.
If he could just make his way to the junkyard's entrance without making any
noise, he'd be home free. Of course, the moment that this thought swam across
his mind, his paw came down on a twig that broke with what seemed to him to
be a deafening snap! Enzo stopped and stood stock still, holding his breath
and listening intently for any movement. Nothing came except the continued chorus
of snores and snuffles, and Enzo breathed a sigh of relief, continuing on his
way but reminding himself to be more careful.
Enzo's heart thumped as he finally emerged from
the maze of garbage in the center of the junkyard and caught sight of the outer
gate. He was almost there. A triumphant smile laced its way across his muzzle.
Suddenly, a flurry of brown and orange flew up
before Enzo's face. The Gelert let out a strangled yelp before he recognized
the figure that fluttered now before him. "And just where are you going?" Whooter
asked in his reedy voice.
Enzo brushed past him in frustration. "Leave
me alone, Whooter. It's none of your business."
"Is it any of mine then?"
Enzo froze at the sound of the familiar voice.
His shoulders slumped with a sigh. He had hoped not to deal with this confrontation...
but now that he had to, an even greater sense of determination began to fill
him, and he turned to face his father with his jaw and mind both firmly set.
"What's going on, Enzo?" Dantam questioned, his
figure slowly materializing from the darkness. "Where are you going?"
"Away from here!" Enzo said, surprised and yet
somehow pleased at the defiance in his voice.
All of Dantam's sternness seemed to crumble.
"Why? Enzo, what's the matter. What's wrong?"
For a moment, Enzo's resolve cracked as well
at the plaintive tone in his father's voice. "Nothing's wrong, Dad...." But
he shook himself, determined not to back down from what he had decided. "But...
but everything's wrong." Dantam just stared at him, puzzled, and Enzo's
anger returned. "You just don't understand. I can't spend my life here, doing
nothing. I can't!"
"Nothing? Enzo--"
"I won't, Dad! You had your adventures. I need
to have mine, too. I need to do something important, something real and exciting,
and.... I just need to go, okay?" He sighed, looking up into his father's pleading
eyes one more time, and then turned to leave.
"Enzo," Dantam called desperately after him.
Then his voice shifted again, clutching at his authority once more. "Enzo, don't
go," he ordered.
Enzo paused again and said quietly back, "I'm
not a pup any more, remember, Dad? I can make my own decisions." He looked over
his shoulder to see his father's face fall, and his voice softened once more.
"Just believe in me, Dad." He did not wait to hear whether or not his father
would respond. He dug his paws into the earth and fled from the junkyard that
had always been his home, out into the dark, unfamiliar streets of the city.
Dantam watched him go and whispered, "I do believe
in you, Enzo. I just--" He hung his head, neither having the words to finish
nor needing them-- his son was long gone. A tear fell from Dantam's eye as he
listened to the silence that seemed to surround and smother him.
And then his ears recognized a familiar noise--
the beating of wings. His head shot up, and there was Whooter hanging in the
air over his head. The petpet had obviously witnessed the entire exchange between
father and son and looked to be as much at a loss as Dantam was. "Whooter,"
Dantam said urgently, "go after him. Go with him."
Whooter, still in shock, reacted in the only
way to which he was accustomed. "I am no one's to be ordered ab--"
"Please," Dantam amended, looking up at the Whoot
Whooter sighed. Of course, he would have gone
with or without the Gelert's request. He nodded to Dantam, and flew off without
another word.
To be continued...