Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 266 | 17th day of Storing, Y8
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by goldnangl83

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Until Siyana Comes
"Flusteration of dawn!" someone shouted. I opened my sleep-filled eyes to a pale early morning sky. Along the horizon, just above the trees and distant mountains, was the pink glow of dawn...

by blackcairn


Darkest Corner
How come we didn't get to keep useless piles of dirt?

by dark_elfa


How Do Mika and Carassa Have All That Stuff?
"Don't worry," the Pant Devil growled as he glanced at his watch. "No time to steal anything... I have a meeting..."

by floriah


Interview - Sarah the Zafara
Sarah: I know absolutely EVERYTHING about Neopia! Are you here to ask me a question?

by sallyride206

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