Mickey and Laden: Part Two by blubblub317
Raymond looked into Laden's eyes for a brief moment. His
expression suddenly changed into a glare. "Will you stop saying that?! I didn't
steal your Meepit, so stop blaming me!"
"I never blamed you stole him!" exclaimed Laden.
"I know that you didn't; I saw him go down that current! I'm just saying that
he's mine."
And with that, Raymond stormed off, mumbling
some things (most likely about Laden) under his breath. Laden gazed off into
the distance, the image of Raymond and Imkey fading away. "Don't worry Mickey,
I'll come get you soon," he sighed.
Laden sat down on his bed, anxiety taking over
his emotions. In one of his paws was a notebook that had a piece of paper displayed
in front of him, and in the other was a pencil. The island Wocky had tried to
write down some theories on how Raymond could have accidentally taken his Meepit,
but he couldn't think of anything. He was just too worried about getting Mickey
back. His mind was slowly wandering off. Thinking of other things than Mickey
was a difficult thing to manage. In his mind, Laden knew that Raymond had most
likely found Imkey standing on the deserted roads of Meridell, but in his heart,
he knew that Imkey was his.
But how was he going to be able to convince Raymond
that it really was Mickey? An answer for a question like that was quite difficult
to think of. After having given up on his 'theories plan', and without having
even a single idea planned out, Laden decided to go over to Raymond's house
and talk to him about Imkey.
As Laden exited his home, he noticed a young
blue Usul walking up his driveway, one of his Missing Mickey posters clutched
in her paw. She seemed to be happy about something.
"Hello!" the Usul exclaimed, once seeing Laden.
She held out her paw, and said, "My name's Chrissy and I think I may have some
information about your Meepit."
Laden smiled, and shook paws with her. "Y-you
saw him?" he asked, hoping that she would say yes.
"Yep, I'm pretty sure of it. It was about three
days ago, and my owner and I were headed towards Illusen's Glade. While walking
there, I suddenly saw this Meepit sitting at the edge of the forest. He had
cuts and bruises all over him, and he looked pretty hungry. But my owner was
yelling at me to come over, so I couldn't really do anything about it," explained
Laden gasped. "So that means he's alive!"
"Hopefully. Petpets mean a lot to me, and finding
out that one was injured or killed is awful to me."
Laden smiled at the kind Usul that he had just
met, and walked back inside his house. He quickly snatched two-thousand Neopoints
from the entrance tabletop, and dropped them in Chrissy's paw.
"Here," he said. "Thank you so much for telling
me about this!"
Chrissy grinned, and exclaimed, "Oh, it was no
problem! I'll come back to you if I notice anything else!"
After the conversation ended, Chrissy skipped
away, waving at Laden. Laden's cheeks grew into a light shade of red. He waved
back, whispering, "Thank you, thank you."
After a quick pause, Laden ran off to Raymond's
house, seemingly growing more suspicious by the second.
Knock, knock
Laden stood at the front steps of Raymond's home,
which was located just four houses away from his own. He inhaled quick and nervous
breaths, hoping that Raymond wouldn't just slam the door in front of him. The
door suddenly swung open.
Upon seeing Laden standing on his front steps,
Raymond glowered. "What do you want?" he mumbled, attempting to avoid eyesight.
"Um, can I talk to you for a minute?"
Raymond looked down at the ground. "I guess so."
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened," Laden
calmly said. "I know I shouldn't done what I did."
"I-it's all right," stammered Raymond. Laden
found it bizarre that Raymond kept looking down at the ground, but he didn't
say anything.
"But, can I just ask, where did you find Imkey?"
"Oh, uh, I found him lying nearby the Cheese
Roller hill, which is where I was at today. He seemed to not have an owner,
so I asked the Techo there if it was his. He said no, so I went over to the
Meepit and asked him the same question. He shook his head, so I decided to take
him home."
Raymond finally looked up at Laden. "Now do you
believe me?"
"Yeah," replied Laden, lying. "Sorry for bothering
you, Raymond."
"It's all right."
After that, Raymond shut his door. Laden walked
away, and said to himself, That Grarrl is one heck of a liar. I'm sure of
it! But let's see if I'm right.
Laden then started racing down the block, quickly
turned right, continued to run through the grassy paths of Meridell, and then
finally caught view of the Cheese Roller hill. He swiftly made his way towards
it, and then saw the Techo who managed the game.
"Um, excuse me sir," Laden said politely, "may
I talk to you for a moment?"
The blue Techo turned to him and smiled. "Sure!
What is it I can help you with?"
"Just by any chance, did you happen to see an
electric Grarrl and a Meepit around here today?"
The Techo pondered for a moment, and then said,
"Nope, not that I remember of. And trust me, I would have remembered. I don't
get many electric Grarrls and Meepits around here."
Laden grinned. "Thank you sir!" he exclaimed,
as he ran off back to Raymond's home.
Five minutes later, Laden was back on the front
steps of Raymond's home. He rapidly knocked on the old-fashioned wooden door,
tapping his feet impatiently against the pavement. The door opened more slowly
then before.
To Laden's surprise, standing there was Raymond's
owner, Brayden. "Hey Laden," Brayden said, smiling. "Have you come to play with
"Um, yep! Do you know where he is?"
"Actually, he went of to Neopia Central to get
some grooming supplies and toys for his new Meepit. He should be back here soon,"
explained Brayden.
Laden's face dropped. "Oh. Um, thanks for the
Darn! Raymond obviously knew that I was going
to come back here! Well, he's not going to be able to hide from me!, Laden
thought heatedly.
Running around Meridell seemed to be like a routine
for Laden now; he was doing it quite often, like right now. As the island Wocky's
paws stamped on the freshly cut grass of Meridell, he continually panted heavily.
Beads of sweat trickled down his face, and a look of determination was all that
you could see from him. Shortly after, he arrived at King Skarrl's castle, where
there was always at least two Eyrie cabs stationed.
He went up to one of them, and asked the grand
looking Eyrie, "Could I please have a ride to Neopia Central?"
"Sure kid," the Eyrie grunted. "That'll be eight-hundred
Laden handed the Eyrie eight-hundred Neopoints
that he always kept with him, just in case anything happened. He slid into the
elegant-looking black carriage, and sighed deeply. He was going to get Mickey
back soon, he knew it. Soon, the Eyrie was flapping his wings quicker and quicker,
until they were off into the vibrant blue skies of Meridell. Laden gazed down
at the sight below me, and grinned. It looked amazing. About ten minutes later,
he could start seeing Neopia Central, where owners and pets all around were
weaving through the immense crowds.
The Eyrie eventually landed in front of the grooming
parlor, just like Laden had requested. Laden hopped off, thanked the driver
and waved goodbye. He quickly dashed in to the store, and just like he had expected,
Raymond was nowhere to be seen. But the thing that Laden couldn't figure out
was where Raymond really was.
Running out of the store, Laden frantically looked
around the crowds. There was not one single electric Grarrl. He pushed through
a rainbow Kyrii and an eleven-year-old girl with glasses, when he suddenly caught
view of the Rainbow Pool. And standing there with a pink Meepit in his arms
was none other then Raymond.
"Seems like our little thief has been caught,"
muttered Laden.
He raced to the Rainbow Pool, and tapped Raymond's
shoulder. Raymond swiveled his body around, and he instantly gasped when he
saw Laden.. "L-Laden! W-w-what are y-you doing h-here?!"
"I think I should be asking you that question!"
Laden exclaimed angrily.
He looked down at the Meepit who was gazing back
at him. For some odd reason, about a quarter of its body was blue, and the rest
was pink. Laden touched the blue part of the fur. It felt crinkly and hard,
like it had been painted with a fake paintbrush.
Laden turned his head back up to Raymond, who
had now tears forming in his eyes. "HOW COULD YOU, RAYMOND?!" roared Laden.
He seized Mickey away from the Grarrl's arms. "HOW COULD YOU?!"
"I'm sorry!" cried Raymond. He began weeping
hysterically, tears falling freely down his face.
Owners, pets, and petpets standing in line were
looking to see what the commotion was about.
"I'm so sorry, Laden! You have no idea how guilty
and bad I feel about this! I just wanted a Meepit of my own, and Brayden said
that they were too expensive for him to buy me one!"
"Oh yeah, I'm sure you do feel guilty, right
after you were just about to paint Mickey another color so that I couldn't find
out it was him!"
Laden glared at Raymond, and added, "And I'll
be sure to tell Brayden and Jay about this. Come on Mickey, let's go back home."
Mickey nodded, and softly hugged his rightful
owner. Laden smiled at Mickey, and he hugged him back. The two were finally
together, like family.
"Don't worry, Mickey," sniffed Laden, wiping
the tears that were welling up in his eyes, "they'll be plenty of time to explain
to me what happened over a nice, warm cup of Borovan. Sound good?"
Mickey nodded, and hugged Laden once more. He
then hopped onto Laden's back, and the two slowly made their way back home,
while Raymond continued to weep like a baby at the Rainbow Pool.
Mickey and Laden went back home, where Jay was thrilled to see that Mickey
was back and alive. But, he wasn't so thrilled about Raymond having kidnapped
the Meepit for a day. He immediately contacted Brayden, who was furious and
immediately punished Raymond for an entire year. Meanwhile, Mickey told Layden,
in their secret sign language, that he had managed to hold onto a piece of wood
while trapped in the current, and pulled himself out, where Raymond soon found
him. Mickey and Layden continue to be the bestest of friends to this day, and
everyone knows, including them, that this will stay the same for the rest of
their days.
The End
Author's Note: Thanks so much for reading my series, and I really hope you
enjoyed it! Feedback is much appreciated! Until next time!